02/05/1986 ;~5~~'.;~ " !',", ;. ~~w.,.." t Wi::"!X:;,:'~ " l\:~. (. ,l.. ~(~' ~. ":, ,~. t".,!.. :(~~ii 1", o BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE ,/, V' , ',( . ~ L . " , " i"l'," ' AGENDA " 'if/?~.;'::": " ':/<.,' , TI,,~ " .'. .\10.' . \, i\~: .':, ~':'. ' , ~~''vlltl. , , l .' ~, ~:::,:7>,:':',':" f\~~::':,:f~:::: ~+, .'.',1 ~K},:~~>',., .,. ,~~\"'~::.:~i ','.. , . < ~ :,'" . 2);'~~'~L::::,':;/, ,: :, ,,: :.' ...":.... :': : " " ' T" 'I' \, :'. ,. " ~ . 4. / ,.. ,',' '",; ", ';.r~...,.I!~~~~\-: . :;' ~~~iL~,\:~(; ~';i,':, ,.~, :..::.,.' '".",] ~:! d j. (. .~,'. > p~ . " ~. ~ . ' . ' , f;!':~;'.\:/~':.'.'~:',:>~-:{~'~:,\~'''~,' " ", ..,:-.. Mlti-....y,~ J 1'1:, ( .. ' '.' ' ~~1}i;6~;:;~\:, ';: ::..,,',', :\r~Ii" :'V'..:,:,' ", ,,' ..,;, ','..:..., " . 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Bottle Bill ,I ~, " < ~ ' b) ,Mrs. Whitney's' tal~ with Keith Crawford ,<. , , " c) Letter to city Manager ;' ,~ \: , ~. . Discussion <': ,,5~:' ','Mr~,':Wiison' Update .,.;< '. ~ T ~ ~} J . :6.' ',.. ,Adj ournmen t ;'.), .' , !",:' ..,} .i. '.')' .' .:~ ;. :: " '.' ," ',' ' . " " ,;{ "<~ ,; :, ~" .' 'I' 'h ,.l . T, ~. ,... , :1.'. " '., ,! .: ,", , , !.'.\ <', "(I),!. " ',~ " .j, "',{fT" ',' ;,' ): i, :: 'It' '.' l " ,. ,:. " I. ~ ";' " >, '" '" .'". .',I"",.~"", ,...', ,.....,..':,.:...-:': ";',','.. i ',' ", :<: ': ;,::':',:';:',~':":', , '.. " ' .' , . ) ~ .'.. " , I' ~, " .: :',' .<:', :: :~, .,>,':.,,1., i, : : < . , ',,' , " " .' . "., ": ",' "" , .. ";..:... ';'" ';"" ;', ..'.,.':...',',,':::.-::,',p.' :<.:,:.,:....(.'~,.,:,;',,"..,' :. .". ". ,'.' , ',;~~';,:,~ ;>:., '..,~::',""':...:'(,}.::<<,~.'., ':::~:..',i ."'.~,'.,.;.,.,, ;:,:",:' ')';':, :J, '. .", .." ' 'j, ..'!,,:,:)'~<>.':; ',: .. '; , .' " ,;' ';, ::::-~ ',;.', !, ',:.': " ,'.', " ',' ',' " ,!: , ",... ,. 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' . r .~' , '. " , ,.'. ~ . . '.' , .. , . J, " , ~ . , ,,~. " " ;:,~ 1"':'~ .' , " '/i'~ : .' , . ',~\ . ;'< >. I',' :""'2) , ,'., , ' ~~::,:. 8" :~~', ~: ~ '.. ' .I, ;" " ,:, j:'~:' . ? " '. :~~:~;!:', '. , f,;':' ,," BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE Wednesday, January a, 1906 ,The regular meeting of the Beautification Committee was held on Wednesday, January 8, 1986, at 9: 30 a.m. at the Ci ty lJall 1\nnex. Members present were Chairman Mikell St. Germain, Mr. Robert Bickcrstaffe, Mrs. Rita Canan, Mr. Frank Krarne, Mrs. Kathryn,Peat, Mrs. Sally Nitka and Mrs. Emma Whitney. Mrs. L. M. Clark was excused and Mrs. Ruth DuChateau was absent. The Chairman called the meeting to order. Mra. Peat said the last sentence in the third paragraph was incorrect as both she and Mrs. canan know Mrs. Frank Kassel. Mr. Bickerstaffe made a motion to accept tho minutes as corrected and it was seconded by Mrs. Nitka and passed. Chairman St. Germain said she wrote a letter to the citizen's Against Throw- aways (CAT) to request the latest information on the IIbottle bill". The Chairman asked if members were able to drive by Ann and Ed's on North Fort Harrison during the month. Mr. Bickerstaffe had done so and found there was very l~ttle trash and debris lying around the parking area. He also said it wasn't messy and didn't know where they would put much landscape materials unless they used planters. Discussion followed and no action was taken in this regard. Mr. Bickerstaffe said all shopping centers need some improvement and it is a good thing to bring it to their attention. Mrs. Canan stated she gave a copy of the letter from tile Center Manager to the Island Estates Woman's Club and to the Homeowners Association. Chairman St. Germain read a letter she received from the City Manager. The city commission is requesting a list of the accomplishments of the Beautification , , Committee during the past year. They are questioning the need of a separate . Committee ,and whether the functions of the Beautification Committee could be assumed by the Parks 'and Recreation Board. various members expressed their opinions about the letter. Mrs. Canan said she, felt it a shame