05/06/1992 '>,., \." .. '.' .......1,.._.,>.,.... ....,.;._\...,....,~WIIIiIIt~_............W...~ 'c..... , ., o ,.. p_...,.".~,. ~ ,. '. 1'~~.'Y_' .1"~.'1~.""I....f"'..... ..11...' .'.. j_ ":'1>". '. .'.,........ .....<.,~:,I. ,~":~ ..I~~'~....,.....~:,~,:l~~t(l.,:;, ., ,/ V MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE May 6, 1992 -.------ / Members Abaent William Baldwin-Excused william Weller Marie Wyatt-Excused city staff Ream Wilson, Director Parka & Recreation ,Department The regular meeting of the Beautification Committee was held in the Parks and Recreation Department' 0 Conference Room at the City Hall 2\.nnex, Wedns6day, May 6, 1992. Members Present Candace Gardner Barbara Huber Lawrence Lindner Phoebe MOBEI Robert Resch, III Faye Sollid Meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman, Larry Lindner, at 9:00 a.m. \ Old Business " 'fD . ."", '~ , (~'( '" ~'. "_\'~;l. ,.,. i1 ;,'~'. .~~~( , Approval of Minutes Phoebe Moss moved to approve the Minutes of April 1, 1992. Faye Sollid seconded the motion which carried. North Greenwood Area lIn Fill Proqram Housinq Proqram)', Larry Lindner, welcomed steve Watry, COlMlunlty Development Analyst, of the Planning &: Development Department to the meeting. Mr. Watry passed out maps of the North Greenwood Area showing target areae for a Model Blook project. The City's community Development Department haa been actempting to revitalize this, neighborhood by way of improving the existing individual units and also by using the,(I~ Fill Housing Program) whereby new homes are built for low and moderately low income familiea. Mr. Watry said that a Model Block Project for the Plaza street area might help to enhance the whole neighborhood. He suggested that plaza street Park might be made' more attractive by adding new landscaping and :amenities such a9 lighting, playground apparatus, etc. Also, he stated that ,repair could be made to the streets and sidewalks surrounding the park. Mr. Watry asked if the Committee would consider acting as a liaiaon for the- project to assist in coordinating community and neighborhood groups in focusing on this neighborhood. Mr. Watry explained that the lote referenced 1, 5, 6, 1, a, 10 on the Plaza street map are lots the city feels would have a cert~Ln degree of control in making improvements aincs the City of Clearwater owns a portion of the property. The Habitat for Humanities Program built and owns four of the homes and..8 co-employee of the city owns one of the homes. He said, that by starting in this particular area, the project would almost be guaranteed full cooperation of the residents. Mr. Lindner asked if "it would set an example for the other residents ,in the neighborhood if improvements were made on this block? Mr. watry stated yes, and by using a unified street-wide type of landscaping it would all flow together. Mr. Lindner asked if Mr.' Watry had contacted any of the organizations in the area for their cooperation in this project, he responded no. Mr. Lindner stated that he had been approached by a member on the Advisory Board from the North Greenwood area to combine the two Advisory Board efforts for , this project. Mr. Wihon stated that if the residents are given the landscaping materials and aaked to assist wit~ their planting, they may take more pride in maintaining the landscaping. Mr. Wilson stated that Plaza Park is the city of ,Clearwater's responsibility and it could be enhanced with an irrigation system, landscaping, new playground. apparatuEl, etc. The city's street Tree program might 'also be used to enhance the homes. The privata property owner would be responsible for watering the tree and after the first couple of months a live oak. tree is established. He also, mentioned that the ,Parks Division and Recreation 1 '. ". \ ~',' '. ,.~,' . ,', " " \. " '.,:.~"':J:I,""'-. ,';.;, .' '.' ~ . 'I 1.:': \I,~,~: ~ ~ ',,_J o 'aaiiiti.. Oivi.ion are housed behind the lots mentioned from Pennsylvania Avenue' to Vine Avenue. Mr. Watry is hoping that the Committee may be able to assist in bringing the whole Greenwood Area together by focusing on the Plaza street Park are. firat. Mr. Lindner asked if an analysis was performed to see how many of the horn.. are owned by the people living there and how many are rental proporti..? Mr. Watry stated no, but he guessed that if an analysis waD porformod that it would show a 50 - 50 ratio. Mr. Lindner will contact the Chairman of the Adviaory Board for the North Greenwood community to coordinate effort.. Mr. Watry alao passed out a brochure concerning how homes in the North Gr.enwood area can be purchased along with a house plan booklet. Mrs. Huber .tated that the Clearwater Garden Club has assisted with landscaping of Borne of the new homo.. Mre. MODS stated that it might be a good idea to contact the Garden Club to sea if they might offer some landscaping assistance for the Plaza Street horn... ~ourtn.v Camob.l1 Caulewav Mr. Wileon informed members that over 100 volunteers have signed up to plant flower. in the bed a on the courtney Campbell Causeway this saturday and the project should be finished. The power lines are now operating from underground. Hr. WilBon .tated that the project is ahead of schedule in completion. Also, he informed members that if anyone wanted to volunteer for this Saturday' 0 planting, they would mset on the north side of the causeway just past the first bridge. Court street Kr., Wilson informed members that the landscaping memorandum of agreement has been signed by the DOT. He stated that as soon as the Courtney campbell causeway landscaping is completed, they will be moving ahead on to Court street. Pint!lla. ~rail Mr. Wilson stated that the trail is virtually complete from Drew street on the north and Belleview Avenue on the south. Hr. Resch asked if