06/03/1992 '"I ,.'J' ~o1",l~~~.' '~}r..~ ' )1/:" i::,":":, \', "\ J I~'!: : , . ~;i,:. '.~.. ' , A '. ~II:,O" , ~. . ~ J~:,~ . !f:t,:::':" :" ~~~r~,~~ ; , (, J, , , - :. I ' , " , , , " 'F~ i., I.:,' ."'t ~;"l.,' ,<': > 1 Wi,. ' BEAUTIFICATION COMMI~TEE AGENDA June 3, 1992 , , \\":~:':"V:I":':'" <:' ,',. :," '.....,\ " "', ,": " , '!~~ ,'<i'< , ',,~ ' ,', " I. call, t'o Order II'. ,Approval, of 'May Minutes III,.' ';',NErw,': l?usiness: " i " ~Jr;\~' i.\ ". ~;''- 'r~,:,:;-:':' ;:":', : 'I' . l.~ , '.. . . ~ ',' , J ,~',,:. ~ . ~ ' ... ~ . ... ~ \ ;?:/ :;:", ", :.'" , , A., Introduction, of, '.'B '~: 'New Ideas 1 ! New Member ~. ! . I ~, '~' . ~ > . .'. ' , " " , " < ' . , i~;::~/L'" IY.: ~ ~ld c:::::::S :amPbell causeway, (Complet,~,' on) '!"'f'~~' 1,1" ".,' t t 1 t' i~~/:,~ ',,.,~,,.-:-,.B~ 'cour S reet P an ~ng.' k1;.l:I"',,, :"'" .." "",',; 'C~, ,Piriellas Trail (Clearwater's section) ~~~::;}i,:~\~~..'". ." D~' ',code ,Enforcement (Active involvement), i~V;~:~\Ji":':>,::',:~)~":>:;',':'::'.::',~'E'. .,~:rth,.Gre~nW06d Area (Discussion) ~1',l.','"",,~',<"'" '. '''V'' ",'Adjournmerit I~j~:!~ir;';c:':'.,~::" .." '," " , ~};-;'~i'\'\'. ~,i" , .' ~ : '~.' !V~~~~~.~,:,~,~~~~,:~\:,::' :~'~'. ,..'..;: '< ',. ~~~I:\.~:\,.:t',.,: ... ,. R'!!,'~';:'~"-'::":':: ~J~... .... ~~ ~ "ri4: >:, ~ ~Il~~;:,{::t::, ' tRrg'"t.'.;" ":"'"., ' ,,' , , ~\j~l~~,.:l:,l:: I. .~;:: :':",. :' ',' ,I '~'; ~""'. ,~'~f~"J';5~"t/:.~:4/~1.::<'}, ~;'~. :i\~ ': \" . ~ . :' =1' . " ,..,I . , ~: ". '~\ ,'", "':1 ,'1 ~, .' " , "'il,, \',: ,I : , ..', d, ~ ; " ,.": , I' .', ".' >. ~ " .. , ~ " , ., , 'j I , :1 , '\, :' I,', ,...j " Ii I.' , . :,.,;' ',' . ". ',' " . .': ',',l' , " ,-\ I , " . , :\: ,>':" .~ ~",I,I,.. ~... ',,'. ~~:.. . ltC, 1...f;:~. ~.~Vt. jf,:':'!' , ~{j\/:,:", f~ll'{ . l' .,"'-,,' '. !~~';,;,. .', % ..,~;~,~. ~~ "(.:-',.' ~~l:j~l: ;,,1.' ; I'~;l;::!:::'::" , '. "::"~ .,' I l',:, \;-: ' " ,,' H!tJI'~" :. 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Call to, Order , " II. ,Approval' of May Minutes III. New Business:, A. ,Introduction of New Member B. New' Ideas! J IV. Old Business: , " .: ' A. 'Courtney Campbell ,Causeway', '(Completion) B. Court' street Planting", , '" ' c. pinellas Trail (Clearwater's 'Section) D. - ':Code Enforcement' (Active'Involvement) E., . North ',Greenwood Area (Discussi~n) , , v. Adjournment ,-' ',' (j I I ., " '... ~~ ", ',l,. , , , " . t,' I I .. ,r ,. , " >.. 'e " ' , I ',: , .' :. ~ I , ,.'1 .. " '1 ", , . ~ .' \', , " ",. , ' \1, . ' , 1, . ~ 1 ' , \ , I'll' " , , ':' (<......,,..'1 0,' " c . , ~~ ) ',~ - > ~ ". .~ I' . , ' ..;...".~, :~'" .~: .~~.< " : -i, :~l, c;t "...c.".,......~,_'.:......... MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE June 3, 1992 .,. // I .j Hembers prese'lt William Baldwin Bernie Baron Lawrence Lindner Robert Resch, III Marie Wyatt / Membere Abaant Candace Gardner-Excused Barbara Huber-Excused William Waller Marie Wyatt-Excused city staff Ream Wilson., Di.rector Parks & Recreati.on Department The regular meeting of the Beautification Committee was held in the Parks and Recreation Department. 0 Conference Room at the city Hall Annex, Wednesday, June 3, 1992. Meeting was called to order by Robert Resch, Chairman at 9:05 a.m. A~proval of Minute. Larry Lindner moved to approve the Minutes of May 6, 1992. aill Baldwin seconded the motion which carried. ,..