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APRIL 28, 1975
The regular monthly meeting uf the Parks
Hoard was held at the department offices at 10
Avenue on Monday, April 28, 1975 at 7:30 P.M.
Dick Prokes, Chairman; Mrs. Melvin Taube, Mrs.
Messrs. Frank Tack, Harold Robinson, Al Price,
Ream Wilson and Eddie C. Moore.
and Recrea'tion
South Missouri
Present w(!rc
Edwin Grenellc,
BlIl Justice,
A motion was made by Mr. Price and seconded by Mr.. Robin-
son that the minutes for the meeting of Hurch 2.4, 1975 be
approved as received in the cail. Motion was carried.
Mr. Moore reported on the fIeld trip tnk~n by the Board
on Friday, April 11th. Six members of the Board which included
Chairman Prokes, Mrs. Grenelle, Mrs. Taube and Messrs. Tack,
McWhorter, Stavros, Wilson and Moore made the trip.
". .
Board members received copies of the attendance and finan-
cial reports for the department for thf.~ month of Narch and the
year-to-date. Hembers were advised that budget expenditures
.were within allotted budget requirements.
Mr. Moore reported Kings Highway Neighborhood Center will
. soon be completed, but the Boardts sugges~ion to name the center
for Arthur Kruse was not accepted. Apparently. the City Com-
"mission desires to name a facility for Mr. Kruse at some other
designated spot. Board members discussed the possibility of
naming .thc facility for some individual which had contributed
greatly to .the progress of the City and our department. The
name of the former City Manager, James R. Stewart, was recom-
mended; A motion was made by Mr. Robinson and seconded by Mrs.
Taube that the Kings Highway Facility be named for former City
Manager, James R. Stewart. Motion was carried. Mr. Moore was
a~ked to s~bmit Mr. Stewart's name to the City Manager for pos-
sibly having this facility named in his honor. The Board was
advised the electrical power had been turned on this date, and
it is possible the building will be checked out within the next
week or so.
: "
" ,
The Board was advised that bids had been let for 6, and B
tennis courts at McMullen Park. Also, roadway and parking for
this' facility would be let at the same time. After these bids
are, received. and we learn the amount to be expended for tennis
courts, we may request bids for the clubhouse facility. Mr. Glee-
son, Architect, indicates the building could be bid for approxi-
mately $BO.OOO. An amount of $65,000. was budgeted for this
building, .but elimination of the perimeter roadway skirting the park
has added to available funds.
." \
Cidf> h..,vc bl.'~n let for 2 tcnnlH courts noli concrete
m u 1 tip u r p 0 Hen r ~ ant \' n 1 en c 1 n l' 0. r k U Illl il c 1 n r 0 S i. t CR. '.1 e
hnve proposed nnr.1ing the Dcl Oro fdt!.! for Bnhhy Forbc8, but
we have had no results on the hcarin~ frum City Hall pcr-
tolnlnr, to this rceomlllendatioll.
The Del Orc Field Little Lengue fence has heen cl~-
voted to 0 height of 9 ft. ond a 6 ft. fence now separates
the cjty-owncd property from that of neighbors at thia park.
Also, lights have been installcd at the Little League Base-
ball Field.
Board members were presented copics of the prescnt bud-
get and anticipated budget expenditures for the next 6-month
period. For the first six months, we expended 46.8% of the
present budget. However, much of our department expenditures
occurs during the summer months when recreation programs arc
expanded. The Board was advised that increased costs of util-
ities and garage are primary causes of present budget over-
expenditures in these particular codes. We cxpect garage
expenditures to exceed the budget by $30t001. Alsot despite
eliminating certain trash dumpsters, water meters and mini-
mizing water usage, costs have soared for an anticipated over-
expenditure in utilities of $22,488. Savings in salaries due
to personnel vacancies is expected in the amount of $30,992.
Capital outlay was eliminated in last year's budget in re-
ference to needed repairs which included $29,200. for Jack
~ussel1 Stadium stands and roof, $6,000. for repairs to cano-
pies at Lawn Bowling and Shuffleboardt and $10,000. f,r re-
placing the Armory floor due to its hazardous condition. Our
department is the main user of the Armory. We have inquired
with regard to possible repairs by the Government, but funds,
are not available from that source.
The Bbard was advised the clay ball diamond infield has
been' completed at Wood Valley. The concrete multipurpose area
,is bid and playground equipment has been received. The building
providing approximately ~,200 square feet is being planned at
thiS' location.
Mr. Hoare re~orted ramping of street ends for bike trails
'continues and we are in touch with Traffic Engineering regarding
this activity.
Messrs. Moore, Keyser and Wilson met with Golf Course
Architect, Ron Garl, to discuss feasibility of constructing
a Par'72 golf course on the 140 acres of city-owned property
, west of Booth-McMullen Road in North East Clearwater. Approxi-
~ately two years ago we discussed this same matter with Mr. Garl
when the City offered this acreage to the University of South
Florida. It is our desire to obtain a feasibility study to
,indicate the golf course can be constructed with Revenue Cer-
tificate Funds with no obligation against taxpayers. Early
indicatlons, are such that this approach is practical. Mr. Garl
is willing to provide preliminary plans for a golf course in-
~luding presentation of a feasibility study. The fee for these
services is $2,500., but this amount could be applied towards a
total architect fee of $25~000. if the project is approved.
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^ft~r dl~cuaRjon~ it wan agreed the 52,500. preliminary charge
could jUAtly be charged OHningt the Glen Oaks G~lf Course
fund. Hot:1.011 b>" Nt. Pr:lcc and sC'cond(.d by Hrs. Taube that the-
Board r~commend proccedln~ with preliminary plans for ngolf
course on thia 140 ncre site. Motion carried. .
Mr. Moore reported that the Glen Oaks operation con-
tinues most successful. Mr. Lewis' positIon will not be filled
~ntil Civil Service provides eligible applican~s through an
examination. Income for the Col! Course exceeded expense by
$6,976.23 for the month of March. Income has exceeded cxpcns~
by' $26,294.65~o date for this fiscal year; although a decline
is inevitable in the next six months. Also, we expect to ex-
pend $12,000. for an irrigation system before the end of the
,. fiscal year.
The Board was advised a memo was directed to ~iike Parobv
:~nApri1 7th with regard to the Board,fa suggestion that $15,obo.
allocated for Bobby Walker Pool in the Capital Improvement
. Program be utilized for restroom materials with labor to be
. provided by the School Board for construction. In a casual
,',conver~ation between Mr. Moore and, School Superintendent, Mr.
" Gus Sakkis,this Bubject was broached, ond Mr. Sakkis suggested
'that this proposal be made to the School Board. It appeared
M~. Sakkis personally approved such a project. The Board was
advised ~here are 1,081 non-resident cards sold at this date.
: .
, .During thij, past month, M~ssrs. Justice, Stavros and
Pric,e were advised wi t h regard to reappo in tmen t to the Pa rks
"and, Rec~eation Board for a period of two years beginning
April 7, 1975.
,', '