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April 1, 1992
Member, ~J3'sent.
William Baldwin
Candace Gardnl!r
Barbara Huber
Lawrence Lindner
Phoebe MOBB
Robart Reach, III
Faye Sollid
Marie Wyatt
Tho regular meeting of the Beautification Committee was held in the Parks and
Recreation Department' s Conference Room at the city Hall Annex, Wednesday,
April 1, 1992.
Mernbero Aboent
William Woller
C~v staff
Ream Wilson, Director
Parks & Recreation Department
Heeting was called to order by Chairman Larry Lindner at 9:00 a.m.
014 Business
Approval of Ninu~e.
Faye Sol lid moved to approve the Minutes of March 4, 1992. Barbara Huber seconded
the motion which carried.
Courtnev C~pbell Causeway
Mr. Wilson informed members that the planting beda on the south side of causeway
along with the first bed of the north side have peen completed. Volunteers will
continue to work on the north side of the causeway which will involve two more
Saturdays. The palm tree planting on the north side should be completed this
week. The conduit has been buried from the Pinellao County line back to the
traffic signal. From the traffic signal to the bridge, there is 2,000 linear
'feet of solid rock whereby allowing only 14" to 16" for trenching to bury the
conduit. Florida Power's guideline for burying conduit is 40". Therefore, the
guideline was changed by Florida Power thereby allowing; (1) the trench to be dug
a maximum depth of 28", installing a 4" line and then have 24" of covering over
it or (2) a 24" trench, install a 4" line and add a 4" concrete cap over the
plastic pipe. Florida Power has installed new electrical line through the
conduit on the west side of the small bridge (from the Christian college to the
bridge) and'they will continua from the Hillsborough County line 'to Clearwater.
Mr. Wilson stated that from the $88,000 of grant money received from the state,
the City will be credited for each plant planted (inkind services) which works
out to be $5 to $6 a plant and this credit will go towards matching the grant
money. Phoebe MOSB stated that she had heard that wild flowers will be planted
along the sides of the omall bridge. Hr. Wilson stated, yes, where the traffic
signal is there are four corners which will be planted with wild flowerD.
Mr. ,Wilson thanked all Committee members for their volunteer efforts in the
planting project on the causeway and informed them that there are two Saturdays
left for planting. Volunteers have planted approximately 1,300 to 1,400 plants
on the caupeway.
Downtown Tennis Courts
Mr. Willlon informed members tha.t the reforendum passed to construct or re-
construct the tennis courts downtown. Mr. Wilson stated that he will need to
submit the original plan for the tennis court construction to the City Commission
for their approvaL Mr. Wilson st.ated he spoke ~lith the Haas Brothers Task Force
that is looking at different options for the Haas Brothers Bite. options
include1 mako the entire area park, develop the top of the bluff with a luxury
hotel or shops, make the existing building useable or tear the building down.
Mr. Wilson distributed copies of the cost list he submitted to the Haas Brothers
Task Force and went over each item: the proposed budget for landscape
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development, maintenance and operation of landscaping, Drew street vacated (to
extend the park straight across to the seawall) and landscape developmont, coots
for demolition, removal and fill of the Haas Brother. proporty. Mr. Wilson
stated that the Haas Brothers Task Force Cornrnittee has some tough declsiono ahead
of them and asked Phoebe Ho.s, who is a member of this Committee, what the target
date is for their final decision. She stated that now thoy are looking at the
end of Hay to vote and make a recommendation to the city Commission but if other
developers wish to pre.ent ideas to the committee, the deadline might have to be
changed. Hr. Wilson stated that tho moetinqs are open if anyone from the
Beautification Cornmittoe wishes to attond. The next mstating of the Maas Brothers
Task Force will be held on Thursday, April 9, at the Clearwater Library at
4rOO.PM. Mr. WilBon stated that the decision of the Haas Brothors site is a
major item concerning the downtown tennis courts and it might be a good idea to
wait for their decision concerning the site. He stated another idea would be to
install a walkover structure from the Haas Brothers property to the tennis
courto. Hr. Wilson said that the property where the tennis courts are will be
very attractive because it would include new plastic coated fencing, new light
poles, new landscaping around the fencing, etc. Mr. Lindner asked if there would
be room for more new courts to be conatructed in this area. Mr. Wilson stated
no because they would have to be built closer to the street', right up to the
sidewalk which wouldn tt allow for any buffer between Cleveland and Pierce
streets. Hr. Lindner Asked if a new court could be built to the south of this
aroa, Mr. Wilson stated yes, but it would take up the parldng lot.
court street Median
Mr. Wilson spoke with John Corum of the Department Of Transportation Maintenance
Office. The agreement is signed and they are all ready to go with the project.
Mr. Corum said that they did not receive the Resolution signed by the City
Commission. Mr. Wilson stated that the Mayor and City commissioners have signed
the agreement.