the efforts of the Committee were not appreciated. Mrs. Whitney felt that if people are willing to volunteer their time the input should be appreciated. Mr. Bickerstaffe felt the Commission should examine the Parks and Recreation Board. He feels there are more Committees and Boards that take up more time and that could be abolished. Mr. ,Bickerstaffe said the parki,ng lot on Drew Street which the Committee brought to the attention of the City Manager in a letter last fall will be paved when the new parking garage is completed. Other accomplishments mentioned by members are the reactivating of the water- fall across from the Court House, the study of mangroves on the shoreline, new , landscaping at the Main Library, the removal of a large pile of debris in the North Greenwood area, some improvement at uhe Collector's Cove, Permits with home- owners associations and individual homeowners to plant and maintain medians in , their areas and the planting of trees on Island Way. Mrs. Peat stated she had complained about the shrubs and trees at the Garage Annex and a short time later it was trinuned and cleaned. .. '., iIa ~ " '. '" 1 " , ;" .' 1 ~ : " , ti. ~ ',' ,;,'T. \,:. :>.:", \t~" '. ~;,j:. ...... . ~~('~:~"'. . iN,;;,.:.'.'..': ' ~.' '. .i.: j,' " . ~':...', J ", ;\'~~ :'J . k,,<:'.:.:,',' " .J.'.'..' ',.' . T ,..' ..,:\ > ';,.( , i:':,::, ' ;, , ,~;, . ' c O'~ ' ~~:;.~ . . ' , ' ~;::,':-' .. I', '~~("'" ,,' ~:':.:,' h~'I,:, " ~YI'~t'~: 1, .. . ~.... I .'. ~,...' i~ , ~~~;:,::,. ., ~. ~if"'" " , ~! ',;', ;'; . .. Mrs. Peat expressed concern regarding the new parking lot on the east end of the Causeway. Last weekend it was full and there wore as many or more cars parked illegally next to the lot on the grass. The Chairman asked members if they had soen the holiday display for the Artist-In-Residence program which was located on the triangle at the entrance to Clearwater Beach. Generally, members' comments were favorable toward the display, but were in agreement that the location was bad. It was suggested by the Commdttee that a more visible location would be tho north side of State Road 60 at the Bayfront just before crossing the bridge. Mrs. Canan made a motion to place the display on the right at the entrance to the Causeway. Motion was seconded and passed. . , Update-- Mr. Wilson gave the Chairman the latest flyer he had received on the "bottle bill" . Members wi 11 receive copies of the in forma tion with the Minutes when they are mailed later this month. Mr. Wilson said there is a lot of support for the bill, however lobbyists for the distributors are very powerful. , '~, ;. Various members expressed their concern to Mr. Wilson regarding the location of the ~tist-In-Residence holiday display. He suggested the committee prepare a letter with recommendations for next year. Further discussion followed re- garding holiday decorations and Mrs. Whitney made a motion that a letter be sent to the proper committee to restore the original Christmas card effect by high school students along the Causeway and also that lighting be restored along the Causeway to give the effect of a row of Christmas trees. Mrs. Nitka seconded the motion.' Diocussion fol.lowed on the'motion and Mr. Wilson suggested one'mem- : ber'of'the Committee talk to Keith crawford, Traffic Engineering Director and 'discuss Christmas decorations and Mrs. Whitney volunteered to do so. Mr. Wilson told the Committee Maas Bros. is not responsible for maintenance of theparRing lot'as it is a city lot. He said the parking lot is an important part of the Bayfront plan but that they are concentrating on Coachman Park at the, present time. .' , Mrs." Peat inquired about the cost of the' small parking lot at the December meeting and Mr., Wilson responded that it cost approximately $9,000 to $10,000 inCluding the landscaping. , , " Mrs. Nitka moved to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Mrs. Peat. , Meeting adjourned at 11: 15 a.m. 'J RespectfUlly submitted " Edith Vanderwerp' , , , I .' . . '. . ' , ," ," .",' .'