some type of a park amenity could be constructed at Drew street to draw people into Clearwater since this area looks so bleak. Hr. Lindner suggested such an amonity would be a good idea for Cleveland Street. Mr. Wilson suggested several options for Clearwater' s section of the trail such as; the trail could extend from East Avenue to the waterfront/Coachman Park and then come back up to Ft. Harrison and down to Belleview Avenue. The City owns some property on East Avenue which could also be used to construct amenities for the trail as it comes through Clearwater. Also, Mr. WilDon stated that the County will be installing a parking lot from Jones to Drew street which will enhance that section of the trail. Tho Planning & Development Department is considering buying properties along the Greenwood section of the trail which could provide landscaping amenities. Mr. Lindner suggested that it might be a good idea for the City to buy the old train depot which could be used by trail participants AS a stopping area and provide restroom facilities. Mr. Resch suggested buying the old ice building on Prew Street. MJ:::~ Wilson stated that he is presently worJdnq with Frank Aiello, county Bngineer, concerning the section of trail betwoen Jones Street and Myrtle Avenue. He went on to explain that between Jones street and Myrtle Avenue the County has installed a 12' wide asphalt trail with metal barricades on both aides and from barricade t~ barricade there may be only 40' of property. At thiu point, there ill approximately 10' of property outside of the barricades which is not maintained. Mr. Wilson stated that more business owners are purchasing property near the trail so that they can provide trail users with bicycle ShOpB, snack shops, etc. He stated that the first thing the business owner will do ia call the city to inform them of a section of trail needing maintenance. citv Plowar Mr. Lindner asked if everyone had seen the article in the Tampa Tribune rogas::din9 the hibiscus bush. Mr. Wilson stated that while he was at a city ConunhBion Work Session. the Commissioners discussod the adoption of the live oak tree and the "hibiscus bush. Mayor Rita Garvey stated she had no problem with the livG oak tree but she would not recommend adopting the hibiscUD bush. Mr. WilBon stated that the Committee might want to reconsider the adoption of a flowor and a tree. 2 , o !':-...... ,;.) , , , , , \,., ' .,11 )<Q I ',U '~, ....r ':, ......." .....'..+1"......,\ ..Jo...'.. <, , , ". '. ...' .........~..', ~... '~:I"""".",'''':-L.:"o,:,jl''''''~T~, Hr_. Hoaa atated that the Committee's original idea for the flower was to adopt oomothinq that would bo graphically pleaDing which could be ullod on oigno, atationary, etc. and uoed in landocaping efforts throughout Clearwater. Mr. Roach at. tad that he would like to table the adoption until more information could be gathorod concerning a City flower and members agreed. Code E~f~fcomon~ Hr. Lindner asked Mrs. Moso if she had any new reports and she responded no. NEW BUSINESS Mr. WilDon explained the G' wide concrete oidewalk trail (Linear Park Syntem) whon completed, will provide oidewalk through most of the parks from Belcher Road to Phillippe Park. presently, the sidewalk trail extends through the Long center to Coachman Ridge Park, across northeast coachman Road to Northeast Coachman park, over to Philadelphia PhillJ.es complex, carpenter Field, ties in with Moccasin Lake park, Cliff stephens Park and ends at Eisenhower School. At this point, participants can get on the sidewalk at Eisenhower School and go all the way through to Del Orc Park, Bayshore Drive, and Safety Harbor city limits to then proceed all the way to Phillippe Park. Hr. Wilson stated that the Department is presently considering the purchase of property by the Eisenhower School for construction of ballfields, along with a 25' strip acrODS the back of the property connecting up to the school where the trail could extend. Hrs. HODS aoked Mr. Wiloon to explain the Clearwater Beach Access Drawings available in the Conference Room. Hr. Wilson responded that he had submitted thene drawings to the Clearwater Beach Ansociation; He explained that the two main,points considered for the boardwalks are to provide visibility and access to the Gulf. The first boardwalk design would involve Gardenia street, Bohemia Circle, north and south, and Mango street. The design would be installed where there is a boardwalk from the street to make ~t more easily accesaible for the handicapped.' There would aloo be steps with a platform at the seawall where people could sit and watch the aunaet. Railo or rope along the side of the boardwalk will be installed to contain people to the boardwalk. 2. The second boardwalk design would take place at Aurel Street. The foliage would be trimmed backed to provide more visibility for the boardwalk. 1. 3. The third boardwalk design will take place at Juniper street where police access the beach. A gate will be installed so that pOlice officers may obtain acceBs to the beach. This boardwalk will be the only one where a oection of concrete will be installed. In response to Mrs. Mosa's question, Mr. Wilson stated that the boardwalks will only extend to the seawall. Mrs. Moas's concern wao handicap accessibility on to the beach. Mr. Wilson stated that the only sidewalk that is handicapped accessible on to the beach is located at Palm Pavilion. Mr. Lindner asked for a motion to appoint a new Chairman to the Board. Mro. Moss made a motion to appoint Robert Resch, III as the new Chairman of the ,Beautification Committee. Mrs. Huber secondeCl the motion which carried unanimously. There being no further business before the Board, the maeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m. Respectfully submitted, , Laura Burgess :3