08/04/1975 sr; .'. CTT OF C;LEARWATl:lt c Y PARVUS AND RECRE.AT1014 BOARD M [Nl: TK'S AUGUST 4, 1975 A'special meeting of the Parks & Recreation Board was held at Kinks Highway Recreation Center on Monchiy, August 4, 1975, aL ?' ..': .'. J, A.M. The following members were present: Mr. Dick Pr.okes, Chairman; Mrs. Helen Taube, Messrs. Al Price,. Henry McWhorter, Ir., Stavros,, 1larold Robinson, Ream Wilson ar,d Eddie C. Moore. The Board discussed the proposed 1975-76 Budget: for the dc- } partmenfi and probable fees for department fpcilitles. In di.s - cussing fees motion was made by Mr. Stnvros and seconded by Mr's. Taube that family-type memberships he vpproved for swimmine, rr if. it is decided by the City Commission than fees are necessary .,: to promote the program.= In discussing fees for tennis and swimming, the Board felt non-resident cards should still be re- ?3~,".'„.: quired to, participate. Further, the Board roes not recommend family memberships for tennis. Charles recommended for swimming are at, follows: 50; - Adults 25C - Children Charges recommended for-tennis are as ".'ollows: r F` ±; McMullen and Bay'front Tennit• Courts :,.. $1,40 per hour per court for' singles . :00 per two hours per count for doubles $2 , Iti''.;discussing facilities for the department-, the Parks and.. Recreati.on:,.Board endorses a feasibility stut'.y for 'the golf course :.fox North 'East''Cl.earwater. This study should be utilized for .:•; ,pigesepting same to the City 'Commission. ??et l: t?li? ?•1'?.'1 a .. ? ? ? ? ?? ? , K: RrS f.. ?lyw'.iY?r•.. •?5_ 1. '. f? _. _ :?:y?HSf. +_i_i'A14jti a•!!I1 ', •i?y._._ fl , r zr' } f F ' 'e 1• 1, ?•I