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Approval of April Minutes
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Report from Last Month:
Community Involvement
a. Mr. Bickerstaff-Mr. Miller Re: ' Monies for
beautification and contacting lodges and churches
b. Ms. St. Germain - Board of' 'Realtors
,C., Mr. Abrey - Chamber of Commerce
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d. Mrs. Cl~rk - Library'parking lot
e.Ms. Nitka - Boy and Girl Scouts
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New Business
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a.'Members ideas' on setting up a motivation program
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b. Open ,discussion",
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May 1, 1985
The Beautification Committee held its regular monthly meeting on May 1, 1985,
at 9:30 a.m. at the City Hall Annex. Members present were Chairperson Mikell St.
Germain, Mr. Robert Bickerstaffe, Mrs. L. M. Clark, Mrs. Ruth DuChateau, Mr. Frank
Krame, Ms. Sally Nitka, and Mrs. Emma Whitney. Mr. Stephen Abrey was excused and
Mrs. Rita Canan and Mrs. Kathryn Peat were absent.
The Chairperson called the meeting to order. Mrs. DuChateau wanted it clari-
fied in the April minutes that the Garden Club had submitted plans for beautification
around the perimeter of city Hall and hoped to get the Beautification Council in-
volved. Mrs. Clark said she was to survey the North Greenwood area and it was not
reported in the minutes. Mr. Krame made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected
and it was seconded by Mr. Bickerstaffe and passed.
Mr. Bickerstaffe reported that the parking lot for Edgewater Drive is on the
City commission agenda for Thursday, May 2, and he felt it would be approved.
Mr. Bickerstaffe showed photos he had taken of medians being cared for by
citizens through permits with the City. He feels this is a very worthwhile program
and other areas should be encouraged to participate. Discussion followed about ways
to promote interest in this program throughout the City. He feels it would be a
good idea if members had a camera with them at all times to take snapshots of
beautified areas which could be used later for publicity.
Mrs. Clark stated she drove around the North Greenwood area and was pleased
that it has' improved. She said there were huge piles of refuse along the curbs
waiting to be picked up. She called Al Brandenberger of the Sanitation Department
to have this taken care of and he didn't seem too interested until she told him
Mr. Wilson had told her to call him. She visited Martin L. King Center and spoke
wi th three women there who are interested in a spring clean-up for the area. The
idea was to put a flyer in the utility bill but it would be too expensive. No
further plans have been made.
In regard to the library Mrs. Clark talked to the Director and she is anxious
to get the parking area cleaned up and beautified. Mrs. Clark feels something will
be done in this area. Mr. Bickerstaffe suggested some before and after photos.
Mrs. DuCbateau said the Garden Club would spend approximately $1,000 on the
plantings around the perimeter of City Hall. She said she went to Mr. W~lson to
get permission for the Garden Club to donate the plants and for the Ci ty crews to
plant them. At present she is concerned whether the City crews will have time to
maintain them properly.
Further discussion ensued regarding the Nissouri Ave. medians. Previously
Mr. Wilson had suggested removing the bricks and replacing with grass and tree~.
Mrs. DuChateau suggested planting cactus in these medians as they do not require
watering. Mr. Bickerstaffe also suggested contacting the merchants at Sunshine
Mall and Sears town to see if they are willing to help improve these medians.
Chairperson St. Germain reported that Private Property Week is plannod in
January so it is too late to work with them on any beautification this yoar.
Chairperson St. Germain stated Mr. Abrey had received a promotion and would
be doing more traveling and might have to resign from the Committee. She said
she would call the Chamber to find out about their plans for a Welcome Conter at
Route 60 and GUlf-to-Bay Blvd.
Ms. Nitka reported on obtaining school age children or groups such as the
Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts to help Wi~l clean-up of parks, etc. She stated that
this being the end of the school year she would have to call back in September.
Last month Ms. Nitka talked with Mr. Wilson about volunteer groups and he felt
this could be done. Previously the City discouraged volunteer groups providing
services. She would like to know whether the City will allow groups to partici-
pate before she contacts them in,Septernber. Discussion followed.
Ms. Nitka also stated she had talked with Mr. Wilson after last month's
meeting and is getting a permit to beautify and maintain the circle in front of
her horne.
Ms. Nitka said the Marine Science Center wants to purchase two more acres on
Island Estates for renovations and additional parking. A referendum will be held
regarding this project. She feels this is a very worthwhile project.
Chairperson St. Germain turned the meeting over to Mr. Bickerstaffe.
Mr. Bickerstaffe said he had talked with Gordon MacDougall, complimenting
him on his beautification efforts. He said Mr. MacDougall thought other residents
would beautify their medians or circles after seeing what he has done but this
has not happened and he is somewhat disappointed. Mr. Bickerstaffe feels if the
Committee can get pictures of beautified areas throu~lout various sections of
the City then work to get publicity of the areas to encourage others to beautify
their medians and circles. With pictures the Committee could work toward getting
,a good article in the St. Petersburg Times and the Clearwater Sun.
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Mrs. DuChateau mentioned that Kruse Gardens has been neglected.
, Mrs. Whitney said she could get the Beach paper to write an article to gen-
erate some interest by citizens. She said she would also contact the Board of
Realtors as she is active in that group.
At this time Mr. wilson joined the meeting for reports. He said the triangle
,on Clearwater Beach was being sodded but that the lights would not be installed
for another three weeks.
In regard to the waterfall at Court Street, Mr. Wilson said it will cost
more to repair than originally anticipated. The fountain company will make a pro-
posal and Mr. Wilson will have more information on it at the next meeting. He
also said that with water restrictions in effect, there are major problems. The
fountain at City H~ll has been shut down during the water shortage.
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, Mr. Wilson said the Commission agenda for Thursday, May 2 included an a-car
, parking lot for the Edgewater Drive property. The $6,000 available for beautifi-
cation will probably cover the cost. The parking lot will be located according
to the plan drawn up by our former landscape architect.
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Mr. Wilson said the Beautification Council of the Chamber of Commerco is
looking for a project for their Tree Thoughts program for this year.
, Ms. Nitka inquired about the circle in front of her home which she will
beautify and maintain. Mr. Wilson said the stumps would be removed soon and the
sprinklers activated.
said he was having Parks crews remove the old bricks in the
medians and will replace with sod and maybe plant some trees
Mrs. DuChateau suggested planting cactus as they do not re-
, Mr. Wilson
Missouri Avenue
in,the future.
quire watering.
Mr. Wilson discussed Kruse Gardens. There was a misunderstanding in the
Association 'and the couple who originally volunteered to maintain the roses de-
cided not to do it~, The original plan was for the City to plant the roses and
. for' the Association to maintain them. The old rose bushes were removed and the
Nursery is waiting to hear more from the Memorial Civic Center Association.
"Mr. Wilson said a private group is trying to generate funds from the pri-
vate,sector for landscaping and maintenance of the Causeway. A proposal will be
sUbmitted for City Conunission consideration. At present the flower beds are
Mr. ,Bickerstaffe motioned to adjourn the m~eting and it was seconded by, Mrs.
Whitney., The meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
','Respectfully, sUbmitted,
Ed! th Vanderwetp
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