10/27/1975 ~"f f' . :r i. { " " ' ~ .... . ' '; e, CITY OF CLEARWATER PARKS AND R~CREATION BOARD MINUTES OCTOBER 27, 1975 / The regular monthly meeting of the Pnrkn and Rccrention Board WAg held at the deportment nffj,cna 10 South Miosouri Avenue on Monday, 'October 27, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. Present were Mr. Dick Prokes, Chairman, MrA. Melvin Tauhe, Mrs. Edwin G~cnellc, Mosers. Harold Robinson, GUM Stavros. Al Price, Bill Justice, Henry McWhorter, Jr., Ream Wilson, Eddie C. Moore, Warren Rcnando, Karen Simpaon, Charles F1nton and Bob Bickerstaff. / ",/ Motion by Mrs. Tuube and seconded by Mr. Robinson to npprove minutcs of the meeting U5 rec'cived in the mail b>. the Board. ;"'0 ,r,',' '. Mr. Warren Reuando, Chief City Planner, presented a Parks and Recreation plan auggeoted for the City of Clearwater. Mr. Renando indicnted this is 0 prelIminary suggestion or plan for a continuous program of recreation and parks property for ~he City. Although Mr. Renando is working on a long range ,plan, for the City of Clearwat~r for the next twenty or thirty years, the Parks and Recreation plon is considered for ad- vanced'programming on a five or six yenr basin. Board members re~.ived copies of the Parks and Recreation Plan at the last meeting of the'Boardt and it is requested a completa study be recommended and suggestions returned to the Parks and Rec- , reation office by individual members within the nc~t f~w weeks. Orithebaais of ,these returns, the Parks and Recreation stoff 'will m'eet fUI'thar with Mr. Itenando to dincus5 these prOl)Osnls to be presented at the next monthly meeting of the Board. . c', j'.....'. ~::!.>:,' ,. "'. ~ ." ",.. ',. ,..' "" ~,~', :' ,\ r t~ '. .'.: . :Briard members had also ~eceived copies of the propos~d sites for an auditorium in Clearwater and Mayor Cazares has .requestcd an expression of opinion from members of the Board. Hr. Gusl Stavros, Board Mcmbert serves os Chairman of the Auditorium ',S~udy Committee. Mrs. Melvin Taube is also n member of that Committee. Mr. Stavros spoke briefly on the many hours of meetings a.nd planning for the selcction of the auditorium site ~n~ type of structure. Mr~ Rcnando also requested the Board consider the sites presently proposed for n Civic Center. Audi- torium. In commenting on the selection of sites) both City and private ,properties were included. Motion mnde. by Hr. Price and seco~ded by Mrs. Grenelle that no present park pyoperties 'be used for an auditorium site. Hoti<.)n car.ried unanimously. '~''''~,' ,. Mr'. Moore. reported on the cnp:1-,tnl improvement proj Be ts for the department as follows: ~~.;:.~::/.: . .}.-:,-.... . t,....,..)'. ~t: ~;" , ;<t ". , .~ ll~ . i',U \\.~... ~ 1 A;~ . . ,\~ ~ ~......... " , n) ttcMullcl!, Park '}'ennis COI!!.P1ex . Work continues on the complex Dud the contractor indi- cates this f~cility should be ~cady for use in Jan'J 1976. .~.. . ~~'1r';", ~P:;:":-':-. if' '," " ~~.':" ,~~EL.;:~ ';',' ',' -1- ,;.... -)l~:,: . ~',,; , .. b) DelOra Pnrk --. . " ' The parking lot and sewer conncction to TootroOm!l to tht! only uncompleted part of the prt.)Ject an prHviou81y initiated. The rcstroomA h~ve beon completed nnd Dewer hookup 1s planned within thQ nDxt fcw ~eckR. The ? n r kin g lot wi 11 b u c () m fl1 e t P- rl n f t (1 r t h U (Hi r 1 Y P R r t of: 1976. .~ t~ood Volley Park C_.a , , ., ..', '~:,~, C~ '{ d.'.. , " ;",:.. \ .c, Thc'building for thiH pnrk is ncaring completiori, and it ahou1d be rendy for usage within the naxt month. llowever, personnel is not available in the department at the preaent time ,to Bupervinc tltls building or the park arell. He! have budgc.tc.d fot' employees at this park and will request approval from City Commission in order to actlvat~ a program. d) Rdgewatcr Drive Benutificut~ " , " All work pe~lnits from County, State and Federal levels have been secured and plann arc being made at this time for beautification and completion of the f~rst phase of this project. We will be unable to pursue beautificB- \ tion by the Nursery and Forestry Divisions until such "time as determination can bu made on the amount of prop- erty available and elevation~ of same. v'. .,' " ~)b, \:.\...'~/: . .v:,>r,'"., "c.' \:,:'~ :,' , ~:,J.!~ . j ~:lf<:..