04/03/1985 i''I;~/.~ ./~.~l\.',' ,. 'I. .~ ;", ./ < ~ ~ . ~~ ,j J', ,',. .:....~ ,; ,! ~r' :- (, ',' . ..,. 1.;;':\ .~./t" . ~ /"..... . ' . .;.",..:1 ' . 4~j: ':...' . ~~~~\'{:: ': 'f-.).'!'.' .... " fl,}' .' , #'-::;:'0, :1(:: :{~~lf, ~~:;) ~?,\/ " .~~l:\. \.: ~ l' I f ~ . I~ i..... ,. ~~;<~I:'/:; ,'.., 4 ~;- contin~ed from last meeting: "'fli.',': " ":.:." .," ....groups. and areas interested ;~~HP..C:.'~~"';: ! .', ....." ". ~';/:';."I'. .',', .; 5.,' Open' D~scuss~on' by Me~ers' :~'~r(>::.'\,:':,.::\::: :-.-...., ,.. .,\,,~)!/. ".".' " ,6' 'Upd~.te' from Mr. Wilson ~~J~i::~:~::',:'L.' ;<'.>..'~' (:~. '. ~. " "",' . '.' .~. . .' ,~t}:'.......\ '.' :'.> ...,: .7., AdJourn. ~~i;~\:~f~;;~'.'.}::-'::":~":<,:',,~"::" ...::.....':' .::'..:., '." . ~. '\ v) ,'. .,............ -.r .';". ~~~i;i:;;\;;;~~{X:?: "; :> .... .. ..' . ~5...,'C,,,}. "';::'. .i~~ I I' J' .' .'\ 'd ".~ .' I> ,iJfc.\,I,{.~' :~1~,::...;\ /~:~.\. '~l ':, ~,~\', ,I'. .o'>' ", ....~. ~l~"I\"':"")"" .,' ,\'1.'''' ...,.. . 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Order .: ,\ .~~' ,': !LI ~ ~ ~ .- ,1. i '.2. Approval of March Minutes' . ,.\. .r',,; ~ ::.":. . i. ':. ~'i ' ~ '1.. .,.'3... Let ter .from City:. Manager 're: Edgewater, Drive' . . "." ....l: Ways of getting other in beautification .'." ". .'. . ~ , .. ~ ' '.. .; .\ .,' .~ '. , .' ", " ~:i f:" . , , '.<' ," \" '. . " 't "1 '. . .'1 '. ~ ~ " (.~ ". ' . " , , . . ..'!,:.',,:.;j' ..<(', ....:. ~\ .>l'~~': , r' ~.~ .' '.' " '. ~ , " ; ~ ,',f '. .;u ,. :" I'; . ;' ,~) .~ ~ ~ : ~ .;. ,I ,: : ~I .' .'., . ".., ,,' '1 " '., ,~ !; . ';'. ,:.: '; :1. ';':. I~'" .,' '.: .~ . ;. . ',~ .' ',,', .... ,l :: ' .-" c c ., . ..' < '\' :' , I~ :'~ '1.. ...... f, cl' 1...."'.:. \. '. i. ':, " '.'.t .' ,. ,.l'.:. '. " ~ ., " ,'. . , " . " l'~' , . ~, .,' '. .. . i ;. >1'~1 :).~. ... '. ..~ '" i .,....;..r o . BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE J MINUTES " April 3 J 1985 " .J'/ '.....". The Beautification Committee held its regular monthly meeting on April 3, 1985, at 9:30 a.m. at the City Hall Annex. Members present were Chairperson Mikell St. Germain, Mr. Stephen Abrey, Mr. Robert O. Bickerstaffe, Mrs. L. M. Clark, Mrs. Ruth DuChateau, Ms. Sally Nitka and Mrs. Kathryn Peat. Mrs. Rita Canan and Mrs. Emma Whitney were excused and Mr. Frank Kramc was absent. Chairperson St. Germain welcomed new member, Mr. Sally Nitka. On page 2 of the March minutes, Mr. Bickerstaffe wanted it stated regarding the waterfall that the sump should be put in so mud would not i'Jlterfere with the pump. It was also stated by Mrs. Peat that Parks Department mowers are breaking sprinkler heads. Mr. Bickerstaffe made a motion, to approve the minutes as cor- rected and Mrs. Peat seconded the motion which passed. Chai~erson St. Germain read the letter to the Co~ttee from Anthony Shoemaker regarding money for Edgewater Drive beautification. Mr. Bickerstaffe requested a copy of the letter to send to Mr. Miller. A discussion followed regarding donation of monies for beautification and Hr. Bickerstaffe said he would pursue it further with Mr. Miller. Chairperson St. Germain asked for suggestions to get other groups in the City involved in beautification projects. Mr. Bickerstaffe