05/06/1987 t;'.!"":~ ~, , .,lr~-..' ~l'~";.:.".. ':; , ' " 1-.. ., ,'(" , ~,\~', " ~'iJ~: ::1. ~..~.,~' .1' M.'t~: ' \;~), 0 ,: r.t;;'. ;'.<..., , '\ ~ .. ;, ,(' " ,BEAUTIFICATION,COMMITTEE >,,/. /,,: l- r .~ t. - '~~ I . ~ ' :~.' :; \':~' , '. , " (":.,..:. \ AGENDA ,\1 Wednesday, May 6, 1987, ,,', ~, ' . , .. .');,../" ;/, '~: :;~ ,'. v~ " ~< ': : '> ~ j. . , :1/ '., , " ~' :' , ~f~: ,...'~ ' '\ "~"~~" ' ~. ....: c , "I ' " )t::'~:, : ~f;,;, y~?; '. .\:.;' , .' , fu,?',: ", r~!..';tj)il: ',;', :,,,. ~' r:l, \ '''f~.' c:' , . f~~~:' '!~'r.f' . .<' > . .' '-)' ' , . ' ,. 'fi'."." ,...' ':' ~~it:,!"i,: :.::,'}' ,::, " .'. ,'. ,,:, '. ',','. " ~f.~f""';~" , " "" ;.., " ": ~:':J~;';~~~:;:"\/,:'.':":,,, ',I ,l " ,"... ~~'\''''\ ,'" ,', " , .:',', "','", '!f"r~;::':>:~)H\:~i" ",' ~'1".'(:" . '..' "" . ,', II\f.;i;'!~!.';:,\ ::;:,,:',', '..',,', 't.... .,'. 'r..,' . .. '" ~#{:~t::.\,:.,/,<:. 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Mrs. Whitney and Mr. Bickerstaffe met several times at the Causeway and developed ideas and suggestions which are outlined in the attached letter to the City Commission. Briefly, they recommend a scroll design in light blue and silver with miniature lights on the Causeway palms and in the newly landscaped Triangle in front of Howard Johnson's Restaurant. The Chairman asked for comments from members. Mr. Knox asked if there were any photos of the scroll design. He also said the idea of flowers year round on the Causeway was good. Mrs. DuChateau was concerned about the art work and felt it would entail much '/ work on the part of the Committee. She also suggested the Christmas card suggestion , be placed at,the end of the letter. " ':!." ,,' """ U:: 1" {'c o \J b,',.. "1'1 , . , '. ~~ ,,' . }(:.:,' , <;,,'. " ' ..',. ~,~. ' . I '.,' ~. , ,.1: '. ::' ;', :",1' ::,1" ,:-,', "~') <:: " ' . :". .,.... ~, .::~ ' ..' ." ~~:,', " ' ~'~~::' ~ i~{:> > Mr. Bickerstaffe would like to see miniature lights on trees from Myrtle Avenue west to' Pier 60. Ms. Lanza suggested some of the ideas be implimented this year and some next yeart but Mrs. ~hitney felt it could be accomplished this year. ,'Ms. Smith agreed with the suggestions in the letter, The Chairman asked for a,motion to accept the letter. The motion was made by Mrs. Moss and seconded by Mr. Knox. The motion passed unanimously. In regard to residents leaving trash containers at Ms. Smith stated she met with Cecil Hendersont Director to place a message with the utility bill to homeowners. when this message will be included with the bills. curbside on pick-up days, of Utilities, and he agreed There is no definite date Terry Finch and Alan Mayberry joined the meeting for a short while. Terry Finch said she would like the Committee to let the Environmental Section do the follow-up work on reinspections of shopping centers for maintenance neglect. The Committee would like to see the shopping center at Gulf-to-Bay and Duncan Avenue improved. Mr. Mayberry stated that the original plan included about eighty trees and shrubs which were not maintained and died. He feels that area is a good one to work,on as they have the plans for it. A new shopping center called Campus Walk on Drew near US 19 will soon be ready for occupancy and Mr. Mayberry suggested members meet him'there and he would show them around and point out what to look for. Discussion followed and Mr. Mayberry said he would contact members a week before he makes the reinspection of the site. , ~ . . Ms. Smith made a motion that Mr. Mayberry would set the date and time and inform members to meet at Campus Walk. It was seconded by Mr'. Bickerstaffe and pa'ssed. lii\r1.?\ "'W. 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The Chairman suggested that the tennis court modification be tied to the improvement of Memorial Causeway which would be paid for from general funds rather then depending on a tax raise. Mike Mulligan, Landscape Architect, joined the meeting and showed members a drawing of a typical median along the Causeway. Median ends would be landscaped heavily with colorful flowers and different varieties of trees and shrubs would also be planted in each median. Mr. Mulligan said he would not begin the Causeway land- scaping until after October 1, which is the new budget year. .' , , " Mr. Mulligan also displayed a drawing of improvements to be made at Mandalay Park. : This will be a natural beach type park with a small grass area in the middle , ,with a gazebo. Ms. Lanza asked about the Street Tree Program and Mr. Mulligan explained' that :there is a'moratorium on street trees because they are not large enough. He said ,they:would be resuming the program by, September 1st. Ms. ,Lanza also asked if' the Committee would donate a tree to the new ,YWCA playground. Mr. Wilson responded ,that the:Department would donate a tree but that the Y would have to arrange to pick'it up and plane' it. ,\ A motion to adjourn the meeting was made, by Mr. Bickerstaffe and seconded by : Mrs: Whitney." The meeting 'adjourned at 11:15 a.m. . ' . . Respectfully submitted, 'Edith'lJanderwer~ ':' , , , ,,' , : .., 1 . " '" '! ., ,. , ",\ ','