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Wednesday. March 5. 1986
The regular meeting of the Beautification Committee was held
on Wednesday. March 5. 1986, Dt 9:30 a.m. at the City Hall Annex.
Members present were Mr. Robert Bickerstaffe. Mrs. Ruth
DuChateau, Mr. Frank Krome, Mrs. Sally Nitka and Mrs. Kathryn
Peat. Mrs. L. M. Clark and Mrs. Rita Canan were excused and Mrs.
Whitney was Absent. Commissioner Rltn Garvey also was in
'0 t tend an c e.
The Chairman called the meeting to order and welcomed
Commls.1oner Garvey to the meeting. She asked for a motion for
approval of the February minutes. Mr. Krome made the motion and
it was seconded by Mr. Blckerstaffe.
After reading the January minutes of the Beautification
Committee. Commissioner Garvey decided to attend the meeting
where a discussion would be held regarding the letter to the City
M~nager. She explained to members that the letter was not sent
to get rid of the Beautification Committee; but rather the City
Commission requested a 1% cut in budget and is looking for ways
to eliminate smaller advisory gro~~s that put demands on staff.
She felt the Beautification Committee might blend with the Parks
and Recreation Board and accomplish the same thing.
Mr. Bickerstaffe told Commissioner Garvey that Mr. Wilson"'s
time was cut to approximately 15 minutes at the end of the
meeting and felt it has been working very well and that the
Committee has accomplished more. He said the staff time now
being utilized is for the secretary to record the minutes and
fel~, if necessary, a member of the Committee could do it.
Chairman St. Germain,felt the letter singled out the
Beautification Committee instead of being 'directed to all
committees. Mrs. Garvey replied the Commission is trying to find
out which committees are unnecessary. Mr. Bickerstaffe replied
that many committees are a waste of time and stnff members
sho~ldn"'t have to be there. De also stated there are too many
people' on,committees. Mrs. Garvey said she would look at cutting
back on the number of people on committees and check to see those
that are absent.
Commissioner Garvey told members that the Parks and
Recreation Board looks at the whole park system, activities,
conditions of parks, etc. Mr. Bickerstaffe said he didn't see
how they could focus on beautification. He said the'waterfall
'did not need new sod--just water. fertilizer and maintenance.
Commissione~ Garvey said the C6mmission sets the budget and
we have to live within it. She said new parks are added and we
don't add people to maintain them and the City also has to deal
with the union and pension plans.
~ Mr. nlckerstnffc said the ricautificntion Committee pursued
the 100ue of the donation of money from Mr. Miller for
beautification of Edgewater Park. He also stated that members of
the Committee would like all soctions of Clearwater represented
on the Beautificntion Committee. Commis9!oner Garvey replied
that they don't get volunteers from all sections of the City.
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Mrs. Whitney's report will be put on the agenda for the
April meeting.
Chairman St. Germain said there was nothlng new on the
"Bottle 8i1111. Commissioner Garvey said she had talked with
Senator Malchon, Senate sponsor of the bill, and the Senator said
the "bottle bill" would not be a major iSBue this year as it is
an election year and the lobbyists have a lot of PAC money.
Senator Molchan said she would enter the bill again next year.
She suggested the Committee write a letter to Dennis Jones,
Chairman ,of the finellas County Legislative Delegation, every
three months saying the Beautification Committee supports the
"bottle bill".
Chairman St. Germain suggested writing a letter to Carlson,
Meissners Crider & Webb, P.A.., 410,S. Lincoln Ave., Clearwater
for the attractive landscaping at'~neir law offices.
Mrs. Nitka reported that nothing has 'been done at the Island,
Estates Shopping Center. After a short discussion members
decided to wait until the April meeting to see if anything is
,done and if not to write them a letter.
Update from Mr. Wilson--
Mr. Wilson said the Chamber of Commerce still needs
don~tions for their Tree Thoughts program and is soliciting
" contributions..
Mr. Wilson reported that Mr. Bala, the owner of the Park
Terrace Restaurant, adjacent to the waterfall, has volunteered to
donate money for new sod surrounding the waterfall. He is very
'excited about the renovation ,of the waterfall. There will be a
,variety of plant material and possibly a bench or two. The
plnntings will not require much maintenance.
Mr. Wilson said the vacant piece of property on Sand Key
immediately north of the Coast Guard Station has been cleared and
an irrigation system is being installed. Sod will be put in on
Friday, paid for by the Cheezum Development Co. and the Coast
Guard has volunteered to turn the irrigation system off and on
for watering of the sod.
The Edgewater Drive Homeowners Association is pleased with
the ten Sabol palms planted in the park. Application has been
made to the Department of Environmental Regulation to install a
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f~:(' 'Mr. Bickerstaffe suggested each member of the Beautification
~~~>:' '< 'Committee contribute $10 toward a tree for the, Chamber"s Tree
:~{.',~ '.<Thoughts ,Program. All members agreed and Mr.' Bickerstaffe will
:~,:":,, take the donation to the Chamber. "Beautification Committee--
l.S<:":" 1,~8611 will be .'the inscription on the plaque.
