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October 3, 1990
Call ,to Order
. ~.
'James Maglio, Acting Superintendent
for the Sanitation D~partrnent
,Apjn'ovit'('of September Minutes
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'Old :Bu5 iness:
G~~st Speaker
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",Memorial 'Causeway
:OpwntoWn Xmas Lights
,Unused ,Bridges ' "
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Code, Enforcement,
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Wednesday, October 3, 1990
. ~ .
~bers Present
Robert Bfckerstaffe
Lawrence Lindner
Rose Moore
F aye So 11 i d
Ana Maria Tretin
Marie Wyatt
~bers Absent.
Bernice Avella
Phoebe Moss-excused
Mr. Wilson. Director of Parks and Recreation Department, was also in
The regular meeting of the Beautification Committee was held in the Parks
and Recreation Department's Conference Room at the City Hall Annex on Wednesday,
October 3, 1990. .
Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Larry Lindner.
Old Business:
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Memorial Causeway
Mr. Wilson said that the last median on the causeway should be completed by the
middle of October and that it will end this project.
Courtney Campbell Causeway
Mr. Wilson stated a new Beautification Grant Application for landscaping on the
causeway will be submitted by the City and the deadline is February 1, 1991.
, Court Street Median
" '
, , '
, Hr. Lindner asked Mr. Wilson if any planting could be done on the Court Street
, me~ian between Highland and Missouri Avenues. Mr. Wilson replied that it is a
Stat~ Road and the City of Clearwater's legal Department is opposed to planting
trees,on medians because of liability concerns. Mr. Wilson stated that the same
'trees planted on the Memorial Causeway, (ligustrum trees), could possibly be
planted on this median. He will pursue the subject and update members at the
next meeting. '
Mr. Linder welcomed James Maglio, Acting Superintendent, and Theresa Eturaspe,
'Assistant Superintendent, Special Services of the Sanitation Department.
Mr.lindner asked Mr. Maglio to update members on recycling efforts. He also
asked if certain trash containers, (dumpsters), could be shielded and serviced
more often.
Mr. Maglio stated that commercial dumpsters used by hotels. apartment buildings,
etc. are serviced on a regular basis set forth by the customer. If overloading
occurs. the customer is contacted and asked to increase the number of trash pick-
ups per week. Mr. Maglio stated that the Sanitation employees are required to
pick-up any debris spilled when the container is being emptied.
Mrs. Wyatt asked Mr. Maglio if there is a code that specifies dumpsters must be
shielded. He responded yes, the City of Clearwaterts Development Review
Committee of the Planning and Zoning Office. requires that all major renovations
to an existing building or any new building must have a shielded,dumpster.
Mrs. Wyatt asked why the dumpster located near an office building at Enterprise
Road and u.s. 19 is not shielded. Mr. Maglio stated that this building did not
fall under the same codes.
Committee members felt that this property should conform to the same codes as all
other properties. Whether the code applies to all properties or not will be
checked with the Code Enforcement Division.
Mrs. Moore asked if the Sanitation Department could'automatically pick-up refuse
when residents leave. trash and debris on their lawns. Mr. Maglio responded that
the Code Enforcement Office should be notified concerning these properties and
that this type pick-up might require a special truck.
Mr. Lindner asked if Sanitation employees report overgrown lots that they see
during their work day to their supervisor. Mr. Maglio responded yes.
, , J Mrs. Moore asked how many residents the Sanitation Department services.
Mr. Maglio responded approximately 25,000 residential and 2,500 commercial areas
are being serviced by the Department.
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Mrs. Sol lid asked if the recycling dumpsters located at Morningside Recreation
Center could be enclosed and Mrs. Wyatt asked what could be done to stop the
overflow at the recycling dumpsters located at State Road 580 and Countryside
Boulevard and if they could also be enclosed. Mr. Maglio stated he would look
into both recycling drop-off sites. '
. Mrs. Wyatt asked what happens to recycled products collected. Ms. Eturaspe
responded that the materials are separated at the Sanitation Department and then
marketed to various businesses. Mrs. Moore asked what type of plastic bottles
are recyclable. Ms. Eturaspe stated there is a recycling label placed on the
bottom of plastic bottles with a number 1-7 recyclable range. She stated a range
of 1 or 2 is totally recyclable:
1. High Density Polyethylene (HOPE)
2. POlyethylene Tet~achloride (PET).
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Mr. L indnor asked if homeowners will eventually be asked to separate their
recyclables for trash pick-up. Ms. Eturaspe stated yes. but she is not sure at
this time what degree of participation will be met by the public.
