10/02/1991 !1~,Fr ~\ l~. " , . ~;;'!;;:t \1':~~""~ . t~~" ~~i:6;';:",:: ,:,' ~lJh,.'" ' ~1rr.;:,;i~: ~;:':'. ~'-i:'-{l.'l\, t J" ~~'j,~~~.. ';':~.'.. ' ~{lrJ..',^" . 1[....~\'iJ" ',' '.,' YtlT\~'.,'~:r:~('. .';~,:~: ': . I,' !Ji!". , " 1'" ~ S~l~l:/ ',>' ~'>: ' " ' ,', lW;r(i'"i",." " ;''hV\.,L" ",," " '" " f# :~!: ,,!, " " ~Vrr" ~.,'.' <: H !~,lg"i{:-'" ".. k,~~,}> " , " ~~trt","'\:'\I" . " "', ft'; ',,"', . ~~}i~!':'\: .~.'\~;.i./ :.', .~\~"}..,, ',," *"~';~':~;:., ::1" ~ " . ',-' ~ @,."....l ' .. . . ~j/-;~:>,::::,' ,'.: . ". ~>i,;.>::': A~\::.:,..,' ~)".i.. , , '. (1 ~<: . :, :>;~' ,': :,>~:,,>',,'/::~: tf".Gl "n' I ,'" ' " *M~~' ':~, : ; ,\. : ", "~', ,;.',;,-" }i.\,;'f,"o' j' , ,... " ':",' ~l~/;:I~t;!;: i, ,',.. .t~' ~'::: <:.,,: ,&~;,..", ....., , " " ': ", ~~J~:;::<:i,<' '..: L~,~~~~,:, ':-:'; ,: " " :,,,, " r"qol ~ ,..C, r;,:': ,'~ .:; , " .. .., 'I' t' , 1: '},' J:: '!' 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" , .t, Adjournment' ;, :: ~: I', , ,:'~~,,~ , .~ .-,' . , ~ ~ I :.i " ( , , ~ ;.: ,', " " " " ; ,: .,,{', , , . >~: .~.~ .', . > ~ "\ ":l,,..; , ~: ',' , , " .>"', ., " ,/ ,I,,' " ~ , '.' " , .. '," '; I' ,: 'j' 'f' .," '. '" ~. . ~ ' ' \ :'\ ", :, \ :, . , ' \' ; ~ l " : J i" " ',. ., ,..."'.1 , \, ,~ ,< . "~I': ~. - . "' .: ; ", "', .. \ " .,' oj. , ,: ~ ~. ',., MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION COMMIT'rEE October 2, 1991 ......., '~~...~ a I Memb~rs Present Barbara Huber Lawrence Lindner Hose, Moore phoebe Moss I Robert Resch, III Faye, ,Sollid William Weller T~ _--..... Members Absent Ana Marie Tretin-excused Marie wyatt-excused , City! Staff Present , , Ream! Wilson, Director, Parks & Recreation Department The regular meeting of the Beautification Committee was held in the Parks and Recreation Department's Conference Room at the City Hall Annex on Wednesday, October 2, 1991. ' Meeting was called to order by Chairman Larry Lindner at 9:05 a.m. Old Business Approval of Minutes ~rs. Sollid asked that a correction be made to the minutes of September 4, 1991, (page'2) to read liThe Tourist Development Council does not award grant submissions until the middle of November. Therefore, the City will order the materials and concentrate on landscaping the south side of the Causeway first. tt ,The' minutes were approved as corrected. Courtney Campbell Causeway Grant Mr. Wilson stated that a planting schedule is being developed for the Courtney Campbell Causeway and, as soon as it has been completed, he will , distribute a copy to Board members. I1r. Wilson estimated that the palm tr.ee planting on the south side of the Causeway, from the Water Pollution Control Plant to the county line, may begin as early as October 28, 1991. The palms :and holly trees will be planted on the south side of the Causeway first and hopefully, by the time these are planted the City will have heard if there ~ill be funds available to bury the power lines on the north side of the Causeway. Mr. Wilson estimated that by the holidays, the majority of the trees will be planted. It was recommended by the Nursery Division to not begin planti.ng the smaller plant materials on the Causeway until after the ,cold weather. The volunteers would then begin planting the smaller materials , 'the first part of March which could be completed wi thin six or seven Saturdays. Court Street ~;.> \ ' , -:: Or. ,Wilson stated that the Court street median project is still on the :,". , drawing board. It is just a matter of working this project into the list of , :,' the other Nursery projects. 1 , ,Code Enforcement }.tr. :Llndn,er complimented John Richter, Code Enforcement Manager, on their neparCment's efforts and promptness relative to code enforcement. r-JMr. Lindner asked Mr. Richter several questions that were concerns of the : ': Caromi t tee t 1. Is it feasible to use City employees to spot violations and report them to the Code Enforcement Office? 2. Doss the Code Enforcement Office have the staff available to handle the code violations reported by City employees and the public? 3. Is there any way the Commlttee can assist the Code Enforcement Office to inform the residents about the City's codes? Mr. Richter responded that it is a feasible idea to ask employees from other City offices to assist his Department in spotting code violations, but to what extent other employees would participate would be gauged by their general motivation and interast. Mr. Richter distributed the Code Enforcement Guide, which pertains to ,the most common code violations. He stated that since this guide was distributed to the Police Department, they have obtained more cooperation from that office. Also, Mr. Richter explained that members from his office are going out to Homeowner's Associations and distributing the Code Enforcement Guide, which educates the residents who live in that area to spot code violations. Mr. Richter stated that the Code Enforcement Office's hands are quite full concerning the availability of employees to respond to complaints received r-tegarding code violations. Mr. Richter stated his office is now trying to '<.:..)