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Wednesday, March 5, 1986
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The regular meeting of the Beautification Committee was held
on Wednesday, March 5, 1986, at 9:30 a.m. at the City Hall Annex.
Members present were Mr. Robert Bickerstaffe, Mrs. Ruth
DuChateau, Mr. Frank Kreme, Mrs. Sally Nitka and Mrs. Kathryn
Peat. Mrs. L. M. Clark and Mrs. Rita Canan were excused and Mrs.
Whitney was absent. Commissioner Rita Garvey also was in
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The Chairman called the meeting to order and welcomed
Commissioner Garvey to the meeting. She asked for a motion for
approval of the February minutes. Mr. Krame made the motion and
it was seconded by Mr. Bickerstaffe.
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After reading the January m1nutes of the Beautification
Committee, Commissioner Garvey decided to attend the meeting
where a discussion would be held regarding the letter to the City
Manager. She explained to members that the letter was not sent
to get rid of the Beautification Committee; but rather the City
Commission requested a 1% cut in budget and is looking for ways
to eliminate smaller advisory groups that put demands ~n staff.,
She felt the Beautification Committee might blend with the Parks
and Recreation Board and accomplish 'the same thing.
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Mr. Bickerstaffe told Commissioner Garvey that Mr. Wilson"'s
time was cut to approximately 15 minutes at the end of the
~eetjng and felt it has been working very well and that the
Committee has acc.omplished more. He said the staff time now
being utili~ed is for the secretary to record the minutes and
'f~lt, if necessary, a member of the Committee could do it.
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Chairman St. Germain felt the letter singled out the
Beautification Committee instead of being directed to all
~ommittees. , Mrs. Garvey replied the Commission is trying to find
out' which committees are unnecessary. Mr. Bickerstaffe replied
that many committees are a waste of time and staff members
shou1dn"'t have to be there. He also stated there are too many
people on,committees. Mrs. Garvey said she would look at cutting
back on ,the number of people on committees and check to see those
that are'absent~
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Commissioner Garvey told members that ~he Parks and
Recreation Board looks at the whole park system, activities,
conditions of parks, etc. Mr. Bickerstaffe said he didn"'t see
how they could focus.on beautification. He said the waterfall
did not need new sod--just water, fertilizer and maintenance.
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Commissioner Garvey said the Commission aets the budget and
we 'have to live within it. She said new parks are added and we
don't add people to maintain them and the City also has to deal
with,the union and pension plans.
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WedneSday, February S, 1986 /
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Thc regular meeting of the Beautification Committee was held ".j
on Wednesday, February '5, 1986, at 9:30 a.m. at the City Hall .
Annex. Members prcsent were Mr. Robert Bickerstaffe, Mrs. L. M.
Clark, Mrs. ,Ruth DuChateau, Mr. Frank Krame, Mrs. Kathryn Peat
and Mrs. Emma Whitney. Ms. Mikell St. Germain and Mrs. Sally
Nitka were excused and Mrs. Rita Canan was absent.
In the absence of Chairman St. Germain, Mr. Bicketstaffe was
selected as temporary chairman. He called the meeting to order
and asked for a motion to approve the January minutes. Mr. Kreme
motioned for approval and it was seconded by Mrs. Whitney.
The report on the bottle bill and the letter to the City
Manager will be addressed at next month~s meeting.
Mr. Bickerstaffe asked for the report on Mrs. Whitney~s
meeting with Keith Crawford on holiday decorations. Mrs. Whitney
said she met with Mr. Crawford and Mr. Don Meerians regarding
holiday decorations and they were in agreement that the
decorations on the Causeway left a lot to be desired. Mrs.
Whitney told them about the scrollwork designs that gave the
'effect of a Christmas tree lane and explained the decorations of
,~reviou8 years when students participated and contributed large
posters which were displayed on the Causeway. Mr. Crawford could
not recall this display.
The Traffic Enginp.ering Department had received a sample of
anew decoration 'which was a lantern with a single bulb. Mrs.
Whitney felt one bulb would not show up much, at night. Mr.
Crawford. explained to Mrs. Whitney that their biggest problem is
getting the funds to replace holiday decorations, the
expenditures for this item being at the bottome of the list.