., 'r' ',' , .', '., '.':' ".,' I ,I'..,." ,,:, :!;. I, ,. .. BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE \ :'. .... f'i'~ Wednesday, February 5, 1986 : ' Th ere g u 1 a r in e e tin 8 0 f the Ben uti fie a t ion Com m i t tee wa'-s'~. d on Wednesday, February 5, 1986, at 9:30 a.m. at the City Hall Annex. Members present were Mr. Robert Bickerstaffe, Mrs. L. M. Clark, Mrs. Ruth DuChateau, Mr. Frank Krame, Mrs. Kathryn Peat and Mrs. Emma Whitney. Ms. Mikell St. Germain and Mrs. Sally Nitka were excused and Mrs. Rita Canan was absent. In the absence of Chairman St. Germain, Mr. Blckerstaffe was selected as temporary chairman. He called the meeting to order and asked for a motion to approve the January minutes. Mr. Krame motioned for approval and it was seconded by Mrs. Whitney. The report on the bottle bill and the letter to the City Manager will be addressed at next month's meeting. .:,::~ l::"'~ '" "',t :' ,',' ,'. Mr. Bickerstaffe asked for the report on Mrs. Whitney's meeting with Keith Crawford on holiday decorations. Mrs. Whitney said she met with,Mr. Crawford and Mr. Don Meertans regarding holiday decorations and they were in agreement that the decorations on the Causeway left a lot to be desired. Mrs. Whitney told them about the scrollwork designs that gave the effect of a Christmas tree lane and explained the decorations of previous years when students participated and contributed large posters which were displayed on the Causeway. Mr. Crawford could not recall this display. The Traffic Engineering Department had received a sample of a ~ew decoration which was a lantern with a single bulb. Mrs. Whitney felt on. bulb would not show up much at night. Mr. Crawford explained to ,Mrs. Whitney that their biggest problem is gettl~g the funds to replace holiday decorations, the ~xpendi~ures for this item being at th~ botcome of the list. Purchases for holiday decorations are made around the 4th of July. Mrs; Whitney said she was very impressed with Dunedin's Christmas tree in Marina Park. Ocher members said lights were out most of the time on Clearwater's tree. ., > " After discussion the Committee felt tiny white lights on the trees ,would be best. The Committee also felt something might be tried with the high' school students. Mrs. Clark made a motion to follow through on the Christmas t~ee lane and little lights on the foliage which was seconded by Mrs. DuChateau. It was suggested there might be an art competition with judging at Coachman Park. Mr. Bickerstaffe asked Mrs. Whitney to look into this and report to the Committee next month. .i...l 1 u' ~ ~, ~ ',/ If" ~;.,.t,: .. ~f .' ,- C\ ' . " ~"t L~ ~{" ' ~';"'O ' ' , , , , j" ..' '~: ' Genera~ discussion followed. Mr. Bickerstaffe said Homer Realty landscaping ,has died from lack of water. Members a180 discussed the elimination of the Beautification Committee. Mr~. 'Clark felt the Committee needed some representation from the Countryside area. ' , " j Update from Mr. Wilson p', .' :,'".;', .' The waterfall at Court Street and Ft. Harrison is being renovated. Work also is being done on Edgewater Park where about t~n t~ees have' )eenplanted. Three or four oak trees are being eroded away 80 the ,Parks Department is working with Environmental t~ try to save them. To do this a permit has to be secured from, the State D~partment of Environmental Regulation. After that work, is completedt the sidewalks can be ln~ta1led. A gazebo and boardwalk may also be ,included in the park. , 'The Artist-in~ReBidence project was dismantled and is stored' at Building Maintenance 'for reinstallation next year. . :,',: .' ',' .r.,~, ' , ' ;.., <'j ~, , ' ;~;.. j ~'", , .', j ~' . .' ~o~e ~inor improvements have been completed at Carpenter "F~,ld~before the.~hillies arrive this year. ",.: ,y;~.... ..' . ;.;1,.., , ' Mrs. Pe,at mad\e a'motion to adjourn th'e meeting which was ~~r,'::.':';" ~~cOnd~db}t Mr. Krame. '/1:\:,~@, Respe,ct,fully submitted, "E~~~h Van~er~erp' ,<! I,. .. ,'<< . '. ,", ,", " , .. ' , , ~..~t..;, ~~}"w~.~:..: ,: : ,: , : . ~.. 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