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Members Presept
~embers Absent
William Baldwin
Lawrence Lindner
Phoebe Moss
Robert Resch, III
Faye Sol lid
William Weller
city staff
" /
candace Gardner-Excused
Barbara Huber-Excused
Marie Wyatt
Ream Wilson, Director
Parks & Recreation Department
The regular meeting of the Beautification Committee was held at the
city Hall Annex, Conference Room A, on Wednesday, Janu~ 8, 1992.
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Meeting was called to order by Chairman Larry Lindner at 9:00 a.m.
Mr. Lindner welcomed new member William Baldwin to the committee.
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.Q.kJ. Business
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Approval of Minutes
Mrs. Sol lid asked that two corrections be made to the Hinutes on
page 3. She asked that the word effect be changed to affect in the
,sentence reading; Mrs. Moore asked if this would effect (affect)
the Tree city USA award status. Also, she asked that a change be
made to include the word asked in the sentence; Mrs. Huber asked if
the Committee was aware of the Blue Ribbon Task Force's efforts.
Mrs. ,5011 id moved to approve the Miriutes 0 f December 4, 1991 .
Mrs. Moss seconded the motion to approve.
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Courtney CamDbell Causeway
Mr. wilson updated members on the Courtney Campbell Causeway
project. The palm tree planting has been completed on the south
s'ide of the, causeway. The burying of the Florida Power lines on
the north side has been approved by the city commission at a cost
of approximately $57,000. Mr. Wilson stated that the lines cannot
be buried by the Christian College since there is limited space of
approximately 2 or 3 feet between the mangroves and the guard rail.
Therefore lines will be buried immediately at the end of the
mangroves and extend to the Pinellas County line. Also, there are
several hundred yards of power lines that are actually in the city
of Tampa and we wi.ll not be responsible for burying that portion.
Therefore, the linear footage of power lines to be buried has been
reduced to $41,118. Mr. wilson will be sending the authorization
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Court S~reet
for work to Flor~da Power today. As soon as the lines are buried,
the landscaping can resume on the north side. Mr. Wilson stated
that they will actively be soliciting volunteers in the near future
for the smaller plant materials. Mrs. Sollid asked if volunteers
may call the Parks and Recreation Department and Mr. Wilson stated
yes, volunteers may contact either the Parks and Recreation Office
or the Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Wilson stated that he has submitted an Agenda Item to the city
commission for their meeting, of January 16, to approve the
landscaping of the Court street medians. If approval is received,
an agreement will be submitted to the Department of Transportation
for execution.
Pinellas Trail
Mr. Lindner asked Mr. Wilson for a status report on the Pinellas
Trail. Mr. Wilson stated he had a meeting on January 7, with Frank
Aiello, County Engineer, who is working on the trail. He then
passed out a map of the trail to members and explained where the
trail will actually be entering north Clearwater around Union and
,going south to Jones street. Mr. Wilson stated that there has not
been any change in the route. The major part of the lion street
portion" of the trail is on East Avenue, which will be designed as
a one way street southbound. This street runs alongside the
Clearwater Post Office. At present, Pinellas county is in the
process of hiring new consultant engineers for the trail. He
stated that from HendrickS Avenue to Turner street, the trail will
be shared with the active railroad line on East Avenue. The trail
will be on the east side of the railroad tracks. On the west side
of the tracks heading southbound, there will be one way automobile
traffic. Therefore, this area will include heavy signage and
possibly street trees could be installed. Mr. Wilson stated that
from Turner street to Magnolia street there will be a 12' to 13'
strip of asphalt on the east side of the railroad tracks. Also,
there will be a 15' wide easement which runs from Magnolia street
to Lotus Path for the trail. When the trail reaches Lotus Path, it
will pick up the abandoned railroad right-of-way to Lakeview
Avenue. There will be a new sidewalk constructed from Lakeview
Avenue to Ft. Harrison which will also include a new sidewalk
section along the golf course. Mr. Lindner' as}ted if regular
concrete was going to be used for the sidewalk? Mr. Wilson stated
yes. Mr. Lindner suggested using asphalt instead of concrete
because asphalt is a softer surface for running. Mr. wilson stated
that this was a good point and he would look into the possibility
of installing asphalt in areas where there is sidewalk. Mr. Wilson
stated that the County is planning to begin construction on the
Clearwater section of the trail in the fall of this year.
Mr. Resch asked if at each one of the cross sections there could be
some sort of signage installed to alert motorists of the trail
crossing. Mr. Wilson stated yes, there will be markings. A parking
lot will be constructed between Jones and Drew street for trail
users. Mr. Lindner asked Why the trail didn't go straight up East
Avenue and join at Jones street. Mr. Wilson stated that this has
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r:J been investigated but users would be crossing Drew street where
there is no traffic light.'. Traffic Engineering will be looking at
this area again before April 1.
pode Ento~cement
'Mrs. Moss spoke with scott Shuford, Planning Manager, who informed
her that Ordinance No. liT", relative to vehicle parking restriction
on lawns and open space areas on private property, has been
submitted to Al Galbraith, city Attorney, for his approval before
being presented to the city commission for their approval.
Mrs. Moss asked Mr. Shuford to inform the Beautification Committee
the date the ordinance will be going before the city commission so
that Board members can attend the meeting. Mr. Shuford, also
stated that anytime the Committee would like him to attend a
meeting to let him know.. Members recei ved the Code Enforcement
Guide sent by John Richter, Code Enforcement Manager. ,
~bor Day/Citv Flower
Mr. Lindner stated that from the previous meeting, the major
recommendation was the hibiscus bush. Mr. Resch suggested inviting
Mark' Roether, ,Nursery Superintendent and Alan Mayberry, Urban
,Forester, to,the next meeting. Mr. Lindner stated he would invite
them to ,attend the next meeting. Mrs. Moss will ask Mrs. Rose
Moore, ,of the clearwater Garden Club, for their recommendations
concerning the adoption of' a City flower, flowering bush/tree.
Mr. Resch asked each Board member to bring three recommendations of
specimens that they would consider adopting to the next committee
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:. :, There being no further business before the Board, the meeting
,adjourned at 9:50 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura: Burgess '