Purchas~s for holiday decorations are made around the 4th of
July.' Mis. Whitney said she was very impressed with Dunedin~s
Christmas tree in Marina Park. Other members said lights were
outmost of the time on Clearwater's tree.
After discussion the Committee felt tiny white lights on the
trees w6uld be best. The Committee also felt something might be
tried with the high school students. Mrs. Clark made a motion to
follow through on the Christmas tree lane and little lights on
the, f~liage which was seconded by Mrs. DuChatcau. It was
suggested there might be an art competition with judging at
Coachman Park. Mr. Bickerstaffe asked Mrs. Whitney to look into
this a~d re~ort to the Committee next month.
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Mr. Blckerataffe said the Beautification Committee pursued
the issue of the donation of money from Mr. Miller for
beautification of Edgewater Park. He also stated that members of
the Committee would like all sections of Clearwater represented
on the Beautification Committee. Commissioner Garvey replied
that they don~t get volunteers from all sections of the City.
Mrs. Whitney~s report will be put on the agenda for the
April meeting.
Chair~an St. Germain said there was nothing new on the
"Bottle Bill". Commissioner Garvey said she had talked with
Senator Malchon, Senate sponsor of the bill, and the Senator said
the tfbott1e bill" would not be a major issue this year as it is
,an election year and the lobbyists have a lot of PAC money.
Senator ,Malchon said she would enter the bill again next year.
She'suggeated the Committee write a letter to Dennis Jones,
Chairman -of the Plnellas County Legislative Delegation, every
three months saying the Beautification Committee supports the
"bottle billH.
Chairman St. Germain suggested writing a letter' to Carlson,
'Meissner, Crider & Webb, P.A., 410 S. Lincoln Ave., Clearwater
for' the attractive landscaping at their law offices.
Mrs. Nitka reported that nothing has 'been done at the Island
~s tat es: Sh oppi ng Ce nt er. Af t er a sha r t dis cu ss ion membe rs
decided to wait until the April meeting to see if anything is
done and if not to write them a letter.
Update from Mr. Wilson--
Mr. Wilson said the Chamber of Commerce still needs
., donations' for their Tree Thoughts program and 1s SOliciting
Mr. Wilson reported that Mr. Bala, the owner of the Park
,Terrace' Rest~urant, adjacent to the waterfall, has volunteered to
donate money for new sod surrounding the waterfall. He is very
excited about the renovation of the waterfall. There will be a
variety' of plant material and possibly a bench or two. The
plantings will not require much maintenance.
. . . ~
Mr. Wilson said the vacant piece of property on Sand Key
immediately north of, the Coast Guard Station has been cleared and
an irrigation system is' being i~stalled~ Sod will be put in on
Fridaj~ paid for by the Cheezum Deveiopment Co. and the Coast
Guard has volunteered to turn the irrigation system off and on
for w~tering of the sod.
,The Edgewater Drive Homeowners Association is pleased with
the ten Sabal palms planted'in the park. Application has been
'made ,to the Department of Environmental Regulation to install a
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small retaining wall to save the four oak trees.
is rec~lved we can proceed with the landscaping.
When the permit
Mr. WilBon said the Department is relooking at their
priorities and focusing more attention for maintenance on Crest
Lake Park, Welcome to Clearwater sign at the Beach, City Hall
Annex building and Cleveland Street from the post office to
Osceola Avenu~ as these areas are the most visible and receive
the most comments.
Commissioner Garvey said the Downtown Development Roard is
,looking at hiring someone to sweep the streets. Also, the ,
Department of Transportation is removing some palm trees where a
road ~s being built,and ,planting them on the Courtney Campbell
~' ~
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. Xr. Bickerstaffe suggested each member of the Beautification
'Co~~itt~~ contribute $10 toward a tree for the Chamber~8 Tree
Thought8"Progra~. All members agreed and Mr. Bickerstaffe will
, take ',the donation to the Chamber. "Beautification Committee--
">; 1986" will be the inscription on the plaque.
'Mr~ ,Bickerstaffe made' the motion to adj ourn the meeting and
Mrs. Nitka seconded the motion.' The meeting adjourned at 10:30
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