=stablish some new avenues beyond just responding to complaints. For example, when inspectors find a violation in the field, they will check out the entire block to see if there are any like violations. Also, inspectors have worked with neighborhood groups and gone out on special inspections with one or two representatives from their neighborhood to educate them on code violations. In this manner, the residents can then work through their neighborhood association to try and remedy the violations. If the property is not brought into compliance, they may then call the Code Enforcement Office to follow-up.' , Mrs. Moore asked what could be done concerning abandoned properties where there are tufts of grass growing through the concrete? Mr. Richter responded that the property owner is required to nlaintain the property in such a manner that it" does not violate the City's nuisance ordinance. Mr. Richter suggested that these type properties should be reported to the Code Enforcement Office at 462-6550 and his office will contact the property owner. Mrs. Huber asked if the time limit allowed the code violators to bring their property into compliance has been lessened? r.1r. Richter stated, yes, that the new lot clearing ordinance will require that the owner must clear the property within 10 days. Mr. Richter estimates that the violation will be taken care of within two and one half weeks of the time the violation is first noticed. Also, another revision being processed in the form of an ordinance is to allow the Code Enforcement Board the opportunity to impose ,.', (;;Jines on repeat violators. \' ,\ 2 Mrs. Huber complimented Vicki Niemiller, Sanitation Inspector, Code Enfo~cement Office, on the great response she has received concerning unkept lawnslwhich have been mowed in hGr neighborhood. 'Mr. Lindner asked if the ruling concerning abandoned vehicles on private ~propertieB was only for the front set back or anywhere on the property? .." Mr. ~ichter stated the ruling was for anywhere on the property. Mr. Richter stated that once the new lot clearing ordinance goes into effect, the Code Enfo~cemeht Office will place a written notice on the vehicle upon their first visit to expedite the code enforcement process. I Mr. ~indner asked what the ruling was concerning parking commercial vehicle's in front of residential homes? Mr. Richter stated this was not allowed within the City of Clearwater. Mr. Lindner brought to Mr. Richter's attention two articles whereby cities have passed ordinances e.g. (St. Petersburg, Port Orange) to prohibit parking on residential lawns or residents may be subject to heavy fines. Mr. Lindner asked if an ordinance has been drafted on this issue? Mr. Richter responded, yes, the ordinance has been drafted via Scott Shuford, Planning Manager, but he was not sure if it had' been forwarded to the City Commission for their approval. Mr. Resch asked wh~t the Beautification Committee could do to publicize the Code Enforcement Guide? Mr. Richter stated that he would like to wait until the early part of November before initiating any plans since the Coalition of Homeowners Association's interests are heading in the same direction as the Beautification Committee. In this manner, the two Committees could combine their interests in publicizing the Code Enforcement Guide through the City of Clearwater. Mr. Richter stated that he would be happy to attend another ,,~;~meeting to update members on plans to publicize the Code Enforcement Guide. ''':'~'I New Business Mr~. Sollid read a letter she had written recognlzlng the Amoco Station on Sunset Point Road for their beautification efforts. She then asked for the Committee's approval to send the letter. Board members agreed to send the letter along with a copy to the City Manager's Office. Mr. Resch asked if the City of Clearwater held an Arbor Day Celebrat~on and :if the City of Clearwater had its own flower? Members discussed at length and, will follow-up at next meeting. There being no further business before' the Board, the meeting adjourned at 9:55 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Laura Burge.s5 ,0 3