~ NEW BUSINESS Mr. Resch welcomed newly appointed board member, Bernie Baron, to the meeting. Mr. Baldwin asked if the Conunittee may want to attempt to introduce the xeriscape e. program to the general public. Mrs. Wyatt suggested coordinating efforts with the Chamber of 'Commerce and Clearwater Garden Club public events to attract larger groups of people. Mr. Baron asked if the city of Clearwater or the Chamber of Commerce could represent the xeriecape program? Mr. Wilson stated that a xeriecape project was developed at the city of Clear'tlater' s Utility Dopartment where each of the plant materials are identified. He also stated that , Hark Roether, Nursery Superintendent, is very well versed in xeriscaping and if ,the Committee wished to present the xeriscape project to the pUblic, Mark would assist them in their efforts by bringing samples of plant materials,' mulches, etc. and answering questiono. Also, he mentioned that ,the Committee may wish to invite Mark to tho next Beautification Meeting to discuss their ideas. Hr. Lindner asked when the program was originally introduced, if there was an information pamphlet printed, and if so was it sent out to residents with their water bills? Hr. Wilson stated yes, there is a pamphlet and he would find out if it was sent out to residents. Mr. Baldwin sU9geElted asking the st. Pete Times to print a mini series on xeriscaping to inform the public. Mr. Baldwin stated that the City of-Clearwater may want to include examples of their xeriscaping efforts in these mini series ,articles. Mr. Resch asked members to look at a major. xeriscspe planting on residential property just north of the Oak Grove ,Middle School (corner of Belcher and Oak Grove street, left side) which was installed by UPARC technicians. Mr. Baron aaked if a demonstration of the xeriscape project could be placed on the Memorial Causeway? Mr. Wilson stated the only demonstration program the City currently haa ia at the Utilities Building. Mr. Wilson atated that an area where there is a lot of foot traffic would be a good site such as at Crest Lake Park, Plnellas Trail, etc. " 1 ~ ':=) ;:'Q Mr. Resch asked Mr. Wilson if the Linear Park system could be featured in the Parka and Recreation Communique Magazine and he stated yes. Mr. Lindner otated he would contact a representative of the ~See Magazine" to ask if they could expand their publication to include a map showing different pointn of interent such as parka, tennia courts, golf courseD, trails, marina, boats, etc. in ,Clearwater. Mr. WilDon euggoBted also calling the Chamber of Commerce and the SUncoaBt Chamber for their input. Mr. Wilson a1eo brought to the Committee's attention that the Parke and Recreation Department's electricians are installing white twinkle lightB in the treea for downtown Cleveland Street and Station Square Park. The Downtown Clearwator Association will be funding the lighting. The lights will be lit at aundown and go off at 11 or 12 p.m. The evergreens in the grade planters on Cleveland street have been removed and replaced by a flowering perennial. Small signs saying "trash" have been placed on the brick planters downtown to inform the public that they Are trash receptacles. The Downtown Association requested that the City plant more annuals in the plant.er beds downtown. They are currently working together on a prcpoaal that the city would inat.all the annuals and amend the soil twice a year. Once planted, a maintenance contract could be drawn up to maintain the annuals and t.hen Bubmitted to several landscape companies for bids. The bids could then be discusBed with the Downtown Clearwater Association to find out what they may wish to contribute to the project's maintenance. Mr. Baron asked if the area where Cleveland and Gulf-to-Bay meet could be anhanced7 Mr. Wilson explained that the streetscape project beginning at the 400 block on Cleveland Street has been extended up to Myrtle Avenue and the long range plan is t.o take the project from Myrtle Avenue to the Cleveland Street/Gulf-tc-Bay int.ersection. However, he stated that this section io not ae of yet funded and an official agreement has not been aubmitted to