02/05/1992 . '. "...: I; '4""',,. " "I, " . .," ' :;\,"~ ~,:".~~, ,>: t.: 1, , '';.', t!r:, , t/:~~,f~~.> .' ~:~,::~',I ,'..'.. , (oo 'f'l L 1 j, ,', 'J'" I,'. ' , ' " ' "',.' " , " , ' ",,<1 ",,' '/;/ '<':;;",'. :.'Y ;,i q t I . ~, $ " : ~, ': '; : " ~'f;;',:-~' " ~~\; ;' ~,[:.t . f:~.~.,' ' :'~ , ". BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE AGENDA February S, 1992 l' ," ~ , -I' .' , . .' , , . . ~ ~ ~.> I ,t{ . I. Call to' order ; '. ," t~~}~!?'::..:.. . ~(j~:rc;~:':, " :':;~:;'~~:~'t~;;:~:mPbell'" Causeway, t~:6(.:<</",:,;,~.c~"':court street.: :":'. ': ,',' 0~,~~" ,<:'~';:' D.Code .'Enforcement .r,'M~' " II~J!~if{::;f~:,";Ii: ,'::;~::~:::.' ... ... ..' '~~-S""'~~'I ,,:..\J"~ /, " h "" . f'. ~n:~i~~~\~~.~~~ ":":"'.~ " ." ~"'\;~I'.' ' .~ \~l\....t"~r"".J \ : "J,Jo,' ~~;r:l(;' ~~)';~~.'i~l~~ ':. '. :.',.'. ,'.' ~ "~' :: ' ~i ' " :tf.II,.'f';:.. "~,,.~, ~ . >', ~ 1: . '-,. ,,: ,+, ' ~. I , :' , ,'. , . r ., > < ~' '. ~."I;""""",,,,, ",,,,', ,,:'},:~~," , I!,:,~,),\;i:;: . 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ROBe Moore Clearwater Garden Club Qity Staff Ream Wileon, Director Parks & Recreation Department Mark Roether, Nursery superintendent Alan Mayberry, Urban Forester The rogular meeting of the Beautification committee was held in the Parks and Recreation Department' EI Conference Room at the City Hall Annex, Wednesday, February 5~ 1992. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Larry Lindner at 9100 a.m. Mr. Lindner welcomed new member Candace Gardner to the Committee. Old Business "0" , ., .' ' " '," Apnroval of Minutes Mrs. Sollid asked that a sentence on page 1 of the January minutes be changed to read ~Therefore, the linear footage of power lines to be buried haa been reduced which will lower the project cost to $41,118." MrB. Moss moved to approve the minutes of January 8, 1992 as amended. Robert Resch seconded the motion. cou~nev Campbell Causeway , !:," " , 7,i,' , ~.'. . J;; Mr. Roether updated members on the courtney campbell causeway project. 'the palm tree planting (339) has been completed on the south side of the causeway. Beginning March 7, volunteers will be planting the shrub materialB on the south side; and continue for the following four saturdays. Mr. WilBon provided a si9n- up sheet to Committee members. Florida Power has secured a permit with the DGpartment of Transportation to bury the overhead power lines on the north side of the causeway and the project will begin on TueBday, February 18 which will iovol ve approximately two weeks of trenching and conduit installation. The palm t:ce~ planting on the north side will ensue after the powsr lines have besn buried. Hr. Wilson also reported that palm tress are being planted at the Water Pollution Control Plant. This property will tie in with the causeway planting, along ''lith the Wayside Park planting, to make a very attractive entrance way into Clearwater. ',' : ,,[ . :, ! ~ ~ ,~ ' .'" to:, ' " ' ,:0 " , court street Mr. Roether stated the median landscaping project is in the works. The maintenance agreement must be executed and final approval must be obtained from DOT. He also reported that the left turning lane at the intersection on Missouri Avenue, heading west on Court street, will be extended. Pinellas ~rail I'.'.' "' ~ ' .. ~', :. , ,', ' '" " ',' No new reports. " . ~ < , r~, ':: /.:, ',. ..' 1 I " I '. > '", I .' '.' ' ','>" ,.,: ' . ,") s:qde I$;nfore...nt. Mrll . MOSB had no report. City Flower Hr. Resch asked for a brief history regarding the city of Clearwater's efforts to adopt a tree. Mr. Willlon stated that there had been an effort on the part of the Beautification committee to adopt a flowering tree (yellow poinciana). Hr. Mayberry stated at that time, the yellow poinciana was on the City'o not recommended list of planting. Mr. Wilson stated he did not roe all there ever being a recommendation made to the City Commission to approve a city flower. Hr. Roether asked what the original purpose was concerning the adoption of a City flower. Hr. Resch stated the idea behind the adoption of the City flower was to possibly introduce thlit flower as a graphic item on city of clearwater signage and give the citizens of Cloarwater a chance to interject and become part of a beautification process from a home and city standpoint. Mr. Wilson stated that if the flower met with the City commission's approval, that the Nursery Division would try and usa the adopted flower as much as possible in their landscape designs and encourage residents to use it in their landscaping efforts. Mr. Wilson stated that if the city Commission approves the flower adopted, a Dimple Resolution would need to be prepared. Mr. Resch asked if a tree should also be recommended for adoption. Mr. Mayberry stated that the adoption of a city tree was a good idea. Committee discussed the following specimens of flowers/trees. :~ <J 1. Crape Myrtle 2. Southern Magnolia 3. Sweet Magnolia 4. Lob Lolly Bay S. Washingtonians 6. Live oak 7. Slash Pine 8. Sabal Palm 9. Turkey Oak 10. Cabbage Palm Mrs. Moore informed members that she had asked members of the Clearwater Garden Club for their recommendation concerning the adoption of