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Approval of.' September
: Shopping Cen,t'ers
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Wodnoudny, October 2, 1985
The Beautification Committee held ita regular monthly meeting on October 2, 1985,
at 9:30 a.m. at the City Hall Annex. Ncmbers prarient were Chairman Mikell St.
Germain, Mr. Robert Bickcrstuffc, Mrs. Rita Cnnan, Mrs. L. M. Clark, Mrs. Ruth
DuChateau, Mrs. Sally Nitka and Mrs. Emma Whitney. Mrs. Kathryn Pellt was excused
and Mr. Frank Krame was absent.
The, Chairman called the meeting to order and asked for a motion to approve the
September minutes. Mrs. Canan requested t~o corrections be made on the first
page, paragraphs three and five. She stated she is interested in the beautifi-
,catIon of shopping centers allover the City of Clearwater and not particularly
at Island Estates. Mrs. DuChntcau moved that the minutes be accepted as corrected.
The motion was seconded and passed.
Mrs. Canan said Mr. Wilson had called her and said the Island Estates Shopping
Center was researched and found that it was built in 1973 before the present land-
scape'ordinancewas in effect. He suggested a letter be written asking them to
put up elms or oaks on tbe street side as beautification. Previously Cuban laurel
, trees were planted along the street but were never replaced after the freezes of
the past two winters. Discussion followed as to ,,,ho should write the letter and
whether it should be sent by registered mail. Mrs. Nitka felt it would carry more
weight if it was WTitten by Mr. Wilson on City letterhead. More discussion ensued
and it was decided to have Mr. tJilson draft a letter and members would stop in the
office to read and approve it before it is typed in final form.
The Chairman read correspondence in regard to the rocks by the bridge and the
parking lot on Drew and Fort Harrison. The large boulders are being used for a
project at 440 West. This is a private project. Members were not satisfied with
the memorandum from the City Manager regarding the parking lot but are taking no
action at this time.
Members suggested four businesses to be commended for their efforts in improving
< or maintaining landscaping at their establishments. They are Flagship Restaurant,
Lee Arnold, Greater Clearwater Board of Realtors and Horner Realty. A letter of
appreciation will be sent to them from the Committee. Members were advised to
suggest additional businesses for commendation next month.
any ideas on how the Committee could become
Mrs. Whitney explained the activities of the
Discussion followed and Mr. Bickerstaffe sug-
projects rather then trying to involve the
The Chairman asked if members had
:, involved in Private Property Week.
Board of Realtors during the week.
geated concentrating on one or two
',Committee in everything.
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The Chairman' asked for nominations for a new chairman and was asked if she would
be willing to serve another year. She agreed and the nomination was made and
seconded and Mikell St. Germnin was elected unanimously.
~pd~te from Mr. Wilson - Mr. Wilson agreed to draft a letter to the agent of the
Is1and Estates Shopping Center. Ho reviewed with the Committee what'he would
include' in the letter and members also expressed their ideas. Mr. Bickerstaffe
has some photographs of the landscaping at the shopping center and they are to
be included with the letter. Committee members will stop in the office to read
the draft before mailing.
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Mrs. Canan mentioned that the landscaping around the City Hall Annex looks
"'especially nice. Mr. Wilson said he has received many positive comments about
'and'he also said, that the triangle at Clearwater Beach has recently received.
, rE!'cognition. ,
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The me~ting adjourned at 11:15
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Wednesday, September 4, 1985
The Beautification Committee held ita regular monthly
meeting on September 4th, 1985 at 9:30 n.m. at the City Hall
Annex. Members present were Chairman Mikell St. Germain, Mr.
Robert Bickerstaffe. Mrs. Rita Canan. Mrs. Ruth DuChateau, Mr.
Frank Krame. Mrs. Sally Nitka and Hrs. Kathryn Peat. Mrs. L. H.
Clark and Mrs. Emma Whitney were absent.
The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked far a
motion to approve the June minutes. Mr. Bickerstaffe moved for
approval of the minutes and it was seconded by Mrs. Nitka.
Mrs. Canan introduced the subject of replacement of
landscaping at shopping centers where trees and shrubs were
killed in the frosts of the past two winters and never replaced.
She is particularly interested in the shopping center on Island
,Estates. Mrs. Canan stated the'Civic Association and the Woman~s
Club of Island Estates have written to the manager of Publix but
their letters have been ignored. Mrs. Canan made a motion to
find out if the original landscape plans could be furnished to'
the Committee and if we could cause them to replant the '
landscaping as it was originally planned. The motion was
,seconded by Mrs. Peat. Motion passed. Mrs. Nitka suggested
'writing a letter from the Parks Department and the Chairman
suggested finding out the name of the management company and
sending them a letter. After discussion) it was decided to ask
Mr~ Wilson if the original plans could be located.
Committee members mentioned several businesses that have
landscaped their, property and feel they should be recognized for
,their efforts. Mrs. Canan made a motion to wait until next month
80 members can get specific names and addresses of businesses to
bring to the meeting. The motion'was seconded by Mrs. Nitka and
passed. Next month a letter of appre~iation will be drafted to
send, to them.
Mr.'Bickerstaffe said the Clearwater Sun has a new editor.
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George Graham, who is trying to get involved with local issues
and is encouraging citizens to call him. Mrs. Canan said she
would call him and find out if a story could be done on
beautification of shopping centers and the center at Island
Estates in particular.
Members expressed concern about the City-owned parking lot
on the carner of Drew Street and Ft. Harrison Avenue and decided
to ask Mr. Wilson if he knew of any plans the City had for that
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Mrs. DuChsteau suggested we discuss ways the Committee can
be involved in Private Property Week next year at the October
Update from 1:!!...!.. Wilson - Mr. Wilson said the letters have
been installed on the sign at Clearwater Beach triangle. Old and
cracked bricks have been removed from the Missouri Ave. medians
and landscape materials were installed. There is still work to
be done at the library. Before plant materials are installed,
Mr. Wilson said he would like to make arrangements with the
custodian at the library to water it.
Improvements ~ Coachman Park - Mr. WilBon said that earlier
this year the City Commission adopted the conceptual landscape
plan for the Bayfront Parks_ He said Borne of the improvements to
Coachman Park can be done with small expenditures of money as it
becomes available. City crews will begin removing some of the
shrubbery soon in accordance with the landscape plan. A larger
pump was installed in the lake to increase the flow of water over
the' waterfall. There is no more algae in the water.
Mr. Wilson said the Chamber of Commerce is looking for
another location for this year's "Tree Thoughts" program and he
would favor Coachman Park as it is the most visible City park.
Edgewater Park could be another location for this program. An
eight-car parking lot will soon be constructed. ,He said the deep
well had not been located but further efforts will be made.
Mrs~ DuChateau asked Mr. Wilson how to get a neighbor to
'clean up his lot and he said to call the Sanitation Inspector, Al
,Brandenberger, who enforces the lot mowing ordinance.
Mrs. Canan asked Mr. Wilson about locating the plans for the
Island Estates shopping center. She said she had called Mike
Kenton and he didn't have them. Mr. Wilson said he would check
with Mike Kenton and the Building Department and call Mrs. Canan.
Mr. Wilson was asked about the City-owned lot at Drew St.
and Ft. Harrison and about the Harbor near the Causeway. Mr.
Wilson ,said he didn't have the latest information but a status
repo~t m~y be requested from the City Manager's office. This
will be done after the meeting.
Mra. Nitka made a motion to adjourn th~ meeting and it was
s~conded by 'Mrs. Peat. The meeting adjourned at ll:15 a.m.
Ruspectful1y submitted,
Edith Vanderwerp
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