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MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE June 5, 1991 Members Present Barbara Huber Lawrence Lindner Rose Moore Phoebe Moss F aye So 11 i d Will i am We 11 er Marie Wyatt Members Absent Ana Maria Tretin-excused Citv Staff Present Ream Wilson, Director, Parks & Recreation Department Mark Roether, Nursery Superintendent The regular meeting of the Beautification Committee was held in the Parks ,and Recreation Department's Conference Room at the City Hall Annex on Wednesday, June 5, 1991. " Meeting was called to order by Chairman Larry Lindner at 9:10 a.m. Old Business TREE PLANTING - Court Street . Mark' Roether, Nursery Superintendent, presented a design plan to members of, the Committee for planting a mixture of trees (ligustrum, crepe myrtle, photinia) in the Court Street medians. He then said he would submit the design plan to the Department of Transportation. Mr. Roether indicated because this ,is a DOT road, the City of Clearwater's Nursery Division would have to abide by the Department of Transportation's guidelines to install"the trees.' Also, Mr. Roether recommended that new grass and sod be placed in this median to make it more level for safety (when mowing) and aesthetic " purposes. "Members approved the des; gn plan. It will be submitted to the Department of Transportation to obtain a permit to begin the project. TREE PLANTING - Druid Road Median , Mr. Wilson stated he met with Bill Baker, Director of Public Works, regarding planting sabal palm trees between the sidewalk and Hillcrest Mobile , Home Park, which Mr. Baker approved. The City Manager would also be asked to 'approve the planting of the trees. Mr. Wilson asked members if the Committee ,would approach,the Hillcrest Mobile Home Park residents and management to' 1 ~, " " './' " :..' . '" '. 'j' < ',", "~j " ',L ,.' :'~:'.' ",': ,", "', "" '~I..<..!I " "l/.'f" <I"~ i' ;...." .l';'..~.~.~ ./ ., t . ,,' . '<I, ">'.)' ",-.. ",:" ,'~,':(',i\:,.::'~.'~/.~., ,"'.' 'c,L','. :....:., " ", "~ <'::;,;t'" :,~Il)'~:, .",~',":" :::-:-':"l'::':,:" I", d.';,,. "': ;"" ; ,', q, I /:"~; \. 'I ,~~~ ~ ,>' I' " ," . '...,.,..:-,., ". 1 U" '. i ' " ",' " ',". ' ',;:: ,- :"". ",;',' ;"'" 1.. ,;',',,',,' '. " ,. .'f ".... ",'. '."1,.. .', ",':,1 ',",'.:',":',:' '",.'.', ',...: \ (" . \' , I, , . i <' I "', ,': ':""".':"'/~"?':''''''''~.:''''''-'''','',' ';""':"":'~.<':":':::,,::' , .... ',',' " ~t'l:.' "', ".,,,, ,,' 'I ' ",:,1' ,"{/;',)i'j''':;:::::Xi ,,',',' ' ':, .',';' ,', >:'::: ',',:" I:" ,,' :,:',.':" ;,' "',, ",' ." _, . ".... , ,'" ", '. ," J ",'( "" ::; "'i ' ":", ,~::,:::',:'::' :',;;},;;:\,:}U:'Td:';LFr T:':i "',' '!. "'., ," .(,,-.',', ",:': ",:,,i, .. ' ,\ ,', ..' '1',.. ' , , n"" ',' ".. ''- I ' ,,' I '. " ':". 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Mr. Wilson stated that he was concerned about the palm trees being planted because: the trees would have to be planted back away from the road which would reduce their aesthetic impact to Druid road, palms are not a part of the City's shade tree canopy program, costs for the trees and planting along with their perpetual maintenance and mobile home park residents have not requested the trees. Mr. Wilson asked for the Committee's recommendation? Mr. Lindner and Committee members agreed with Mr. Wilson that there would not be that much of an aesthetic impact if the trees were planted. Mr. Lindner asked if crepe myrtle trees could be planted on the south side of the street? Mr. Wilson responded this side of the street is much narrower for planting. Mrs. Rose Moore moved to table the project. Mrs. Phoebe Moss seconded the motion. BAY FRONT Mr. Wilson reiterated to Committee members the five phases of the Conceptual Plan for the bayfront that was discussed with the City Commission. Mr. Wilson said that most of the discussion centered on the tennis court area. The original proposal was that the five concrete tennis courts be eliminated on Cleveland Street and that three new tennis courts be constructed where the employee parking lot is located. Mr. Wilson stated that it was the City Attorney1s opinion that the tennis courts could not be constructed because of the Charter Restriction, which limits construction to open space or public utility. Other construction must go before public referendum. Mr. Wilson said he would return to the next City Commission Meeting on June 6, 1991, with the idea of removing the five courts and installing grass and trees and not building the new three courts and see how strong the public's opinion is concerning the removal of these courts. To gauge public opinion, the City Clerk's Office is also placing an advertisement in the paper explaining that the Commission will be considering the removal of these courts and replacing them with grass 'and trees. Mrs. Wyatt asked Mr. Wilson why the new tennis court construction could not be addressed as a relocation of the courts because she thought the idea of the Charter was not to construct anymore tall buildings to obstruct the view of the water which the tennis courts would not change. Mr. Wilson had spoken to the City Attorney who stated that the wording of the Charter Restriction prohibits all construction. Mr. Weller asked if the City could rewrite the Charter? Mr. Wilson stated no, not before going to public referendum but, a Charter revision may be considered. Mrs. Moore asked if there wasn't a liability concern of the City as far as the concrete courts were concerned? Mr. Wilson stated no, not from a dangerous standpoint. Although, the court~ do get slick at times, they are kept painted with a non-skid type of paint. They also have low areas (bird baths) where water puddles on the courts for several days. Mrs. Sollid asked if the three new tennis courts were not constructed would the City consider putting in landscaping? Mr. Wilson stated that the area presently is all grass but for a small area where City employees park. Mr. Lindner stated that he would be leery about taking out the old courts before the new courts were installed because these courts are used heavi,ly at times. 