~'.:" fi~/};"", ' ..... ... ' " .., , i I ~... ::"~ ,; " , " . ',.' . )' . ..;, ;~;:~~\:, ~ ::: "\",1,.. e) Bobby Walker Pool and Reatrooms Plans have been drawn for the r~strooms and only the app~oval from the City Maiager's office back to the School Board is 'needed to implement the actuD.l construction of the restrooms. Mr. Moore stated he will contact Mr. Smout of'the School, Board to determine that everything needed between the City and the County is provided. f) Holt 'Avenue p~ i~.~: :. I .;r ~., <, I ,,' , :~:.:,' .~ ;:/i:> , , Arrangements will be made' wl1ereby this pool will be mar- sited and the gutters tiled in order to bc ready for the swimming program next Spring. <\~ : g) Kin~s Highwa~ Center ," " ,f urainage at the parking lot is being done and completion of the black ,topping is scheduled in the next few weeks. The parking lot is being lighted'on an overnight basis. The Nursery Division will begin immediate planning for beautification upon completion of ,the black topping of the parking lot. i.!'. , ;,' ',\..1..' ;. .. h) Horseshoe Courts At present, prov~sion is being made for installation of three horseshoe courts adjacent to the. shuffleboard c.ourtH at the Greenwood Complex. The installatIon of these -2- l' · 4. "a.. ~l' :.\ . ':,:'0" : I"~ j" ,:;i.';,,'~ ' I.,. . .:;.: t' ," . ..' ~ . " t' '"." .:'. ~ -, '. . ," , ,. ~,.. t., . >~.. .' . ,~.. ~ . : ;~'~'::'. ,,' j..,.. " i.... ,." ~- , I )J: , ,..';,. } ~ ., , " i:". . .~ " y:: ", , ~~l: '::. '. .. }\\:;",,: ~,;:'~' " ' "'3-- ~I'"' '. ! ..'.'. :"'0' ;r;;r. :'t,1 j~~." . ' I~;::: , . h ) !!2L!l.1';..~ h Cl,~_~l! t~!.};l ~~t9_~!!.E_ ~ 1I .1, . . courts wlll ColtlfllHte the tnt~ll cnpitnl jmproveml!nta plan for th1B complex. Mr. Moore reported briofly on the following: New p P- r Ron t1 c 1 h n 9 been h \ul.~ c I: cd 1. n the 1 9 7 5 - 7 6 n u d get , but at preDent our only udditton to thl.! stoff in Ca9hict I 1n the office to nnsln!; Mrs. ntUl.:! with fInancIal rc.porta. Due to need of , stoff at Dul Oro Pnrk and Wood Valley Pork 'requests will be made immcdiutely to thl.! City Commission for providing personnel at th~sc focillttes. Board members received copieD of the 1975-76 budgot con- cluded'on September 30, 1975. . Mr. Moore expressed apprecia- tion to the Financc Departmont for matdng this hudget informa- t ion available d'l1e to the compl\~xity of closing the fiscal year by the Finance Department. Board members noted the Parka and Rccrerition Department budget reflected a balance of $52,271.10. However, it would be neccssary to request restoration of $29,200.00 for repairs at Jack Russell Stadium to the roof and repainting steel structure and $10,000.00 for Armory floOr re- p3irs. Thene projects were bid during the last fiscal year, but ,bids were not accepted and, thereforc, the money not ex- 'pcnd~d. However, including these improvements in the 1974-75 budget the department has successfully remained within the funds allotted by the City. The financial report on Glen Oaks Golf Course indicates an amount of $80,325.90 expended and revenue ieceived in the amount of $123,938.62. Receipts wer~ abovQ anticipated figure due to individual annual f~es and la-play cards approved by the City CommisHion and' initiated "August 1,1975. Also financial report for recreation revenue 1974-75 indicated gross receipts of $95,758.08 and net revenue ,in the amoUnt of $58,792.26. On the proposed department fees, ,~ survey by Parks and Recreation staff is being made at this ,',time,to b~ presented and considered by the City Commission. . 'At this"time, no additional fees for tennis, swimming pools or otherwise have been activated. ,Bike Paths: The Board wos advised that ramping of street ends on bike patha is continuing as an inhouse job through the 'Public Service Department. The Parks and Recreation Board indicated their desire to name ,new facilities for people ~n the City who are at present living and have contributed more to the community. Motion was made by Mr~ Stavros. that the City' Commission reconsider policy of naming ,City facilities and the Board feels that living individuals should be considered for this honor. Seconded by Mr. McWhorter. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business the meetinB was adjourned. -3- ~V.:\."~j, '~":':'\, ;',' :,:,,'.,(~~ ;~~. . !,~'~ :.<::. ' {.~~~:;. , i..,r