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March 4, 1992
Members Presept
William Baldwin
Candace Gardner
Barbara Huber
Lawrence Lindner
Phoebe MOilS
Robert Resch, III
Faye So11id
William Waller
H~ro"el:. l\bsent
Harie Wyatt-excused
city staf(
Ream Wilson, Director
Parks & Recreation Department
The regular meeting of the Beautification Committoe was held in the Parks and
Recreation Department. B Conference Room at the City Hall Annex, Wednesday,
Karch 4, 1992.
Moeting was called to order by Chairman Larry Lindner at 9:00 a.m.
Old Business
~DDroval of Minute.
Robert Resch moved to approve the Minutes of February 5, 1992. Mrs. Gardner
seconded the motion which carried.
Downtown Tenni. Court.
Mr. Wilson informed members that there will be a referendum on March 10 to vote
on changing the City's Charter relative to construction on the bayfront. He
then explained that approximately six months ago, the Parks & Recreation
Department went to the city Commission requesting the re-construction of tennis
courts for the downtown area. There are monies budgeted from Penny for Pinellas
dollars for this project. At that time, the city Attorney's opinion was that
there could not be any new tennis courts constructed since the current City
Charter states that the City cannot perform any construction on the bayfront,
except for public utilities, without going to referendum of the citi:tens.
Hr. Wilson explained that the Charter amendment would be to allow the City
Commission to re-construct tennis courto on the bayfront. If the citizens vote
in favor of the construction, the Parks & Recreation Department would go back to
the City Commission with their original proposal. Mr. Wilson explained exactly
what will take place if approved; five concrete tennis courts, which run along
Cleveland street, will be removed and three new asphalt tennis courts will be
. installed behind city Hall to tie in with tho existing four asphalt courts. The
area where the old concrete courts exiDted will be landscaped similar to Coachman
Park to give more green open space at the intersection. A clear open vista will
ex~end all the way up Cleveland street to the Calvary Baptist Church. If the
referendum passes, it will allow the City Commission to approvo the construction.
Hr. Wilson said the new tennis court construction may meet with some opposition
from citizens who play tennis since they might think that the removal of the old
courts will limit their court space. A suggestion to avoid this opposition would
be for the City commission to simultaneously approve the removal of the old five
courts and the construction of the three new courts. Mr. Wilson stated that he
would keep members apprised of the situation.
Court st~eet Median
Hr. Lindner asked what tho status was regarding this project. Mr. Wilson stated
that the agr~ement has been signed by the city Commission and that he would check
with Mr. Roether, Nursery superintendent, regarding the status of the DOT permit.
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22urtney C..Dbell Cau..wlX
Mr. Wileon aaked rnembera who aigned up for the courtney Campbell Causeway
planting to meet on Saturday, March 7 at 8130 a.m. The planting will begin at
9100 and end at 11130 a.m. Hontber' may park on the beach Are. near the Water
POllution Control Plant. Mr. Wilson informed member. that monies for the wayside
park cn the Courtney Campbell Caua8way were not included aa part of the at ate
grant. Therefore, a IIlIparate agreement will need to be Dubmitted to the
Department of TranBportati.on for the park to be landBcaped along with a slte plan
for the conBtruction .ince it i. located right on the water. Mr. wilson stated
that thi. park will finish the whole project and make it leok more attractive.
Aleo, he atatad that the Parka and Racrsation Department has finiahed the
land.caping at the Water Pollution Control Plant.
Vaell.. Trail
Mr. Lindner asked if there were any updates or changes aince the laBt meeting.
Mr. WilBon stated no, but he reiterated that he will be meeting with the new
consultant for the Pinellas Trail in April concerning the on Btreet portion of
the trail in Clearwater. Mr. Lindner aaked whon the meeting takes place, if
someone from the Downtown Development Board could attend thiB meeting.
Mr. WilBon stated he would check on this idea. Mr. Wilson stated the Parks and
Recreation Department will be planting treeD along the sides of the trail and
that exact locationB will be worked out between Mark Roether, Nursery
superintendent, and the County's Horticulturist. The County Park System will be
responsible for the trail's maintenance. The Parks and Recreation Department
will be maintaining the mulched areas.
COd. Enforce.en~
Mrs. Moss had no new reports.
<:> city Plower
Mr. Resch read a draft of a letter concerning tho adoption of the hibiscus bush
and. live oak tree and ask members for their approval to submit to the Kayer and
city Commission. Members Buggested that the letter be reviewed by Mark Roether,
Nuroery superintendent and Alan Mayberry, Urban Forester, for their approval.
Hr. Wilson suggested that if a positive response is received, a resolution be
submitted on this subject.
Mr. Resch'aBked if the city-was going to present new signs to replace the non-
conforming oigns removed per the new sign ordinance. Mr. Wilson stated that
letter. had been sent out by the Planning Department relative to all npn-
conforming 8igns which are required to be brought into compliance. Mr. Resch
asked who will be responsible for replacing the identification signs in parks?
Mr. Wilson stated that the Parks and Recreation Department uses Creative Wood
Graphics to ensure that all Bignsare similar in rustic design. Hr. Wilson
stated that if a Bigo in a park needed to be changed, the Committee could
certainly make a recommendation. He stated that once the landscaping has been
completed on the Courtney Campbell causeway, the city will be looking for a
"Welcome to Clearwater" sign. Mrs. Huber Asked if anything could be dona
regarding the intercoBtal sign on the cauBeway at the foot of Drew stroet.
Mr. Wilson stated he would check with Traffic Engineering regarding the sign.
,r~B. Sollid informed members that her term on the Committee will expire at the
April 1, 1992, meeting.
There being no further buainess before the Board, the meeting adjourned at
9:55 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Burgess