suggested newspapers, WTAN, and Cable TV. Ms. st. Germain suggested working with the Board of Realtors. Mrs.' Peat suggested a story be written about successful projects with accompanying pictures to encourage other citizens to beautify their medians. Ms. Nitka questioned , whether citizens could take care of medians and l>lr. Bickerstaffe explained the pro- cedure for private citizens to obtain permits from the City to plant and maintain circles' or medians. He also suggested as a first step to take photos of those medians now being maintained tmder permits with the City and second, send a letter and the photos to the President of the Coalition of Homeowners Associations as evidence of what can be done. Then a conunittee member might meet with an association and give a short presentation. The Chairperson suggested using the newspaper as a means of communication because letters were sent to the Presidents of homeowners associations two years ago and nothing was done in many associations. It was also noted that many homeowners belong to their association but seldom attend a meeting. Ms. St. Germain also stated another reason against sending out letters is that many areas have no associ~tion. Mr. Bickerstaffe mentioned contacting lodges and churches in the black community. There might be a contest with an award for the most improvement. The Chairperson asked Mr. Bickerstaffe if he would be willing to ,volunteer for this assignment and he replied that he would. Mrs. DuChateau said that this is a good time to contact organizations as they are setting up their programs for next year. The Chairperson said Private Property Week will be the second week in May and it would be a good week for publicity. She said she would check with the Board of Realtors to find out what they do for publicity during that week. " 1\ "'.c'" ,~ ., .,C), ,', ..' '., '. ,', \"0; . , j01: : ~.:. '0(' ", .' /'.\ ~:' ' ~~~. .' " Mr. Bickerstaffe also suggested putting together soma 35mm slides of Boma of the areas which have been beautified. Hrs. DuChateau said the Garden Club gives plants away on the 4th Friday of each month at 10 a.m, She said thoy arc plants and cuttings brought in by members and they have beau inspected by the County Inspector. Mr. Abrey said Northwood has had a very good relationship with the City and also that he is no longer Chairman of the Northwood Homeowners Association Beautification Committee. Mr. Abrey also said the Chamber of Commerce Beautifi- cation committee' is very active. Mr. Bickerstaffe said we should work with the Chamber's committee once we get a program going so that efforts are not duplicated. Mr. Bickcrstaffe made a motion that we form a committee to look into the necessary steps and procedure for setting up a motivation program in the areas of Clearwater that need beauti- fication. Mr. Abrey seconded the motion which passed. Mr. Bickerstaffc said he would like to have two volunteers to work with him. He requested members write down their ideas and bring them to next month's meeting. Mr. Abrey asked what plans the Garden Club had submitted for the Clearwater sign at Route 60 and Old Tampa Bay. Mrs. DuChateau said she did not have the plans with her but thought a general