01/04/1989 , " :''y .~,; ..._~. I i;/{'\~':":':~: :,', ~\/,' , ~~\;;~~~lO' ' J t'\ '.' ~Aa.~ \ . , ' \ ,;':"',1 f~"'>:. , ',;'j.' ~ ..... iiT.::: '1 ?!~fu: I, II'. ,. f ~~!ii; , ," "1 ' Wednesday, January 4 ,1989 ~. J ,I I ! j , t I , I BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE , ' ", AGENDA ,\ \' , \ , ,\ \ \, d , \,','.','~" .'\~.,' ," 'I' 1. 'Approval' of December 'Minutes " :,: 2. cor~~ S pondemce Letter to Keith Crawford committ'ee Attendance Record to be sent to Mayor Garvey "', ~; Publi'oity , '"I 4,..' . , '.,/. Commi,t tee Reports .!, " 1 , .~. ,..', , " ,: :',:~ o , ,I. ~ ' , '~?' :1 .., .. ..:.\;j , ' ..' . . . ~ '~'; , ">1 ,," . '. ,; ~! . 'J '~ I 'Y , ,'., ; ~ ',:: "..t 1 , , -l ~ \ . ~ '. :. ',; , .' , . ' . ',' :+~' '.,..1;' ',' '" " j, '.~ ~ ~ ~, . . d .. '" t :,:,:,":,., " ","l",! "';', , " '~ I : :. ~ ~ -. .' " ~,\ ':'.', 'I , .. " .~~ 'XI~ " k~ <.~~ , ~:.~, \' ~. . ,.. .'" ,.. \. ,:I'T' :, ; . ~ t...,~, .?' , " . " " ','ii, .' : .j'. " ' ::'{ . " ,.,.. ~, . " . ~; . , t' ',' ~ ( :... " >. '1' . ..~v :;<~ ',\\ .,) ~ .. .: :."~. : ." '. , \ L, I ,: " . " ,'. ,\ l, :~I' . " <~, '. : ~<, :,j', ~ \ ., " ,I ,;}! . ,;J .' .:~'!1 , :. ~~~v .",t. ~ J".J' ';::::,,\,: "" ~ ' ;{ '." 1- +', .:~ " I', . 1-,', . ~. .. ~ ( " ' ," 'II ',,/ "\ '" "- :".:';J5,;. )~ :",/ " 'I ~,. .. '.'1 ,'. . +<\. .:. " , / '.1',.'.'>" ' .. , 'I' ' .'.., :: ,:' .~' ' . .\t~~ {t.~:':' ,. t1t\~'~!;. , W',:' ~:" ,1>,1',1'</. .,. , , --.', , ' .': / " - >:'0 ~l;:,." , ~, " BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE Wedn~sday, January 4, 1989 \".., The regular meeting of the Beautification Committee was held oo'W;dileaol1y, January 4, 1989 at 9:30 a.m. at the City Hall Annex. Members present were Mrs. Eugenia Berry, Mr. Robert Bickerstaffe, Ms. Lisa Lanza, Ms. Penethia Mack and Mrs. Phoebe Moss. Mrs. Ruth DuChateau and Mrs, Milly Joplin were absent and Ms. Jacquelyn Smith and Mrs. Emma Whitney were excused. Also in attendance was Mrs. Michelle Krentzman. Chairperson Lanza called the meeting to order. The December minutes were approved as mailed. Correspondence - Chairperson Lanza wrote a letter to Keith Crawford thanking him for his efforts regarding holiday decorations. This was passed around for members to read. Ms. Lanza said a copy of the attendance sheet is sent to Mayor Rita Garvey along with the minutes. Discussion followed regarding absenteeism and it was felt that mem- bers unable to attend meetings should resign so that other interested persons can be appointed to the Committee. Members can be removed by the City Manager if there are three unexcused absences. Chairperson Lanza welcomed new member, Ms. Penethia Mack, to the Committee. Publicity - Tree sale - Hamrick Lumber trees - The Subcommittee consisting of Mr. Bickerstaffe and Ms. Krentzman offered three options. (1) The Committee sell the trees to PTA's for $15. With the extra money we purchase soil amendments for the schools to plant the trees. (2) We sell the trees to the PTAla for $15 and with the extra money we purchase trees to donate to the City Nursery. (3) We sell trees to PTA and with extra money we buy trees to give to the Arbor Day celebration. Before discussion Ms. Lanza asked Mr. Wilson to join the meeting. Mr. Wilson suggested we tell the PTAls there are trees at Hamrick's for $10. The City Nursery will demonstrate to the schools the proper