12/04/1985 .~~ " -i ;- .,., i, ,I ...... \~ ' r~:;~ , ;/;' :. :,';' , t! . f,:~:' .' ;, .:' . (; :jc ", -, "'. ",' > " '" '..,' ..,. ,~~' ~\' ......;J ,., . " , ~!I . " :~ '~, ,:~,:, , h ' :J~~.~:'. ,:, , '. ;."..,... 1:'\:: ~ . ~ '..... - " " ~::., ~':, ' .~', . ~ ,".... , :)>~.'~:; , if,,:,': '," ,~Y.l', ' ;,;::' . \':,.':) : " n " 'r~ :, .' ~:" . \ t.,' ,~>:.;! . i:>':'", :Y~:'" , ..-:' ~ ' .~:! .. ,.' . :{}:,'. ' 'J'), ' ~~:":'O" iJ/ ' ' It1t", " ' )1/, , " ~R'U/,', ~;j,.~"., ; '. ~J'~ :l~".:l. D~AUTIFIC^TION COMNITTEE v Wednesday, December 4, 1985 ,.' The regular meeting of the Beautification Con~ittee was held on PacOmbe~~~ 4, 1985, at 9:30 a.m. at the City Hall AnneX. Members present wero Chairman Mikell St. Germain, Mr. Robert Bickerataffe, Mrs. Rita Canan, Mr. Frank Kramo and Mrs. Kathryn Peat. Mrs. Sally Nitka and Mrs. Emma Whitney wero excusod. , Mr~. L. M. Clark and Hrs. Ruth DuChateau were absen t. The Chairman called the meeting to order. Mrs. Canan stated she had called the office and was excused from last month's meeting and not absent. She made a motion to accept the Minutes as corrected and it was seconded by ~~. Bickerstaffe. ,...~. " Mrs. Canan asked if anyone knew who the person is who received a copy of the letter in response to Mr., Wilson's letter relative to the Island Estates Shopping Center. No member knew Mrs. Frank V. Kassel. Mrs. Canan suggested checking on the small strip stores known as Ann and Ed's on the west side of N. Ft. Harrison Avenue. She volunteered to find out who the manager is. Discussion followed and it was decided that members should each drive by and take another look at it before any action is taken. Mrs. Peat said the Garage Annex (formerly Ken Marks Ford) looked very nice when the fencing, and landscaping was first completed but now the trees are dying and the,ligustrum has never been trimmed. Mr. Bickerstaffe said it is the main- tenance that keeps things looking nice and when crews don't do their job it shows. He also feels the Causeway has gone down hill since he came here in 1952. Many areas have been improved but some are neglected. He said an area is in~roved and then in five years it's a mess because the maintenance is so bad. Mr. Krarne suggested the Committee find out how many employees do the work 'now and how much acreage they maintain and compare it with an earlier time. Members agreed this was a good suggestion. Mrs. Canan asked the status of the "Bottle Bill". After a short discussion, Chairman,St. Germain said she would call Jane Shaw who is in charge of "citizen's ,Against Throwaways" (CAT) to find out the latest information and report to the Committee next month. 'The Chairman asked if anyone on the Committee knew whether Maas Bros. in- : tended to do any beautification on their parking lot now that they have completed the, inside renovations. Mrs. Canan made a motion to write them a letter com- plimenting them on, the interior renovations and inquire if any beautification would be installed in the parking lot. Mr. Bickerstaffe seconded cilis motion which passed. The Chairman will draft a letter. Mrs. Peat inquired about the cost of the new parking lot on the Causeway. ,The Chairman said she would try to find out before the next meeting. Mr. Bicker- staxfe pictured, the parking lot as being a small half 'circle where cars could just drive ,off for a short time and immediately drive back onto the Causeway. " .; .',;' , ','.~.,Edgewater Drive parking lot is completed and landscaping will soon begin. '.',~.',';" ,Mr. Wilson said a curved sidewalk will be installed by Public Service from 'the \~~]i?',' '.', brid~enort:b to "here the old hotel wa. located. , , 5. The waterfall at Court Street and Ft. Harrison will be repaired and j~\~)..:,,; " ' activated' and landscaping will De improved. <" , " ',6. ,The ,fountain at Kruse Gardens is in operation once again. ~)i~''': ,~..: Canan a.ked Mr. Wilson who was in charge of selecting the hoUaay ;t~'~:,~,J~{H;' :: ::, decorations for the City. He: said Traffic Engineering is responsible for putting ": :"thEml ,uP;, b~t he did not know who made the selection. Mr'. Wilson suggested she' 'call Keith,Cra~ford, Traffic Engineering Director, and maybe the Committee might , . " , ,~ have"some input in selection when the present, decorations are replaced.' ',":' Mrs.' Canan motioned' to adjourn the meeting and it' was seconded by Mr. Bickerstaffe. . ',~. ., ", , " " , ~;, '," ReSpe~tfully" submi tted, , . Eqith, VanderWe:rp , . T' ,~' , > .' : . .,.:'., . ',~' ~ !, ' -t' .. '" , ' , , " .,. ,. , , 'T ,'. ' \ . ,', Xi~ \ t\ ". '.' '\'" , 'tt~_;'..~~~t\;: <... ,,: . ~ I , ' "t~~"" r~ \, , ' ' lY.!::'e" ' ':,' ",: i '...,.', ' , ~" , ~~,:,;;. '" ,':, '\ "'.. " ' ' , ' ti-! ! l' , ' ~ J . , ~..ff~~:'~<~ ': ,;: ' . I' :.'. :" ~ .r1 ~."..... . ' , , ~ .~' ~!i~'!':;lt,~\,..,j:;,J:L:",;:;: .,:,:,. '.",.., .,' ~\' r; J('.:',.' ~t\.." ,: , ji~:: t, , 1..', ~;:'~ Y.: "'(.:~y !i. lO:,: " l~;, { ,!:f,".. ' r:V"~1 ~;~::.~'i:-',,:!,:',' ' ~f,'! . ,~ ,.,; :' '" ~L, .::..:,." /:. ': ;.'t.;'" >!:: ~. ;:d.:';".,:,, , );. " .~ r. ~f:'~ . >',~, , ' Up~ate from Mr. Wilson - , 1. Mr~ 'Wilson explained the Artist-in-Residence Program and said tho seasonal' hOliday display will be lit at 7l0e p.m. tonight. It is located in the tri~9le,in front of Howard Johnson's Restaurant on Cloarwater Beach and ,all interested persons are invited to attend. 2. A fountain has been installed at coachman Park.' helps to keep the water in the pond free of algae. \ . ~' It is attractive and " '" \' , 3. ,Chamber of Commerce Tree Thoughts Program. Approximately ten oak trees will be planted at Coachman Park for this year's Tree Thoughts. Adjacent to the', trees'will be a bronze plaque for conunemoration of a special occasion. A , $100' donati'on is required 'for a memorial on the plaque but smaller donations ai:e"ac~ePt:.ed. " .. d ~ .- " , ',l~' >, " " , ;~ l. , '. ~: "~ .,': .' :! ,'. .'.>~ 'J" ',' . ::i. ". ' . " \ " , r 'I " . " , -' ,,'