05/07/1986 " ~j"" \~;,' (~:r~'~ ~t~..' ~ '$,"" ~" , ~~',' ' .:,\fl I ., c ~~r;^' k~r>, t~q'l !!:~< ~~t1'~"... jt~ > ~ . ':.' ".c .; . ~ ~ '.C -' , I: ~i,{:;'/,:':., .' !J~;;;,:;,,~;:~'.'~'::., ,': ., ~"I ,I, ':'/',:' ,Vl. Call,' to ,Order ~~~:::<i;:"~>: '<"j~ ':, ,Mr'~ Bickerstaffe' s Rep'ort ~:'::;J~:\"~~<~,<':n"~"~'~ :>.:, ~g:!.ii;:, ';j .:..~::~e:u::a ::::~:m:::o::m:::: : :g: s~:::e:::: tes ,':~:;:~;t::::.,:'~,',':, ~,.. " "'.' '; ~l;~~.'~';) :,~~i> ~ <>'. ~ ,:' , . l " ".." , ('" " '" 5 . ,:.' ',,~ay i)~~~tiK,[i)6 ; Ope;' Discussion ~M:U.'Y <;' ,:;' ,'<:' '",' ~({),::, ;;",;;' /7.'.," ',Upd~te" fr.om Mr'. Wilson 'if'..f.l;'{~" ~", ~.'. /'. ".~;, 'to , .. ,N;;(?//".,/,;',,:a :~,: :'Ad)6urn~ent" Hif;~'f~~'~;:;\,:r:{ ,::,' :-. "';:;::;'i,:. ' ,I. r"J....>....(../ he , J.... .. ~,:.:..~ ~...~' ~ ',,' '~'d~"'-t"" . <: -:'. I/.i.~'" ~'D:)- )." . .' . " ft,.il"'rirll';' : ,; i '" ',", ' '" '" t~J~'I.:~ ..;.~,.-'.";)':,'. ~. ~11f,.\'i;\',\'...;:,,.,.r:, ',' .:.... ,',' . :,:'. 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The regular meeting of the Beautification Committee was held on Wednesday, May 7, 1986, at 9:30 a.m. at the City Hall Annex. Members prescnt were Mr. Robert Bickerstaffe, Mra. Ruth DuChateau, Mr. Frank Krame, Mrs. Lisa Lanza, Mrs. Phoebe MoSB, Chairperson Mikell St. Germain and Mrs. Emma Whitney. Mrs. Rita Canan and Mrs. L. M. Clark were excused. Chairperson St. Germain called the meeting to order and asked for a motion to approve the April minutes. Mrs. DuChateau made the motion and it was seconded by Mrs. Lanza. Chairperson St. Germain had to leave the meeting early. She read the letter she wrote to the management company of Island Estates Shopping Center expressing the Committee;s appreciation for the new landscaping. Mrs. DuChateau Buggested adding a sentence about maintenance but it was decided to just thank them for their efforts. Mr. Bickerstaffe wis asked to be temporary chairman. Mr. Wilson;s update was moved to the beginning of the meeting as he had a prior commitment. He welcomed new members, Mrs. Lisa Lanza and Hrs. Phoebe Moss, to the Committee. Mr. Wilson asked that a correction be made on page 2 of the April minutes. The United Daughters of the Confederacy own the pro~erty at the entrance to Clearwater on Old Tampa Bay, not the DAR as stated in the minutes. At this time Mr. Wilson introduced the City-g Landscape Architect/Nursery Superintendent. Mr. Mike Mulligan. to the Committee. Mr. Mulligan gave a brief rundown of various projects the Nursery is working on or has completed. . He ex.plained that he is trying to,have as much color as possible along with low maintenance in landscaping around the City. In the Clearwater Beach Marina project he is creating continuity between the Beach ,and the Downtown area. The Parks Department is working on an agreem~nt with Barnett Bank to maintain the Howard Johnson '"triangle at the entrance to Clearwater Beach. Cabbage palms and oleanders will be planted there along with a big bed of annuals'. " ' Flowers are being planted in areas that are seen by many people. Oak trees have been planted in Coachman Park and brick walkways will b~ replacing the existing concrete sidewalk. Committee members all liked the bricks Mr. Mulligan showed them and would like dther park sidewalks replaced with bricks as monies become available. Other projects being worked on are the Greenwood Library, Tract 61 which will be a passive park at Curlew Road and Landmark Drive, adding trees around the incinerator and at Morningside Recreation Complex. Also relandscaping the Fire Station at Garden Avenue, putting in summer flowers at the Court Street Waterfall, Sand Key Substation, roses were added at the Memorial Civic Center, trees planted in the passive park at the " 1 1 ..,., , '"," . I;, , .. ,'. ,',' " ,.' '",:, '"..: .: ":'.," _, '\,' ,I ,t, ,.,. , , " t""J "',', .'If <,' , ,};i: ' .', .. .