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Wednesday, November 2, 1989
': 'Approval of October Minutes
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Wednesday, November 2, 1988
The regular meeting of the Beautification Committee was held on November 2, 1988
at 9:30 a.m. at the City Hall Annex. Members present wcre Mr. Robert Bickerstaffe,
~(s. Lisa Lanza, Mrs. Phoebe Moss, and Mrs. Emma Whitney. Mrs. Eugcnia Berry. Mrs. Ruth
DuChateau and Ms. Jacquelyn Smith were excuscd and Mrs. Milly Joplin was absent.
Mr. Ream Wilson and Ms. Michelle Krentzman were also in attendance.
Chairperson Lanza called the meeting to order and the minutes of the October meet~
ing were approved as mailed.
Chairperson Lanza said she took Ms. Littlefield's survey form to the Clerk's
,office and it was considered a resignation. Ms. Littlefield had stated she could not
attend meetings due to teaching responsibilities. A new Committee member will be
appointed in the near future.
Publicity Event - Chairperson Lanza talked again with Mr. Hamrick and he would
like $10 for each tree. If members can sell 500 trees to the public, the other 500
trees could be purchased by the Committee and donated to various schools. A tentative
date for the sale was set for the 4th Saturday in January. A committee consisting of
Mr. Bickerstaffe, Mrs. Moss and Ms. Krentzman will work out further details. Mr. Bicker-
staffe and Ms. Krentzman will talk to Mr. Hamrick and report to the Committee next month.
Mr. John Richter, Code Administrator for the City. was invited to the meeting to
discuss various ordinances. There are four priorities for enforcing regulations:
(1) anything that may jeopardize public health or safety. (2) respond to public com-
plaints. (3) any work done without permits, and (4) anything that cheapens the City
image. Mr. Richter was asked about various instances where complaints were received.
He, said they cannot issue fines but request compliance by sending violators notices.
If the establishment does not comply the case goes to the Code Adjustment Board which
is made up of citizens and lay people. This was the case with Dimmitt's flags on US 19.
Two flags are allowed but not thirty. By limiting the number of flags they avoid de-
,tracting from the appearance of the City and commercialization of the flag. Mr. Richter
also said that enforcement is difficult as their budget is tight.
Mrs. Whitney asked about Clearwater Beach and Mr. Richter replied that the beach
,needs a plan to address public transportation, parking and a system to get people to
'the beach and back.
'Discussion followed regarding billboards and old signs and Mr. Richter stated
they would be brought into code within seven years. The "Highway Beautification Act"
says that the public gain has to outweigh private loss and also allow enough time for
owners to recoup their investments. 'Gulf-to-Bay is not protected by the Act. It was
the unanimouS opinion of members present that a letter be sent to the Commission in
support of the amendment to the billboard ordinance which would seek to require that
any billboard located on Gu1f-to-Bay east of Highland Avenue comply with the City
sign regulations or be removed within seven years.
As a follow-up on a suggestion by Ms. Jacquelyn Smith approximately a year ago,
a flyer was inserted in the utility bill asking residents to place trash barrels along
curbs after 7:00 p.m. the evening before collection and to remove from curb by 7:00
p.m. on collection day.
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[~:?':,' " ,Tb~ meeting adj ournedat 11: 10 a.m.
~/\:1){'" 'Respectfully" subtrltted.
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Holiday Decorations - A letter was received from Keith Crawford regarding the
installation of Christmas decorations for the holid~y season.
1. Four scrolls per pole will be, placed on every other pole on Memorial Causeway.
The light bulbs will be white.,
2. At Clearwater Beach between Mandalay and Marianne and the intersection. of
Gulfview and Coronado. there will be ten (10) fixtures which will be scrolls with
lanterns illuminated with white bulbs.
3. From Marianne and Mandalay to Acacia and Mandalay the fixtures will be scrolls
and lanterns without bulbs.
4. On Gulfview Blvd. from Pier 60 to Clearwater Pass Ave.. 7' Noel trees from
last year'aCauseway decorations will be installed without bulbs.
'S~ Decorations in the downtown will contain white bulbs.
. ,.1
a new Mr. Donut opened on Gulf-to-Bay and landscaping was
and the trees are declining. She notified Alan Mayberry
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