Mr. Maglio stated that the City of Clearwater.s Sanitation Department is
recycling at 111% towards the 30% mandate set by the State. He also stated that
at the present time. the Sanitation Department is recycling through a contract
agency out of Palm Harbor servicing 1,800 homes picking up newspapers. aluminum
cans and glass at the curb site. They alsQ are involved in pilot programs which
are servicing 1,645-1.650 residents. Mrs. Wyatt asked what areas the recycling
pick-ups are occurring. Mr. Maglio responded the Morningsi~e and Countryside
areas~ Ms. Eturaspe suggested members tour the Recycle America Operation located
in Pinellas Park where tin and aluminum materials are separated. '
Mr. Bickerstaffe stated that the brochures on recycl ing sent out in Ut 11 ity bi lls
is a good way to distribute information and educate the public. These brochures
are available at the Sanitation Office which is located at 1180 Russell Street
or members could may call (462-6654) to have brochures mailed.
Mr. Lindner thanked Mr. Maglio and Ms. Eturaspe for attending the meeting.
Mr. Bickerstaffe moved to approve the September Minutes as read and Mrs. Sollid
seconded the motion.
Downtown Xmas Lights
Mr. Lindner stated the Downtown Clearwater Association and the Downtown
Development Board will possibly buy the lights, but the light installation will
have to be coordinated through the City Manager's Office.
Unused Bridges
Mr. Bickerstaffe stated that he had spoke with Bill Baker, Oirector of Public
Works, concerning taking down unused bridges. Mr. Baker stated it would be very
expensive. Mr: Bickerstaffe was told that there is approximately $2.5 million
in the "Penny For Pinellas" program to install new fishing piers. He also stated
that monies are available for repairing or removing some of the older bridges.
Mr. Baker also stated that he would like to see the old bridges renovated because
if they are completely removed, they.may not be replaced with fishing piers.
Mr. Bickerstaffe suggested the Committee invite Mr. Baker to a meeting to discuss
the "Penny For Pinellasll program.
Tree Planting
Mrs. Moore updated members on areas where trees are needed for shade such as:
1. Druid Extension right-of-way
2. Court Street median
3. The Senior Citizen Center and behind the Center where the Food Pantry is
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Mr. Bickerstaffe stated that the Court Street median may tie in with the Downtown
Streetscape project in the future.
Mrs. Moore will contact Mr. Wilson and Mr. Mayberry to see what can be done to
plant trees in these areas.
Code Enforcement
Mr. Lindner stated that he has seen a decrease of signs being placed on City
right-of~ways over the last couple of months.
New Business:
Mrs. Moore complimented Mr. Wilson for his efforts in installing the new sidewalk
at Edgewater Drive. Mr. Wilson stated that Mark Roether, Nursery Superintendent
worked on this project. Mrs. Moore asked if the signs installed by the
, Department of Transportation which state IlNo Parking" could be lowered by the
City of Clearwater's Traffic Engineering Department because they are too high for
, individuals to see and motorists are continuing to park on Edgewater Drive.
Mr. Wilson stated that there is a State Law which indicates the height of the
signs. He will check to see if they meet the required height.
Mr. Bickerstaffe asked Mr. Wilson if the Reclinata palm trees at the south end
of Edgewater Drive could,be trimmed. Mr. Wilson stated yes.
Mrs. Wyatt stated that she had received a telephone call from an adl agency for
',the IlMarcom Group" seek lng an award from, the, Beaut ification COl1JJJitj:ee for
landscaping achievements. Members agreed that since this was an a~ agency
nothing should be sent because it may be used for advertising purposes.
Mr. Bickerstaffe was presented with a certificate of appreciation for all of his
efforts during his two, three year terms of service on the Beautification
. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted
Laura Burgess '
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