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Wednesday, June 5, 1985
The Beautification Committee held its regular monthly
meeting on June 5, 1985 at 9:30 a.m. at the City Hall Annex.
Members present were Chairperson Mikell St. Germnin, Mr. Robert
Biekerstaffe, Mrs. L. M. Clark, Mrs. Ruth DuChateau, Mr. Frank
Krame, Ms. Sally Nitka and Mrs. Kathryn Peat. Mrs. Rita Canan
and Mrs. Emma Whitney were excuscd.
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The Chairperson called the meeting to order and asked for a
motion to approvc the May minutes. Mr. Bickerstaffe moved for
approval and it was seconded by Mrs. Peat. The Chairperson
stated that a letter was received from Mr. Steve Abrey resigning
from the Committee d~e to job responsibilities.
Mr. Bickerstaffe showed some photos he had taken and members
discussed them.
Mrs. Pent brought the May issue of "Southern Living" which
featured several southern cities for their beautification
Mrs. DuChateau said the planting was completed around City
Hall and that it is being watered every day. The Committee
decided to write a letter to the Garden Club thanking them for
'donating the plants.
Reports from Mr. Wilson - The landscaping has been completed
on the Clearwater Beach triangle. The letters and light will
soon be installed.
The Parks Division removed the old bricks from the Missouri
Avenue medians. Very low maintenance greenery which does not
require trimming and edging will be planted. Mr. Bickerstaffe
aske~ why no trees would be planted and Mr. Wilson said the
Department of Transportation does not want trees on medians for
traffic safety reasons.
Mrs. DuChateau stated she has seen old cars parked near Jack
Russell Stadium. Mr. Wilson said Smith's Garage parks cars there
and wo~ks on them. Members were advised to call the pOlice if
,they observe cars parking in that area. Mrs. DuChateauslso said
there was ,an old ,car and boat parked on the southwest corner of
,Myrtle and Seminole Streets. She said she reported it to the
Sanitation Department and they said they couldn't do anything
about it. Mr. Wilson said to ca~l the Sanitation Inspector, Mr.
Al Bra~d~nberge~.
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Mrs. Clark inquired about plantings at the library and Mr.
Wilson said it ~B9 on the list. She also sald Bhe~drove around
the Greenwood area nnd said it looked nice. 'Mra. Clark alao
inq'uired about the sea oats planted on the beach and the
plantings in the Bay. Mr. Wilson replied that ,the sea oats on
the beach have adapted very well and are healthyplanta. He
suggested M~~~ Clark call Mike Kenton in Environmental for
information on the plantlngB in the Bay.
',' TheCo~mittee discussed dispenaing meetings during the
sum~e~ and Ms. Nitka made a motion not to ,meet In July and August
and' i~'wa~ seconded by Mr. Bickerstaffe. The next meeting will
be held on September 4th.
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Mrs. Peat made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was
,','seconded by Ms. Nitka. ,The'meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.
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Wednesday, September 4.1985
The Beautification Committee held its regular monthly ~/
meeting on Septembe't 4th, 1985 at 9:30 a.m. at the City Half" /r
Annex. Me.bers present were Chairman Mikell St. Germain. Mr. \/
Robert Rickerstaffe, Mra. Rita Canan, Mrs. Ruth DuChateau, 'Hr.
Frank Krame, Mrs. Sally Nitka and Mrs. Kathryn Peat. Mrs. L. K.
Clark and Mrs. Emma Whitney were absent.
The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked for a
motion to approve the June minutes. Mr. Bickerstaffe moved for
approval of the minutes and it was seconded by Mrs. Nitka.
, Mrs. Canan introduced the subject of replacement of
,landscaping at shopping centers where trees and shrubs were
killed in the frosts of the past two winters and never replaced.
She 18p&~'1.~la~y interested in the shopping center on Island
Estates. Mrs. Canan stated the Civic Association and the Woman's
Club of Island Estates bave written to the manager of Publix but
,their letters have been ignored. Mrs. Canan made a motion to
find out if the original land~cape plans could be furnished to
the Committee and if we could cause them to replant the
landscaplng'as it was originally planned. The motion was
'seconded by M~s. Peat. Motion passed. Mrs. Nitka suggested
writing a letter from the Parks Department and the Chairman
Buggested finding out the name of the management company and
sending them a letter. After discussion, it was decided to ask
Mr. Wilson'if the original plans could be located.
Committee members mentioned several businesses that have
landscaped their property and feel they should be recognized for
their effotts. Mrs. Canan made a motion to wait until next month
80 members can get speCific names and addresses of businesses to
bring to tbe meeting. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Nitka and
passed. Next month a letter of appreciation will be drafted to
send'to them.
Mr. Bickerotaffe said the Clearwater Sun has a ,new editor,
George Graham. who 1s trying to get involved with local issues
and is encouraging citizens to cal1'him. Mrs. Canan said she
would call him and find out if a Btory could be done on
beautification of shopping center~ and ~he ceater at tslanG
E.a t ateli 1-n pa!' t:1-c.\lI'a ~
MembeT8 expressed concern about the City-owned parking lot
on the corner of Drew Street and Ft. Harrison Avenue and decided
to ask Mr. Wilson if he knew of any plans the City had for that
, . property.
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Mrs. DuChateau suggested we discuss ways the Committee can
be involved in Private Property Week next year at the October
, Update from ~ Wilson - Hr. Wilson said the letters have
been installed on the sign at Clearwater Beach triangle. Old and
cracked bricks have been removed from the Missouri Ave. medians
and landscape materials were installed. There io atill work to
be done at the library. Before plant materials are installed,
Mr. Wilson said he would like to make arrangements with the
custodian at the library to water it.
~mprovements ~ Coachman Park - Mr. Wilson said that earlier
this year the City Commisoion adopted tbe conceptual landscape
plan for the Bayfront Parks. He said some of the improvements to
Coachman Park can be done with small expenditures of money as it
becomes available. City crews will begin removing Bome of the
shrubbery Boon in accordance witb the landscape plan. A larger
pump was installed in the lake to increase the flow of water over
tbe waterfall. There is no more algae in the water.
Mr. Wilson said the Chamber of Commerce is looking for
another location for this year's "Tree Thoughts" program and he
would favor Coachman Park as it is the most visible City park.
'Bdgewater Park could be another location for this program. An
eight-car parking lot will soon be constructed. He said the deep
w~ll had not been located but further efforts will be made.
Mrs. DuChateau asked Mr. Wilson how to get a neighbor to
clean up his lot and he said to call the Sanitation Inspector. Al
Brandenberger, who enforces the lot mowing ordinance.
Mrs. Canan asked Mr. Wilson about locating the plans for the
Island Estates shopping center. She said ahe had called Mike
Kent6n an(he didn't have them. Mr. Wilson said he would check
'with Mike ~enton and the Building Department and call Mrs. Canan.
Mr. Wilson was asked about the City-owned lot at Drew St.
and Ft. Harrison and about the Harbor near the Causeway. Mr.
,Wilson said he didn't have the latest information but a status
'report may be requested from the City Manager's office. This
will be d~ne after the meeting.
,Mrs. Nitka made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was
seconded by Mrs. Peat. The meeting adjourned at 11:15'a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
0,1 Edith Vanderwerp
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