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Wednesday, June 6, 1990
Members Present
Robert Bickerstaffe
Joel Duling
Lawrence Lindner
Rose Moore
Phoebe Moss
Faye Sol lid
City Staff
Ream Wilson, Director, Parks & Recreation.
The regular meeting of the Beautification Committee was held in the Parks and
R~creation Department's Conference Room at the City Hall Annex on Wednesday,
J,une 6. 1990.
Members Absent
Marie Wyatt-excused
Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Larry Lindner.
Corrections were made to the June Minutes. Marie Wyatt had been excused from
the May Meeting. Rose Moore was present at the May Meeting. Minutes were
approved as cotrected.
Neil,Legters III, Code Enforcement. Supervisor, Planning and Development
Department. Mr. legters distributed a City Commission Agenda Memorandum relating
to the current Code Enforcement System.
Mr. Lindner asked Mr. Legters to answer several questions relating to Code
Enforcement. How can the Beautification Committee assist in reporting code
violations? WhatwQuld,bethe most effective procedure to use when registering
a complaint? Mr. Legters responded that a telephone call or letter, whether it
be anonymous or not, would be acceptable.
He also explained that when a property complaint is called in it is entered into
a new computer system; Comply II, which continually tracks the property. The
computer automatically ass1gns the property complaint to an inspector who will
then go 'out to make the inspection. When completed, the inspector will log his
comments into the system. In this manner, information is kept up to date so a
response relating to the property complaint can be quickly obtained. If the
property 'does not pass inspection, the computer will automatically send a
reinspection date to the inspector. Mr. Legters stated that a new system is
bein'g devised ,wherein each inspector wi 11 have a lap top computer to use
throughout the day. The computer will automatically assign work, list locations
of properties and Will allow the inspector to input his comments, notes, etc.
When the inspector completes the day, the lap top is downloaded into the main
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computer. Mr. Legters stated that any property complaint may be accessed through
Comp ly 11.
Mr. Legters stated there has been some reorganization to the Code Enforcement
Office in that inspectors are now housed under the same roof. He explained that
since this new reorganization, communications with other inspectors is enhanced
and should expedite code enforcement processes. Mr. Duling asked Mr. Legters
how many inspectors are now available to handle complaints and inspect
properties; he stated that there are six now and that they would be hiring one
other inspector. Mr. Lindner asked how work is assigned to an inspector;
Mr. Legters stated that two inspectors are assigned to a specific district and
there are three districts. Districts may be changed as a more concentrated code
enforcement program is devised. At the end of the month, training classes will
be set up for police offi cers so they may proy i de ass i stance to the code
inspectors when investigating properties in violation.
Mr. Duling asked if fines can be based on input from Comply II, Mr. Legters
stated yes and it is being used for this purpose.
Mrs. Sollid asked if there would be any newspaper publicity relating to code
enforcement rules and regulations to educate the public. Mr. Legters stated he
did not know. Although. he did inform members that Code Enforcement, through
the Planning & Development Office, is establ ishing an educational program whereby
one or two representatives from Homeowner Associations could meet quarterly at
the Annex Auditorium to address their questions, obtain answers, and gather
printed materials relating to the City's codes.
==> Mr. Lindner stated it seems to be a lengthy process to bring properties that are
in violation up to code. Mr. Legters responded if code inspectors see a
violation of the code, they will first ask the resident to take care of the
problem. The second step involves sending a courtesy letter to the homeowner.
If the property is still not brought up to code, the owner would receive a notice
of violation which is then brought before the Code Board, City Commission. It
is the Code Board who alledges you will take care of the problem within a certain
date and if not remedied a fine is charged on a daily basis until resolved.
He also stated that a number of City Ordinances will be changed by the Code
,Board in the near future.
Phoebe Moss asked Mr. Legters if a sign is posted in a median or on a right-
of-way is a code violation, he responded yes.
Mr. Legters stated that citizens of the City should inform the City Commission
of their needs and wishes so the City Commission may respond accordingly.