clean-up and removal of debris and palm fronds and the cutting of weeds was to be done. She said the area also needed a good load of soil. Mr. Abrey said he thought the Chamber of Commerce planned to put a Welcome Center there. He said he would pursue this personally with the Chamber. Mrs. Clark said nothing has been done by the library parking lot. She thought dwarf oleanders like those in front of the Annex would be nice. Mr. Bickerstaffe suggested Mrs. Clark follow up on this and bring back a report. Ms. Nitka suggested using Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts for clean up work as those groups look for various projects. Chairperson St. Germain asked Ms. Nitka to look into this. Mrs. DuChateau said the Garden Club and the Beautification Council have sub- mitted plans to replant the planters around City Hall and the plans have been accepted. Mr. Wilson joined the meeting at this time to give reports. He said the trees at Jack Russell Stadium were alive and condng back nicely. Regarding the waterfall, Mr. Wilson met with a fountain company and the cost for repairing it will be around $500 to $600. He is hopeful that it will be a fairly easy job to get it working again. Mr. Wilson said the weeds and bushes were cut down by the bench at 'the Arts Council and slats were replaced in the bench. Mr. Wilson met with Mr. John Hiller at the Edgewater Drive property and pointed out the approximate location of the deep well. The Water Department could not find the well so there will have to be some digging to locate it. -2- ~}'X~~t?>,';:', >: ':',':,?:i ,~J 0 c ' " .... 1,'; ., ~', ",. ....~ " ~.;:-, ' ;}:~ ,', ,Jo,\ o\:,;'~ .. '"-' < ;,;,'::::">;'ii ,.;;' ,i, 1'.:" ,r'/", __ ,":,\ '. .. ,0 I~~,~.'~"~\ . i:~,;, ':':" (',~ ") :" ~:\/>,,', .' ,_" """"" , Mrs.. Peat' asked about the sprinklers at Island Way and Mr. Wilson said ho ~~,t~:!~~ ',' " ,would:prefer them to be manually operated by a resident. if possible. fl\:, ins~ia~i::j::~:da:.M~:l:~~s:O~;p~~~~r~~:tV~~U::.~: ~:n:~hO~~a~i:g"::~~dren I;,;i,','", clean up are the easiest jobs for volunteers. If planting is to be done the ~)i)"};=~P~~f S~~:~ . h~V: ~~:O:t:~P~~V~~ L~:r=~ ~~:i~t~: ~::~::~e~~ plant flewers "~;""""',",:" ;..', . ' " ,Mr. Abrey said, there is a problem with the sp;rink1ers at Northwood and !),:"';;: '~' ;'....-~.':" said ,they had' been neglected. :~F/ ,,:.,' ",::~\~" Bickerstaffe moved to j/Y.',,';' ,. 'motion~' ~The' meeting adjourned {~,:;:~ ". ",~;, Respect'fully submitted" ,; Ed! th , vanderWerp ,I ;, >~ " , '.\ 11'1, adjourn the meeting and Mr. Abrey seconded the at 11:00 am., > '.., ., : . ~,I .".1.. , r. " . ,..' ' li:(i;":':' .' , " .:1...., , " ,'. -.' ; ;:' ..~,:::..,\' .:' i 1(: . ~: .'; " "< , , ~ J,. ", . .. ;., t;~.,~ c, ?,:,t?;i,:::: ':" , ' l,~~, t'. ,~y:. I'~';'!'i .".' t {' ,}.l;: ~ 'I' '" I : 'I I~~;})~;r\', · ...., ." " ~..,..,~'"',. " ~.(t;/ij'~, ,j"~'.,~:_:: j' ',i.:,,,.' :'...'. L'. ~ I . f.II~1,(fhl,;,1 <: .:", ',: :\,', <':':' t:(j,'>'Wi:(,;:,~'; , .' ,',' .};)> ..,), ',.. '; :.. . ~1(~'1[-~;:~::,'),'~~(.::.,/C > '". >' . .,'._',' . ,:'+ \:' ~'1~ \,~ ". .' I.., j , ',' .,. 1~\;;'?j:;:1,;'3Jn:,x,/;",:: :.."...., .'. CC ,;.....,. . 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