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NOVEMBER 25, 1974
The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was
held at the Department office, 10 South Missouri Avenue, on
Monday, November 25, 1974, at 7:30 P.M. Present were: Dick
Prokes, Chair.man1 Mrs. Melvin Taube: Messrs: Henry McWhorter,Jr.,
Bill Justice, Gus Stavros, Frank TaCK, Harold Robinson, Ream Wilson,
and Eddie Moore.
Motion was made by Mr. Stavros, seconded by Mr. Justice,
that the Minu~es of the Special Meeting of the Board on Tuesday,
November 12, 1974, be approved as received with the exception that
the dates of the meeting with the City commission be changed to
Thursday, November 14, instead of November 13.
Messrs. Dick Prokes, Gus Stavros, Al Price, Harold RObinson,
and Mrs. Melvin Taube represented the Parks and Recreation Board
at the Thursday, November 14 date with the city commission to
discuss Recreation charges and the capital Improvement Budget
'for the Deparbment. The city Commission suggested further informa-
tion be compiled with reference to charges, and Mr. Jeff Butler,
. Assistant City Manager, has.been discussing additional information
with Assistant Parks and Recreation Director, Ream Wilson. The
parks and Recreation Board re~emphas:i.zed the feeling of the Board
as expressed in the Special Meeting on November 12 in discussing
. charges. Motion was made by Mr. Stavros, seconded by Mr. Robinson,
that the Board accept the proposed draft as presented by the Parks
and Recreation Staff to the city Commission as it relates to
Recreation charges and Capital Improvements. Motion carried.
Messrs. Moore and Wilson presented a draft of suggested
changes in the Capital Improvement programs as a means of obtaining
recre~tion in neighborhood areas. Suggested changes included re- .
ducing the expenditures for softball complex to ~l75,OOO'and revising
other Capital Improvement programs to provide an expenditure of
$80,000 for the DelOra area (already approved by the city Commission).
other projects include a suggested outlay of. $45,000 at Wood Valley,
with ~12,doo of this amount from capital Improvement Project Funds.
Also, it was suggested $5,000 be allocated for bike trails and
.added to the $1,400 unexpended in 1973-74, with ramping of intersections
as the major concern for this expenditure.
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Further, it is suggested $15,000 be allocated from CIP Funds
. to construct restrooms at Bobby Walker pool which would also serVQ
the multi-purpose basketball concrete ~rea and tennis courts.
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It is suggested $34.000 be expended from CIP Funds for
Valencia Park for concrete multi-purpose courts, playground
apparatus and irrigation.
Through transfers of funds from other capital Improvement
Projects, it is suggested a total of $84,QOO be allocated to
construct three (3) tennis courts, multi-purpose concrete area,
installation of apparatus and possible improvement to the swim-
ming pool at clearwater Beach forme~ Yacht Club Site.
The Board was advised there is a possibility of obtaining
funds from Community Development in low and moderate income
areas. Through utilization of these funds, $33,000 may be obtained
for Wood Valley, $10,000 for construction of a playground at the
South Madison Avenue Site, and $68,000 for construction of facili-
ties at Norton Park.
The Parks and Recreation Board endorses this plan and are
hopeful this will provide neighborhood recreation facilities
as well 'as add to softball facilities in approving the complex.
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Mr. Moore reported eight (8) courts for the Horseshoe club
were dedicated on Saturday, November 23, and a successful tourna-
ment was conducted. Members of the Horseshoe club are quite
pleased with the new facilities. Also, the Martin Luther King
Rec~eation Center was dedicated Friday, November 15.
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With Kings Highway neighborhoOd center under construction,
. it becomes necessary to establish a name for the center. The
Board recently suggested we honor local citizens who have contributed
to city a~~ivities for a period of years by naming facilities for
them. Mr. . Moore suggested we name this center for Art Kruse, who
has for many years provided landscaping services to the Parks and
Recreation Board without chargeo We are cognizant the small park
at Memorial civic Center is named for Mr. Kruse, but we feel it is
quite fitting to name this neighborhood center for himo After
discussion, motion made by Mro McWhorter, second by Mr. Justice,
, that the name of Arthur Kruse NeighborhoOd Center being constructed
at 'Kings Highway be recommended to the City commission by the parks
and ~ecreation Board. Motion carried.
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Since the regular scheduled meeting of the Board is December 23,
the Board decided to meet on Monday, December' 16, due to Christmas
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There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.