Mrs. Moore asked Mr. Legters why houses are boarded up on Garden Avenue? He
stated that windows and doors must be secured on any vacant building. If the
property owner chooses to board the windows and doors, the house may sit vacant
for up to three years. If the house is not secured, or is a constant police
issue, a Building Official will inform the property owner that the house is a
dangerous unsafe structure. The Building Official could then obtain an order
from the City COl1JTlission to dernol ish the structure. Mr. Legters stated that this
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is one of the problems Planning & Development is working on to establish new
Mr. Lindner asked what could be done to resolve the problem of automobiles being
parked on lawns in residential areas? Mr. legters responded that over a period
of time, the City Commisssion may establish a ruling on this subject if they
receive enough ,citizen input that it is needed.
Phoebe Moss asked if a code inspector could enter a resident's backyard.
Mr. Legters stated yes they have the same authority as a Police Officer. If a
resident does not allow the property to be entered, the code inspector will
obtain an inspection warrant.
Stevenson's Creek Letter - Mrs. Moss stated Mike Foley had contacted her and
asked that she inform the Committee of his appreciation for the well written
letter to the City Commission.
Mrs. Moore stated since the letter was sent to Dr. Robert Dawson from
Deborah Vincent, Clearwater Housing Authority relating to the Apache Trail
Apartments, the area has been cleaned up.
Cleveland Street Property Owner's Letter - Letter was sent to business owners
on Cleveland Street, across from the Cleveland Plaza, encouraging them to improve
the appearance of their business. Mr. Wilson stated the Downtown Sidewalk
Project, which will extend up to Myrtle Avenue, may eventually continue all the
way up Cleveland Street.
Old Business:
Memorial Causeway - Medians west of Island Estates entrance road are completed.
The first median east of Island Estates entrance road has been stripped.
Electrical lines and irrigation system have been installed.
Courtney Campbell Causeway - Mr. Wilson informed members he had not heard
anything' yet relating to the Beautification Grant, but he expects to hear
something within the next week or two.
Tree Planting Program - The Utility Bill insert has been approved. It will be
processed and sent out with utility bills approximately June 28th with a
completion date, of July 27th. This is subject to change due to hurricane
pamphlets being processed and the Graphics Department workload.
Bench Signage - Mr. Wilson reported he had received a memorandum from the City
Manager stating that the benches would be removed beginning Monday. April 30th.
Beach Route ~ Mr. Lindner spoke with Keith Crawford, Director, Traffic
Engineering who informed him that the signs directing beach traffic down Court
Street were erected at the request of several downtown businesses. Mr. Lindner
stated that since the beach route was changed, merchants have been complaining
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I about lost business. Mr. Crawford also stated that anot'her problem with the sign
conversion is traffic backs up near Crest Lake Park because there is only one
sign directing traffic Downtown.
Members discussed sending letters of recognition to area businesses and private
citizens for landscaping beautification efforts. Committee members agreed to
submit their letters to Faye Sol1id. Letters will be brought to the next meeting
for review and signatures.
Mr. Wilson stated that anrone is welcome to attend a Beautification Committee
Meeting since it is a pub ic meeting.
Mr. Bickerstaffe asked representatives at the Homeowners Coalition Meeting to
pass along information concerning the Street Tree Planting Program and also, to
inform'members of the vacant positions on the Beautification Committee. He also
updated members on the Channelization of Stevenson's Creek. This information
was received from engineers of the project who attended the Coalition Meeting.
He explained that some areas of the creek will have to channelized, but it will
be spread out so that there will be areas of storage during heavy rains. The
creek will be designed with a 30" drop to control flooding. He also stated that
77 houses will be affected by the channelization.
New Business
Mr. Bickerstaffe stated he would like to see the speed limit on Memorial Causeway
either heavily enforced or changed. Mr. Lindner responded that he would speak
with Keith Crawford, Director, Traffic Engineering on the subject and report back
to the Committee.
Mrs. Moore complimented Mr. Wilson on the nice landscaping job done at the
Clearwater Shuffleboard Club.
Members agreed the next meeting date should be July 11th, since
, ,July 4th is a hol iday.
Meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Burgess
. )