P!nella..: Tra$.l
Mr. Wilson stated that the trail is virtually complete from Jones/Drew street
towards Dunedin. Also, the trail has been completed from the Belleview Biltmore
Golf Course south. The County is hoping to dedicate the entire portion on May 1.
Frank Aiello, Project Director, stated that the new consultant will contact him
to disculJlI the downtown portion of the trail. Mr. Wilson stated that a definite
route has been approved, although this might be subject to change if there is an
,advantage to routing" the trail down to Coachman Park. Ed Mazur of King
Engineering, is proposing that the City look into re-configuring the Pinellas
Trail route through downtown Clearwater and take it through the expanded Coachman
Park. Mr. Wilson questioned why the trail couldntt extend through downtown which
would help the businesses on the east end (by East Avenue) and malte the area more
attractive. When Coachman Park is developed, they could then go ahead and form
an alternate route (scenic loop) from East Avenue to JoneS/Drew Street, through
the park and up Pierce Street. Mr. Mazur felt that the trail should direct
,people towards the waterfront only. Mr. Baldwin asked why Clearwater has been
so far behind in completing their section of the trail? Mr. Wilson stated that
, a good portion of the abandoned railroad right-of-way through downtown had been
Bold off. Therefore, the on street portion of the trail ia treated as a separate
phase of the project. Mr. Wilson stated that he had spoken to Fred McLean,
Pinellas County Parks Director, who informed hLm that the trail could be one of
the largest used County parks. Mr. Wilson stated that the Nursery Division will
be working with Mr. McLean in planting trees on the trail from Jones street north
to Betty Lane. The county will be maintaining the trail. Mr. Wileon stated that
eventually they might want to install street lights along the trail to discourage
undesirable activity. Also, the street lights will enhance visibility for police
officers even though the park will be considered closed at sundown. '
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~ Code Bnforce..at
Hr. Lindner Bsked if there were Bny new reports regarding the (no parking on
lawns) ordinance and Mrs. MOBS stated she had no new reports.
city "lo".~
Mr. Wilson stated that Hayor Garvey roquested information as to why the
Beautification Committee was recommending the hibiscus bush since it is affected
by a hard freeze. Hark Roether, Nursery Superintendent, submitted a response
stating that1 the hibiscus bush is affected by a hard freeze in temperatures of
28 or 30 degrees over a period of time. The bush will still come back even if
it is affected by a freeze. Hr. Wilpon stated that the President of the Hibiscus
Society contacted him ~fter reading the newspaper article concerning tho
recommendation to adopt the hibiscus bush. He stated that the hibiscus bush is
on Florida's State Seal and that Mr. Roether's response WBS right on target
concerning the bush being affected by freezing temperatureo. Mr. Wilson asked
him to submit a letter from the Hibiscus Society to the Hayor and Beautification
,'. '
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Mr. Wilson stated that 1,000 live oak trees were given away at the Eagle Arbor
Day Celebration from the Rotary Club at Moccasin Lake Nature Park.
Mrs. Huber asked the Committee if they would be interested in playing an active
role in the City's "In Fill program." Mr. Lindner asked what this program
involved? Mrs. Huber stated to the best of her knowledge, the City buys pJ:'operty
to build homes, which are built by private contractore to fill the needo of
residents. The city holds the mortgage on the property, but it is forgiven after
a number of years if the property is kept up. Hr. Wilson stated that it is a
housing program to improve housing in the low income areas. Four homes on
Fairbanks street have been completed by the MIn Fill Program" with the Clearwater
,Garden Club performing the landscaping. Mrs. Huber mentioned a particular area
inunediately north of Drew street on Greenwood Avenue where the "In Fill Program"
also exists. Mrs. Huber said steve Watry, Community Development Analyst Housing
Counselor, stated that the Committee might want to consider adopting a model
block project to renovate Plaza Park or work on a plan to show homeowners how to
perform the landscaping for their yards. Mra. Huber recommended that the
Committee work on this as a project to obtain volunteers to assist in raising
funds, perform landscaping, etc. Mr. Wileon stated that the Parks and Recreation
Department would be happy to enhance the landscaping of Plaza Park. Mrs. Huber
will invite Steve Watry to the next Committee Meeting to explain the program and
answer any questions. In this manner, the Committee can decide what role, if
any, they might take to assist the City of Clearwater with thia program.
Mr. Wilson stated that the homeowners would also have to be involved in this
project to provide assurance that they will maintain the homes and landscaped
areas when completed. Mr. Lindner asked if there was an advisory board in this
area? Mr. Wilson stated, yes, the North Greenwood Homeowner's Association.
Mrs. Huber stated that the two end lots on Plaza Street will be "In Fill"
projects along with two homes near the habitat project, which are currently being
built. Steve Watry recommended that the Committee adopt this area for a model
block project. Mr. Lindner stated the Committee could only ,serve as a
coordinator for this project aincs they are considered an advisory board.
However, members could volunteer their time to work on it.
Mr. Lindner asked that the Committee consider the reappointment of a new Chairman
at the next meeting.
There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at
10sOS a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Burgess