< ., ,'t'. I~. " ',' '" c' , .: :'..,,:~) .~~.{,' .',5iJ:, .... I ~ ;I~:,:, ~.. : ~ I ,.". , . , c' \ . 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Mrs. Lanza,asked if Bide~alks were sprayed where weeds graB in the cracks and Mr. Mulligan said they have routea on certain day~and spray whenever they can. Mr. Bickerstaffe told Mr. Mulligan about the well at Edgewater Park and Mr. Mulligan said he talked with the motel people across the atreet and by using a metal detector the well 'I still couldn~t be found. Mr. Bickerstaffe said there are five or 'six clumps of reclanata palms that need to be trimmed at Edgewater Park and Mr. Mulligan said he would check on it. Mr. Bickerstaffe also stated he would like to see the City use the br!cksfor'the walkways at Edgewater Park and if money is not available this year or next year he feels a shell walk could he in's'talled until funds are available. ,Mrs. Lanza asked if some trees could be planted at Marymont Pa rk. , Mr. Bickerstaffe thanked Mr. Mulligan for telling th~ Committee about all the projects in progress throughout the City. Mrs. ,Lanza aaked if Howard Johnson had an agreement with the City tomairitain the triangle in front of their restaurant. Mr. Bickerstaffe said we could find out and report to the Committee next month. I, ~r. Bickcrstaffe said the report on the service contract for the cleaning of the downtown streets would be deferred until next month and given by Lou Aldr~ch, a new Committee member and also a member of the Downtown Development Board. Mrs. DuChateau reported that the large realtor sign which was located near the Welcome to Clearwater sign at Route 60 and Tampa Bay has been removed and a small sign is there. Mrs.' Whitney had, a complaint about the signs at th~ Sandpip~r Motel,on <:;Jearwater Beach and it was' 'augges ted she see the Sign' Inspector after the meeting. 2 (' 'c rlr,"A' ~\~~f:' .{'",' 1;}~I:" j ~~){,~: \' " ..).~, . . 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CountrY8~de"Art Department ,has already made a commitment for a Christmas project' for 1986, but the next year would be available. She recommends ,that'we engage them for a project for Christmas 1987. Since the ,'e~erg~'crisis she feels there is no enthusiasm to make the ~ati8ewai look beautiful. She ~aid holiday decorations are '1 .~x~ensive,but th~ught' there might b~' a five-year plan whereby ~ach year,some ~ecorationsco.uld be purchased. Discussio.n f~llowed and M~s:. Whitney made a motion to work toward the scroll ,effect of Christmas trees on the Causeway and to speak to ,~:Criuntrysi~~ Att Department'for Christmas 1987. Mr. Bickerstaffe s'u'ggested we'have Keith Crawford, come and talk to the Committee next m'onth for his recommendations about our ideas. Cammi t te e members concurred. , " , , " " , , ' ". . . ~ ~, ,.' . . '.'o': Mrs. ',Wh1 tney moved to. adj au rn the mee t ing and 1 twas seconded, by Mr., Krame. Mee~ing adjo.urned at 10:55 a.m. .(,',c " I ','. 4' > ,': ',~ .' c, '.' i " " ." ,~ , I, . t'< " , ,'\' '. , :,', ,i(' '[ ',. '\ '"I' " '.' '\ 3