08/05/1987 1",., ' . , tc:J-o (~ 1>: ,..., " ' it :",', i(:-.': ~..r:,' ,/,1,. ~ 'r ." r..~~'f.'!l ~{:, ., tf~:::'..., ; , '\1: :~ '. " " ,) , !'~ ' >:', , ~ :kf(;:','::,:,:,'::;' fj!:/L. I, :: '.' }, ~' ~ i>r...... ~,:(<...: :...~<,c,~ ':I'~ ~. .; '~; " . .'.1, , .~ . ~0:;!:';, " ' / ,\ ,BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE AGENDA " Wednesday, August 5, 1987 , ',~, ,../ '/' ,,' , . .' \./' ICe. >'. ' I"'; , ,'~.. '" :':f .l'~ Call to Order '../: " .' ; ", , .',.. :2'. ,Approval of May I June and, 'July Minutes '., ,\ '. ~, . ., ~. " ',' "~. . ~, , .(~~"..,:..'" .."" "', ';:~~I" Discussion of {,,,', It : .\': ,~.::,;~,'~::,:;\'," ,',,":.. ,<,,'~f" ':',4.. "" .,' ;,,.,\ 't' Ij"?);,~.:,'..,;':':~~,5'...... Mj onrnme.nt f~'~@'" "'>"',' ~N~~:rn:'l!J}" :,,',,:..<', ',~,':' .-,,:,,:.:,-: ~,\t,"',., ..} " ',", , _, , I. ~~~:;(iqfY:;,L;<::i~'~,;:~-,>';:"':~/'::,.,::;"", :' :'," ::,'",~, ~'(,..~....~J/I~' )}...:\~, .:~.. ~rd' .. > ,.,.':.' I, "., " ~;~;-.: i~'l'_~l.~,. 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":", 1" , ,: ,.~ , . > ", -.:, ,.o'l . : '.,'. ~ . ~.' '1 . , , i' ~ ,';J: ',::,:\ '. ' " . , I . ." : ~ :' ." . ~ , 1: . ,. , ":- ,.t . ~':': c " ~ , . .' ,. ..' C".: , .' " . " '.,~~: -:' ~-; , ; ~ :~';,~~i ~ . < ;.~ , \.~!~ ..' , :\ <... '\ ,: '\, '.1-'-:. i' ',:, " ," . , , ",',' ,I 'c.,c. .' . ,; .. , ..) I. ., . \ ~. : I, . ", '.' lC " ,.':1' ,.,.. t' .' '. "< : . , : ' ." t.' , , ., '.,; .,' ,:, ", ,.:; ,,'! '...,.: , t' ,'})~'J;~' ' t' ' :V~ (). BEAUTIFICATION COMl-tlT1'EE MINUTES Wednesday, August 5, 1987 / The regular meeting of the Beautification Committee WllS held on Wednesday, August 5, 1987 at 9:30 a.m. at the City Hall Annex. Members prescnt were Mr. Robert Bickerstaffe, Chairman Rita Canan, Mr. Rand Knon, Ms. Lisa Lanza and Mrs. Emma Whitney. Mrs. Eugenia Berry. Mrs. Ruth DuChateQu and Ms. Jacquelyn Smith were excused and Mrs. Phoebe Moss was absent. " The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked for a correction in the July minutes. In the fourth paragraph, fourth line instead of lithe Chairman said there was no maintenance" she wanted it to state "the Chairman said there was in- sufficient maintenance". The motion was made by Mr. Bickerstaffe to accept the minutes of May, June and July. aa corrected. It was seconded by Mr. Knox and passed. :. Memorial Causeway Beautification - Ms. Lanza presented the following resolutions to the Committee. Whereas. the Clearwater Parks Department needs annuals for Memorial Causeway and other flower beds around Clearwater; :~LI ~ ''-J Whereas. the production of annual flowers requires an intensive amount of manpower and supplies; Whereas, the Upper Pinellas Association of Retarded Citizens has the facilities and manpower to grow annuals; ~": . Whereas, the horticulture director of UPARC has offered to contract grow annuals for the City of Clearwater; ':. , ,,'.. ' We hereby resolve that UPARC and the Clearwater Parks Department enter into a contract for a specified number and variety of annuals and a time frame in which UPARC will make these annuals available to the landscape division be established. 1:-, Ms. Lanza 'stated she talked with the director at UPARC and they have the .space and manpower.' She said she does not feel it possible for the City to grow their own annuals. After further discussion she made a motion that the resolutions be adopted and be recorded in the minutes. It was seconded by Mr. Bickerstaffe and passed unanimously. ), Committee members agreed that a lot of money would not be required for the Causeway to look beautiful. Members would like flowers in all the beds and if flowers need to be removed. they should be replaced by other flowers. The Chair- man stated that the Causeway is looking better under Mr. Mulligan's direction and Mr. Knox agreed. He also said the Causeway'needs