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Wednesday, December 2, 1987
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Call to Order
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Approval of Minutes
,Old Business
a) committee Reports' ,
br Appoin~ments to Sub-comittees
4. ':px:ogr'ain' -:- ",Speaker
Terry Finch on ,topic of Cooperls
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Wedncsday, December 2. 1987
The regular meoting of the Boautification Committee was held on Wednesday.
December 2, 1987 at 9&30 s.m. at the City Unll Annex. Members preBent were Hrs.
Eugenia Derry, ~lr. Robert Dickerataffe, Chnirperson Lisa Lanza. Mrs. Phoebe Mosa.
Mra. Milly Joplin nnd Na. Jacquelyn Smith. Mrs. Ruth DuChateou and Mra. Ennno
Whitney were abaent.
Chairperson Lanza called the meeting to 'order. She asked that 8 change be
made in the November minutes. In the last paragraph on the first page. the second
to the lost line where it Btates '!other members agreedlt, change to "some members
agreed". Mr. Bickerstaffe made the motion to approve the minutes DS corrected and
Mrs. Berry seconded the motion.
A letter from Mayor Garvey was received by the Committee in October and it
was read to the Committee by Ms. Lanza.
" Chairperson Lanza said she had written an article for the newspapers last
, month and it was released through the Publicity Supervisor of the Parks and Recre-
ation Department. To date this article has not been published. A discussion ensued
8S to whether the Chairperson should mail or hand deliver all news releases of the
Committee personally or whether they should be handled by the Parks and Recreation
Department. It was the consensus of the Committee to wait to Bee if the article
appears in the papers.
Committee Reports - Holiday Decorations - A lengthy discussion ensued reg~rding
<~,holiday decorations. Mr. Dickerstaffe said he would take pictures of the decorations
'_,;.Jthis year and begin with recommendations to the Beautification Committee after the
first of tbe year. Mr. Bickerstaffe added that entertainment people like Disney use
just trees and lights and there should be lights from Missouri Avenue to the Cause-
way which can be seen from a distance.
Chairperson Lanza asked Ms. Smith if she would work on the Sparkling Clearwater
Subcommittee. She agreed and Ms. Lanza asked her to keep the Committee abreast'of
"developments on the Bottle Bill which will be reintroduced at the 1988 legislative
session. Ms. Lanza alBa said she has a speaker for next month's meeting from CAT
(C1ti~enB Against Throwaways). Ms. Lanza alao asked Ms. Smith to keep the Committee
informed on Sparkling Clearwater Day.
Chairperson Lanza asked Mrs. Berry if she would work on the Adopt-A-Park Sub-
committee with Mrs. MOBS and she agreed.
Chairperson Lanza had a newspaper article on beautification being accomplished
in the North Greenwood area. She thought it would be a good idea if someone from
that area could become a member of our Committee. After a short discussion, Mrs.
MOBS made a motion that the Chairman write a letter to the North Greenwood Commun-
ity Association to invite someone to apply for a seat on the Beautification Com-
,mittee or possibly visit one' of our meetings. It was seconded by Mrs. Berry and
Chairperson Lanza welcomed Alan Mayberry to the meeting to speak about Cooper's
~Point. Mr. Mayberry said the Environmental Section would like t~,see Cooper1s Point
~prese~yed and not developed. He said development and wetlands are not compatible
and will cause eventual decline of the wetlands which have a very important ecological
function. He said it would also be a very valuable educational area for school
children. He hopes the City and County can come to an agreement on what to offer
the Sembler's for the land.
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Mr. Bicker$taffe asked if homes could be built on a portion of the property.
", .... He said the State offered $650,000 for it with tho understanding that it could be
:;~ ~developed. ,If it's possible to build homes there it would be something we should
buy and if they can't he feels it's too much to pay for it. Hr. Mayberry replied
that he has walked the property and there 1s B lot of upland there and he believes
the owners feel they could build 25 to 30 homes there and it would be very valuable
real estate.
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After further discussion. Mr. Blckerstaffe made a motion that the Committee
,go' on ,record BS approving the preservation of Cooper's Point but that we check into
,the feasibility of its use so as to save taxpayers as much money as,po8sible. If
it 'cannot be built on as proposed. it is not worth the 2.6 million they sroaeking
for it. The motion was seconded by Ms. Smith and passed with one abstention.
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'Ms. Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Mrs. Moss.
Respectfully submitted,
E~ith 'Y~nderwe'rp
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