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Wednesday, October 5. 1988
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The regular meeting of the Beautification Committee was held on October 5, 1988
at 9:30 a.m. at the City tlsll Annex. Members present were Mrs. Eugenia Berry,
Mr. Robert Bickerstaffe, Mrs. Milly Joplin, Chairperson Lisa ~nnzaJ Mrs. Phoebe Moss
and Mrs. Emma Whitney. Mrs.' Ruth DuChateau, Ms. Paula Littlefiel~ and Ms. Jacquelyn
Smith were excused. A visitor, Ms. Michelle Krentzman, was also in attendance.
. ,
Chairperson Lanza called the meeting to order and Bsked for a motion to approve
the minutes of the August meeting. Mr. Bickerstaffe made the motion which passed.
Publicity - Chairperson Lanza asked if the Mayor and City Commissioners were
provided with copies of the minutes of each meeting. Secretary responded that two
copies of each month's minutes are sent to tho City Manager's office. A motion was
made by Mrs. Joplin to send a copy to Mayor Garvey and each Commissioner. Discussion
followed. Mrs. Moss amended the motion to read the minutes be sent to the Mayor and
Commissioners by either the City Manager or the Committee. The motion was seconded
and passed.
Chairperson Lanza suggested that we sponsor a beautification event by helping
Mr. Hamrick of Hamrick Lumber to sell 1500 heritage oak trees which he has grown.
He wants to Bell the 8' trees for $10 each. The Committee could sell the trees for
$15,for donation to charity or to purchase some trees themselves to donate to schools.
Chairperson Lanza said landscaping is not in the School Board budget and trees around
schools is a good beautification project. Mr. Bickerstaffe suggested a publicity
article on it. Chairperson Lanza asked for a motion. Mrs. Moss moved that we sponsor
a tree sale with trees at Hamrick's Lumber at a future dates proceeds to be used to
donate trees to schools. Motion passed.
Correspondence - Chairperson Lanza said a letter was written and a certificate
prepared to Budget Rental'complimenting them on their beautification efforts. The
certificate will be mailed as a representative of the company did not attend the
Christmas Decora~ons - Mrs. ~hitney reported that 100 scrolls will be ready for
the 1988 holiday season. Discussion ensued regarding the placing of two scrolls on
each pole or four scrolls on every other pole to save labor costs. If two scrolls
are placed on each pole the brackets would have to be removed and reassembled next
year when two more scrolls are added. More discussion followed and it was statad
that new wiring will not be installed on the Causeway until the relandscaping pro-
ject is begun. Mr. Bickerstaffe made a motion to have Traffic Engineering install
brackets on every other pole so that the following year the other poles can be com-
pleted so all poles will have four scrolls. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Berry
and passed.
Mrs. Whitney suggested asking Keith Crawford if the lanterns which were used
on the Causeway last year could be put up on Clearwater Beach. Mrs. Berry said
~rB. Whitney deserves a vote of thanks from all members of the Committee for her work
and efforts these past years in regard to holiday decorations for the City of Clear-
water. \ II
Public Works and Environment - Chairperson Lanza spoke to Alan Mayberry about
the trees a K-Mart parking lot and he said the person who had trimmed the trees had
no tree pruning experience. Alan spoke to him for about an hOUr and he was very
cooperative and eager to trim the trees correctly.
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Ms. KrentzmBn told the committee about the 35' Dere nature park known as Magnolia
Falls to be developed in the future. There are four kinds of habitat on this property,
, pine flntwoods, cypresB SWBmp, creat wetlands Bnd upland scrub. This property is
located at McMullen Booth Road across from Countryside High School. She is concerned
that tbe new Chi Chi Rodriquez golf course may upset the ecology of Magnolia Falls.
Unfinished Business - Chairperson Lanza asked if the committee would like to have
John Richter 'come to the next meeting to talk about the sign ordinaricc, fences, 'etc.
A motion WBS made by Mrs. Moss to invite Mr. Richter to the November meeting and it
was seconde~ by Hrs. Joplin snd passed.
Update from Mr. Wilson - Mr. Wilson joined the meeting and told the Committee
that the Chamber is no longer sponsoring 'Sparking Clearwater Day. Last year
,Ms. Elizabeth Armatrong, a member of tbe Parks Bnd Recreation Board, chaired this
project 'and did a tremendous job. Mr. Wilson asked if the committee would like to
work with Ms. Armstrong and the Parks and Recreation Board on this project. Dis-
cussion followed and members agreed this would be a good environmental project.
Mr. Wilson said one or ,two persons from the committee would be needed to play an
active role. He said Ms. Armstrong could come to a meeting and explain the project
to the committee. At least six months is needed to plan snd organize this campaign.
Mr. Wilson will contac,t Ms. Armstrong.
Mrs. Joplin asked Mr. Wilson if some trees could be planted near the Ross Norton
Recreation Center. She also said there are three pine trees that are dying at Ross
Norton Park. He said he would look at the area.
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Cleveland Streetscape was supposed to begin on August 8th
started until Some time'!n January as DOT is requesting
Mr..,Bickerstaffe asked if a street light could be installed at the parking lot
at Edgewater Park~
Ms. Lanza received an article from the Arbor Day Foundation on tree trimming
'/': \" which would be excellent to enclose in utility bills. Tbis will be pursued at a
;:~:;:::: ,:' I 'la~er,date.'
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, Respectfully s~bmitted,
Edith Vanderwerp