do this seetion. The original concept for the streetscape project was for the entire section from the curve to the water. OLD BUSINESS North Greenwood Area ~ Mr. Lindner contacted Ralph Linn, North Greenwood Advisory Board member, reqarding coordinating efforts in beautifying the North Greenwood area. Mr. Linn explained to Mr. Lindner his concerns regarding the Marshall street Sewer Plant landscaping and expraaoed his recommandation,of plant.ing red maple and live oak trees in the area. Mr. Lindner lls}ted if o~,r Nursery Superintendent, Mark Roether, could call Mr. Linn to discuss this and he responded yes, he would contact him. Courtney Campbell cau.eway Mr. Wilson informed members that the courtney Campbell CauBeway beautification project, is now complete. Court St.reet Mr. Wilson informed members that the Court Street median project will begin soon. Pinella. ~rail Mr. Wilson stated that the Pinellaa Trail route approved by the City Commission runs through East Avenue, making Eaet Avenue one way southbound for vehicular traffic. The bike trail will be installed along the east side of East Avenue and connect at Jeffords/Magnolia to the abandoned railroad right-Of-way. Pinellaa County is funding thia section of trail. The city of Clearwater and Pinellns County consultants will be meeting the first part of July to determine the exact approach to be us\'d for the downtown section of trail. pinellaa County is funding the grading, clearing, ,construction, etc. for the trail. Mr. Daron suggested making an offshoot of the trail through downtown Clearwater. Mr. WilDon agreed 2 ',' IfII/III4. , , {-~"'.;; that this is a qoodidea. and this plan will be diecuBoed at the July meeting with County consultants. He also informed members that the City of Clearwater will be installing trees along Jones Street to Myrtlo Avanue to make the trail aa attractive as possible. Therefore, tho City will be assuming the maintonance of treeD i.e. planting, watering in, trimming, removal, ete. "eve ',. ' ~ ~' . .'. ~ '., ".. . , . ~ ., c , 'Code EQforc~.eu~ Hrs. Wyatt stated she was concerned about the old abandoned butldings located in downtown Clearwater and the exterior appearance such as peeling paint, broken windows, etc. She. stated that the city looks old and broken down. Mro. Wyatt asked if something could be done concerning these areas. Mrs. Wyatt asked if there was a It&t of common Code Enforcement guidelines. Mr. Rosch stated yes, and KJ:s. Wyat.t was provided the list. Members were encouraged to report buildings that may be in viollltion of code to the Code Enforcement Office. Mr. Wilson explained to the Committee that there are three exciting proposals being preponted to the City commission. 1. East End Project - Would extend from Missouri Avenue down past Greenwood, from Cleveland over to Court Street. Two proposalB have been submitted from reputable development companles. 2. ' West End - Haas Brothers property which would lead into what 1s to be done with the tennis court.s landscaping on the opposite side. 3. city Manager, Michael Wrlght's proposal on buying the Sun Bank Building for a new city Hall would put employees into the downtown area. This proposal includes the Bill Kravitz's property near the post office. Old exiBting buildings will be torn down and a new landscaped parking lot would be installed. Mr. Wilson suggested members of the Committ.ee may attend the city Commission meetings held on Thursday evenings at 6:00 p. .m. The city Hall proposal meeting will take place on June 9. t, There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m. ReBp8ctfully BUbmitted, La.ura Burgess ') , , " , (CO' ',',',;! ; ,":, . 1'}\ ' " ~', ~'. , f~::',:';"': ',; . l~l,", I' . ~~:';:.i , ':. ".. , ' lJ.. ". ' - \\, ", 3