flowers, shrubs, mulch and good maintenance until it is relandscaped next year. ~l , ""0' '" I.,' i,. .i ',: ~' , ' Update from Mr. Wilson - Chairman Canan asked about Mrs. Moss' statement in the July minutes about funds for relandscaping the Causeway. Mr. Wilson stated that $38,000 is in the 1987/88 budget requests with another $38,000 in the requests ,~I: ~,~ ' I., :';.::': '" \, , ;~(, ' " a for 1988/89 for a total of $76,000. At this tim~ the funds are still in the budget but two public hearings arc scheduled h~fore final approval by the Commission. Mr. Wilson also stated they llre soliciting donations for large accent palms. " Adopt-A-Park - Thero are two types. residential and commercial. A residential permit does not require a sign. It consists of individuals who are interested in improving their neighborhoods. An example of a commercial Adopt-A-Park is Barnett Bank assuming maintenance of the Howard Johnson triangle and an advertising sign being placed at the site. The most recent commercial Adopt-A-Park is Ered Thomas, President of Pinch-A-Penny, who has agreed to landscape the Aster Street end on Clearwater Beach. There will be a 6' boardwalk, ice plants as ground cover, sea oats, sea grapes and oleanders. All plantings will be cold and salt tolerant. There will be a small sign for Pinch-a-Penny at the site. Street Trees - Permission was received from the Department of Transportation and Mr. Wilson met with members of the Clearwater Downtown Association. There was some dissent among members who didn't want oak trees as they drop leaves and hide store signs but the plan was approved. Mr. Wilson said they were doing some re- search on street trees. Some cities are planting them in grow bags. Then in approximately five years they can be replaced by new trees and the old ones can be planted elsewhere. , .. The Chairman welcomed Keith Crawford. Director of Traffic Engineering and Bob Morrison. Electrical Superintendent, to the meeting to discuss holiday decor- ations. Mr. Crawford said that in recent years there has been $5,000 in the budget each year for refurbishing holiday decorations. He said he put $25,000 in the budget for major improvements but it was removed. Mr. Crawford remembers the scroll decorations mentioned in Mrs. Whitney's letter to the Commission. He told the Committee they were hand made and took a massive amount of time to put up. Also. there was the problem of storage. First some were stored in the basement of the library and some in the garage and after several years they were scrapped. There were about fifty of them in the old Williams School which was demolished a 'few months ago and they were removed with the debris of the building. Mrs. Whitney asked if they could be made again and Mr. Crawford replied that it is a problem of manpower. In the early 70rs some men worked all year on the decorations. Now , holiday decorations do not come in ahead of traffic signals or other lighting maintenance. The cutback in funds came ,in 1974 with the energy crisis and the funds were never put back. Also, the underground cable is 25 years old and needs a major overhaul. Mr. Morrison has a design of the scrolls and he will estimate the cost of const,ructing them and also the man hours involved. :~ ' o r' '" , , For the year 1987. the Committee is willing to go along with what is already planned with the exception of using blue lights on the Causeway and making an attempt to string the lights horizontally on the tree at the Bayfrant. Mr. Bicker- staife suggested the Committee get Mr. Morrison's estimate and then have something to"present to the Commission in March. , , ; , The meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m. Respec~fully submitted. Edith Vanderwerp , , " "'. ~ F>, ('"11 (I- ,'" ...., {\..,:' . c, :::., , ' .j.',.:. ,~!':;':'~ , " ~ ',~. ' '. d: ..