planting methods and the students can plant ,the rest,of the trees. He suggested Mrs. Krentzman draft a letter to the PTA's giving a short history of the tree sale, explain that trees are available at low cost at Hamrick's Lumber. The schools might have a tree-plant~ng ceremony to educate 'students on tree planting and care. Mrs. Moss made a motion that Ms. Krentzman draft a letter for approval by the City Manager of a proposal to sell the trees at Hamrick's Lumber to PTA's for beautification of the schools in Pinel1as County. Mr. Bickerstaffe seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Mark Roether, Nursery Superintendent, reported on the Causeway beautification. He said he had contacted Mr. John Corum of DOT who referred him to Mr. Harvey Hunt. He gave the Committee a brief outline of the type"of plants and trees which will be available for use on the Causeway. Ms. Mack made a motion to invite Mr. Hunt to the February meeting to discuss the Causeway and it was seconded by Mr. Bickerstaffe. The Chairperson will write the letter to Mr. Hunt. Mrs. Berry asked about the group "Citizens for a Better Clearwater" headed by Mr. Bill Johnson and Ms. Lanza reported that she wrote a letter to the Mayor and tl,... . I("f it. . > .' " " , ~ ; III t,:',) , %~"':"" ' " ~;':;>'" " '. ' " 1.'.," ' " " rs/', 'Commissioners in support, ~;~(;,' .' "suggested that we invite ~j'O':" ""', ',' ~'^', .'....~: ", ' Members, discussed the 'i<',::: "the 'public. The Committee ", ," , ho~iday' 'decorati?ns. of removing billboards, from Gulf-to-Bay Blvd. Mrs. Berry Mr. Johnson to our meeting. The Ch~irperBon will call him. holiday decorations and felt they were well received by will work with Mr. Crawford on the long term plan for {/.~,;'+'. po:; '. -, ,,' ;. : , Mr. Walter Rozinski of Pattemore t s called the Committee and "asked to be consid- , ered' for a'beautification award. Chairperson Lanza spoke with Alan Mayberry who stated' 'that ',Pattemore t s is ,not up to code. An award will not be given until they " ,meet'landscape, ,code requirements. Ms. La::aza is very concerned that'developments"are , ',,"not' inaintai,riin'g' their landscaping. Last year some Committee members inspected , ~i~es for,Mr.'Maybe~ry to see that they were kept up to code. " , "',+<.,' "t; " . J :~' :<, ~ : ~ ' :/.'... . . :'~,' ~~<, ' , /...," ',.." '" ,{.: t~iY:":::';, ',,'.,: ,.'~ " . . . , ,. ......i~ ~ ,~,:' > ." . ' ~~~~~':i.l'>:. '. .t~ \ >.:~,:;. :.' ';..c:~ ~. ~: ! ,t .' '. :The meeting adj ourned at 11: 15 B.m. ,>;, Respectfully submitted" '.Edith Vanderwerp , ( ", :.:~" s ~ I, ,Y:~:~:i, ~iu,), .... + -10 ~. . '.. :.;,\[~,:,I.;,i!i..';,'.,::,/', i,... ........ .', ,..;..t{0 ,,/;':;':,: ,~,~:;:';~ ,;' . ." "".J " t;':;':;"':~M'.':::' t,'" <' ~:1 f .,,:; . .. ," , l,~'~.;i,'!,;,!,,;,.,',"'~,",..,. ':'.; '. >/ .. . , ;t.~ T_ ~ , .', ',: '. '> : '" ;, ' '~. , . . P'''~lo''- ,,', " ' " , , , {i:~'"<}I",:L..':..:<"..;' ',. ~jV:,:",:.':",,: !;}.',,','.', ',( '..':,,' I,r,r:i;:';:;<';'~:':> .. ,..... "." ,.... .' ",. 31 " , " " ,. . ~ , ,~. ' '. . , '.';. < " ~, '.. " . :. . , . . , , ::,::. +. .,.: '('... t .. . ", ,,' ' .' , ~ .' 1_ '1 .' , '. , I. " ::~ '.;; ,.:'..'. '~."" .: ~l" '{.b , 'I ":1 . . '..\ ' , " ' . ',' ".'I, '" . : ":, ,'. , ! , ,1 ." , , " 'I' , . ~ ',>, . '" . ~ . ' , ' ','f " }'< j",t '.', " . i " ,,' " I,' ~, . . . " " I, .', ,,"; ~l .. " "