(.''.:.'", Mr. Bickerstaffe made the motion to adjourn the meeting and
:'~;,", . ",Mrs. Nitka seconded the motion. Tb,emeeting adjourned at 10;30
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is received we can proceed with the landscaping4
When the permit
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Mr. Wilson said the Department Is relookingat. their ,
p~loritie8 and 'focusing more attention for maintenance.' on Crest
Lake Park. Welcome to Clearwater sign at the Bench, City Hall
Annex bUilding and Cleveland Street from the, post office to
Osceola,Avenue as these areas are the most visible and receive
the most comments ."
, :
Commissioner Garvey said the Downtown Development Board is
looking at hiring someone to sweep the streets. Also, the
Department of ,Transpoitation 1s removing some palm trees wher~ a
road:is'bei~g built and planting them on the Courtney Campbell
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Wednesday, April 2, 1986
't. '
The regular meeting of the Beautification Committee was held
on Wednesday, April 2, 1986, at 9:30 a.m. at the City Hall Annex.
,Members present were Mrs. Rita Canan, Mrs. L. M. Clark, Mrs. Ruth
DuChateau, Mrs. Kathryn Peat and Chairperson Mikell St. Germain.
Mr. Frank Krame and Mrs. Emma Whitney were excused and Mr. Robert
Bickerstaffe was absent.
The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked for a motion
to approve the March minutes. Mrs. DuChateau made the motion and
it was seconded by Mrs. Peat.
:J "
In the absence of Mrs. Whitney the Chairman said her report
would be heard at the May meeting. Also, Mr. Bickerstaffe's report
on what the Downtown Development Board is planning in regard to
street cleaning on Cl~veland Street will be heard next month.
It was reported by Mrs. Canan and Mrs. Peat that the Island
Estates Shopping Center has planted trees, shrubs and flowers to
enhance the beautification at their location per their letter to
Mr. Wilson of October 30, 1985. All members concurred that a letter
of appreciation from the Committee should be sent to the attorneys
and the management company of the Center. Chairperson St. Germain
will write the letter.
After discussion of the landscaping being installed at Island
Estates Shopping Center, the Chairman asked if any members had in
mind ,another center to concentrate our efforts on. Chairman St.
Germain suggested the center at Sunset Point Road and Highland
Avenue and asked members to drive by during the month and action
will be decided at the May meeting. Mrs. Canan said she was pleased
with the landscaping being done at Island Estates and would like
to go ahead and pursue other centers. She said the Commissioners
might know of one which needs improvement.
Mrs. Ruth DuChateau suggested a letter of appreciation this
month be sent to Cleveland Hassell Florists, 1679 Drew Street,
Clearwater, for their attractive landscaping. After discussion,
she made a motion to send them a letter and the motion passed.
Mrs. Clark suggested we send at least one letter each month.
Chairman St. Germain said the Bottle Bill would not be intro-
duced at this year's legislative session. As reported in last
month's minutes, Sen. Malchon will introduce the bill again next
year .and the Committee should continue to make their support of
the bill known to the Legislative Delegation every three months
by letter.
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Update from Mr. Wilson--
I. Court street Waterfall - Mr. Wilson said that the owner of
the Park Terrace Restaurant purchased sod for the landscaping. Many
. positive comments have already been received on the project.
2. New landscaping has been placed in front of the Memorial
Civic Center.
3. Landscaping is being done at the Greenwood Police Substation.
4. Discussions have just begun in regard to landscaping the old
incinerator near Martin Luther, King Center.
,5. Trees are being planted at the Eddie C. Moore Complex and
Bomber Stadium.
Mrs. Canan asked Mr. Wilson who owns the propert~~ the entra~s~ r~n'
to, Clearwater on Old Tampa Bay. Mr. Wilson said the~~~owned it.-~,
The Chamber of Commerce has permission to place the, "Welcome to~o/:
Clearwater" sign on the property and the Parks crews maintain the ~ ~n~'
area around the sign. Mrs. DuChateau said a realtor's sign was
also nearby and Mr. Wilson suggested she call the Sign Inspector
,to find out 'if it is legal.
Mrs. Peat expressed her appreciation for the improvements at
Crest Lake Park and Mrs. Clark said the roses at City Hall were
>:: r~ beautiful. Mr. Wilson said the Department is trying to emphasize
r~:':.>Jj ':certainareas that are visible to many people.
:;/,". i, : " Mrs. Cl'ark asked about the planting of sea oats on the beach.
,<,:1t~), .
~~' ", 'i Mr. Wilson said they do not plan to plant more sea oats and may
,;-r:-:;',,' "'experiment', wi th snow fences' on certain areas.
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':Mrs~ Clark brought a pull-out section from the March Reader's
Digest about Lady Bird Johnson's wildflower project in Texas. She
thought there were areas in Clearwater where wildflowers could be
, ,Mrs. Canan made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was
seconded by Mrs. ~eat.
Respectfully submitted,
Edith Vanderwerp
. \