2 ~I.i;,r.:\:. '" .' :', ;': '.. ~ .. ["", " " /r:< " , l~, ' , .... ' ~ ' . '\ ' , . ' ,\ o ..~ '.:'~. :'J ,:" ~,:' ~ ;;" ',' , ' ~ ~; , : ' :; . ',. , , ",' '.L; ~.': ' ~, .' :-, . ~ ' " ' I h i'O; , "i', , . '('..':, ~t~.' " (,.I ~ ' Ii-" I~' I" . Mr. Wilson invited Committee members to attend the City Commission Meeting on June 6, 1991, at 6:00 p.m. if they are interested in the project. Mrs. Moore asked Mr. Wilson if the Blue Stal Memorial Marker would be changed? Mr. Wilson responded no, the plan will take out the parking, landscaping will be changed, etc. but the marker will remain on the corner. Mr. Lindner asked Mr. Wilson if the old fishing bridge will be changed and he stated yes, it has been scheduled for improvements. Mrs. Sollid asked if an overhead walkway could be installed over the Cleveland Street intersection? Mr. Wilson responded that it was mentioned at the City Commission Work Session, but traffic imposes a very difficult situation at this intersection. An overhead walkway would have to be designed quite high. It would also be extremely expensive and would involve a lot of concrete on the waterfront. However, it is an option that may will be considered by the City Commission. Mr. Wilson reiterated that the designers are recommending that the traffic lights be placed on long,arms that extend, straight out as seen in Tampa. He also stated that the designers are looking at making the crosswalks very bold, wide, and painted with bright colors to enhance the safety of pedestrians. Mrs. Huber asked if blinking lights couldn't be installed and he responded that this would have to be done through the Traffic Engineering Department. Courtney Campbell Causeway Beautification Grant Mr. Wilson informed Mr. Lindner that the Courtney Campbell Grant Application has been submitted and that he expects to hear in the next week or so. He will report the results of the application at the next Committee meeting. Code Enforcement Mr. Wilson read a copy of memorandum he received which had been submitted to the City Attorney from James PolattYf Planning Director. The memo ask the City Attorney to review five draft amendments of existing City of Clearwater ordinances. . As per the last Committee Meeting with Scott Shuford, Planning Manager, the memorandum included two topics of which the Committee asked Mr. Shuford to address: A) B) Establish prohibition of parking vehicles on the unsurfaced portions of street right-of-ways. Establish restrictions for vehicle parking on lawns and open space areas. Mr. Wilson explained that the City Attorney will review these topics before going to the City Commission for their consideration. 3 :~~:;' ".' ~~'f;"':'l ' : ' kY,".." :' FG:::-::', : ~t}~~',::,.';>:"~,., ' 1!r?i,;~,> ' ,,', ,~~;:; :...'. " . :.: L :1, '; ... ~.,' , ' ' , ~ 1%"" ft.)"";-,:"., : ~\'\> ..,. " ,: j'f:.f {.' ,~ ~' , It","" ,,' ' ~:{;~(" ,::; .."?;,.'.'i.' .>, ~i~f~\f::,:::>", ' '. ," ~V~,<'~" ,', ',.. ' . , '~~J.L ,', " , Jtn~':.;}!.,,: ,... '., '. t.'~f:{M":'~~'" '~ ,:",: ..- ttt.'..., ", {1Ij~<.!i..:.,.,"" ' i~~~,~~,:'~'-;':'" ~~~ \/;.:,: I ,; , < .,. ~ ,: '; ., {j>' , >, ' i!>l. ' 1\ .: ' \"',./ ~l.' ' ~.;", . "0' t.' i. "~ fl, . ,'. J" , 'I'~~ '/. , . ~. . ',' . ~ ' li"',, " t;.;, :r"\" , ':t, ' . (',' " ~:. ~ . ':('::~', ) :(( , . 'it' , iF",' ~,\,,:', tu",...~~. ~ . ,'L, j \-\y..- ' ~ '.~;.' ~ '" ..~~ -... ......,.,~H ,....'~.... '. I"~ ,'~ 'I \, Mr. Lindner asked if City employees could not be made more aware of code violations in order to inform the Code Enforcement Office to possibly expedite . the procedure? Mr. Wilson stated that this would be a great idea and that it had been discussed previously to initiate an education process for City of Clearwater field employees. Mr. Weller suggested a pamphlet/flier of the City ,of Clearwater's basic ordinances, such as commercial vehicle parking and signs, be given to City of Clearwater employees. Mr. Lindner asked if a boat could be launched in Crest Lake Park? Mr. Wilson responded yes any non-motorized boat is allowed at all City of Clearwater lakes. ' ~ ,ij :~ ,Mr., Lindner asked if there were any corrections to the May 1 Minutes. Mrs., 50,11 id asked that a motion in the May Minutes be corrected to read: IlThe Committee recommended the tennis court portion as the first phase of the project. II She also asked that the word effect be changed to 'affect concerning the Blue Star Memorial Marker. Mrs. Wyatt moved to approve the Minutes as corrected. Mrs. Moss seconded the motion. . Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m. 'I'; i' ,; ,Respectfully submitted, Laura Burgess , ' , ' . " L' , " " , ,\ , ".1 " ". ,,',1<. :' : , ' , '1~1. ',i . " , " '. I.. . '.' I '. ' 4 , " ~', . ,', '