a tree/flower for Clearwater. In summary, members of the Garden Club responded positively to the hibiscus bush. ' ,lowers 1. Hibiscus 2. Bird of Paradise 3. East Palatka Holly 4. Day Lily S. Pimaryllis 6. Allamanda 7. Gelaemium Vine-(Yellow Jessamine) 8. Coral Honeysuckle Treee ~ > Mr. Lindner asked Mr. Roether for his recommendation concerning a City flower. Mr. Roether stated he liked the oleander bush but, because of its questionable toxiCity, it would be hard to promote. Therefore, he recommended the hibiscus bush which blooms for a long period of time during the year and, although it is , sensitive to severe cold, it will still continue to grow. Mr. Wilson asked about the water requirements for a hibiscuB buah and Mr. Roether responded that it does ,require a moderate amount of water until established. Mr. Wilson a9ked if the bush might impose a problem concerning sight distance on medians and entrance ways. Mr. Roether stated they do require trimming and therefore, would need to be installed in locations where sight distance would not become a problem. Mr. Resch asked Mr. Mayberry for his opinion of the crape myrtle tree. He responded that it is on the city' a recommended list and has a lot of good characteristics such as mildew resistant, drought tolerant, flowering (variety of colors). Hr. Mayberry stated he would recommend the crape myrtle tree to any homeowner. He also suggested aoma of the native flowering trees such as Southern Magnolia, Magnolia Virqiniano, Sweet Magnolia and the Lob Lolly Bay. Of flowering plants, he suggested the yellow jessamine and coral honeysuckle. J.',." , ' (.,tS~'1A , """ :.t ',\ 2 i. . , ,l' I , . ~ ' .' , "" , r , " . '..' f ,,' I " ",; " ' () ~ .~ 'I . ~,7':') ~; T '''":''~~ ., " .! : , ~ ~... ' ., ';0 ~, ~ ':;': .',,' T . ~ '-c-d,. '. ~ . , , " , .~ ,~,,: : :; ~" :'; :' ' .1',,', ,.... Mr.. Moore ..ked if the W..hinqtonian trees could be reintroduced to the city ot Clearwater. Mr. Mayberry atated he dOGS not aupport this tree sinc8 it grows extremely high and provides very little benoflta such aa a small canopy. Florida Power ha. stated that this tree i8 one of the main causes ot power outageB since it qrowlI into the power lines. Mr. Lindner asked Mr. Mayborry for his recommendation concorninq the adoption ot a tree. Mr. Mayberry recommended the following treel in order of preference. 1. Live oak - Native of Florida, superior tree since it is drought tolerant, resistant to all diseases and insect free, may withstand very long perlods of drought, providea eloquence to neighborhoods with massive canopy, favorite among citizens. This tree will even excel in commercial plantings. Because of the tree's deep root system, it will not cause near the damage of other treea if planted close to residential homes. 2. Slash pine - Namesake of Pinellas County, Native of Florida, will tolerate all environments, and most predominant tree found prior to development in the area. Good urban tree, produces more oxygen and takes in more carbon dioxide than Borne trees twice their size. The slash pine is considered to be one of the major cleansers of the air. 3. Sabal Palm - Native of Florida, best food source for song birds and much larger crown for air quality. Mr. Roether stated his feelings are consistent with Hr. Mayberryts in the same order of preference. He also interjected that the live oak is the most popular tree chosen from the City of Clearwater's Street Tree program. Mr. Wilson aalted if moss will kill a tree? Mr. Mayberry stated no, but it will accelerate decline and can kill branches. Hr. Wilson informed members that the Rotary Club will be donating 1,000 potted live oak trees at the Eagle/Arbor Day Ceremony to be held at Moccasin Lake Park on Saturday, March 28. Mr. Lindner asked that a motion be made to adopt a City flower. Mrs. MOss moved' that the committee recommend to the city Commission that the hibiscus bush be adopted as the official city flower. Mrs. Huber seconded the motion, motion carried. Hr. Lindner asked for a motion to adopt a City tree. Mr. Resch motioned to approve the live oak tree as the city of Clearwater's specimen tree. Mrs. Hoss seconded the motion, motion carried. Mr. Lindner suggested Mr. Resch draft a letter to send to the City Manager, Mayor and City Commission stating the City'S Beautification Committee after considerable deliberation recommended the adoption of a City tree (live oak) and a city flower (hibiscus bush). Tha committee has met with Mark Roether, Nursery Superintendent and Alan Mayberry, Urban Forester who agre~d with this recommendation. Mr. Wilson indicated the letter should include the Committeels recommendations and what the advantages are of each. Also, water requirements for each planting are ,very important and should be included in the letter. There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Laura Burgess ',' 3 ~-~''''''~'- :''';',','1 " '.,.', ':--:-'" ',I .' ,/ ~~, L' ". " " ~, . ~ ',' . '" , .' ,;.. , /1. "h .', ", . \li,' , " ,,;,'.., or ',,".,' '..:' .:~.~, :'.:<":,' J' 'I T 1 ~ I I :,... ,." ," ,. " ,', ,','''' I, ,.." .,.' '" ,....., "'I ,.'".,' ".'" 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