02/24/1975 - ."' . ,. . -.. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 24. 1975 vi , !. ' ..... ,. r _:"."1 " , In lieu of the regular monthly meeting of the Parks and Re- creation Board, tha.,.~oard met with the City Commission 1n City Hall at 7:30 P.M. at 112 South Osceolu Avenuc on Monday. February 24. 1975. Pre8~nt were Dick Prokcs. Chairman, Messrs. Harold Robinson, Frank Tack, GUB Stavros. Bill Justice, Henry McWhorter, Eddie C. Moore. Ream Wilson, Mrs. Melvin Taube and Mrs. Edwin Grenelle. " The 'Purpose of the meeting called by the City Commission was for an open hearing pertaining to expenditure of Community Development Funds available to the City. The pros and cons pertaining to said expenditures were discussed at the open meeting and the follow.ing allocations for recreation proj ects were passed by the City Commission: " WOOD VALLEY: Ba~etball - Multipurpose area Rest Rooms & Building $34,.000. .\'... '" NORTON PARK:, 2 Basketball ~ourts 2 Tennis Courts Apparatus $58,000. \ ., ",i,'".'~ :':,~.: '.~j), CONDON GARDENS: 2 Basketball Courts Apparatus Building, $35,000. ~~~ :.~ I 'c 'I, "" '~~'{':'.' . :< , .r;;.'" t';, '. ,I . '. ' . ~ J ., . .. , ,...... . '.~, ' A new'member. Mrs. E. Grenelle, was present at the meeting and "DiTe~~cir~'E. c. Moore, expressed a desire to Mrs. Grenelle, MrB~. Taube and Mr. McWhorter to make arrangements for having .them view all Parks & Recreation areas in the City administered . by'thedep'artment. It was suggested these arrangements be made 'for approximately the middle of'March, 1975. ~:... , ~'~~",~'~:.,: ., . . <': j'/:" '. ~.. , . ....., . c ~ " ~':;E,~. :>:' '....... 'c , ~,' '~. 'The Board Members received the following monthly reports: " (~::', . .~.::~:; >,. ~ . .' ,',(.T., .., .<',n,:'" ' ~~~..;'~,< \', ; r~".c . , ' Glen Oaks, Financial Statements, Parks & Recreation Department Attendance Reports, Managers' Reports, as well as the Recreation, Forestry, Parks and Nursery Division Reports. ;!;",';c " ' " 'I' . : ,\,. .c r ': / " ' .~,. :.", ~: ~.. ~/{'"l.::\ .,. ' '..., ;;.' . ~. 1 ,I . ~ .~(>\..~ ;?~:~y, ' ,1 "'~. , '..;:,4, I" "..: " \1,.: ;;..~. ~ ,. ;:t: " 1- .. " i~;id:LL .. ,. . ECM:c.lc '2/27/75 t , . ..