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- February Motions
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Old ,Business
February Minutes
Enforcement of maintenance
cen tli!rs .
"b I'" Trees~ around Jack Russell Stadium
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a. Main Library
. 'd'. Plantings on rights-of"';'w,ays,
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"e'. planters at US 19' & 60
:0J~:';'<~:~' ".'.',..',. .,': ~"'" " 'f. Waterfall across from Court, House
~1~t;~>/. >, ';:4'~'~:' op E;m , discussion by members for new projects
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March 6, 1985
The Beautification Commdttee held its regular montilly meeting on March
1985 at 9:30 a.m. at the City Hall Annex. Members present were Chairperson
Mikell St. Ge.rmain, Mr. Robert Bickers taffe, Mrs. Ri ta Canan, Mrs. L. M. Clark,
Mrs. Ruth DuChateau, Mr. Frank Krame, Mrs. Kathryn Peat and Mrs. Emma \'lbitney.
Mr. Stephen Abrey was excused.
Chairperson St. Germain called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Mrs. Ruth
DuChateau asked that the February minutes be corrected at the fifth paragraph to
read "the trees around Jack Russell Stadium appear to be dead". Mrs. Peat said
she had stated that written answers to the Co~ittee's questions should be in-
cluded in the minutes. Mrs. Canan made a motion to approve the minutes as correc-
ted and Mr. Bickerstaffe seconded the motion which passed.
Mr. Wilson joined the meeting to report on various items of concern to the
Committee which were discussed at the February meeting.
a. Landscaping of Shopping Centers - Mr. Wilson said the Beautification
ordinance requires developers to install beautification. The problem lies with
those developments constructed before the ordinance. Mr. wilson suggested Committee
members call Alan Mayberry or Mike Kenton if they feel a development is not com-
plying with the Beautification Ordinance and they will inspect it and enforce the'
ordinance if it applies to the development.
b. Trees arannd Jack Russell Stadium - Mr. Wilson said many of the trees are
deciduous, sweet gum and maples, and lose their leaves during the winter months.
He said he would watch them and if they are dead they will be removed and replaced.
Mrs. ,DuOlaleau also said cars are parki?g nnder the trees on Seminole Street and
Mr. Wilson said he would check into it.
,c. Libra~ - Debris and trash has been cleaned up and some new sod and land-
scape material was put in. Mr. wilson asked the library director to have the
custodian of the1.ibrary go out each It'Crning and pick up debris as it is a daily
,d. Plantings on rights-of-ways at Beach - Mr. Wilson said the rights-of-ways
on the beach are supposed to provide public access to the beach and it is a big
issue between the public and the adjacent property owners. The City owns the
rights-of-way and the people are atlowed to use them which conflicts with the
desires of the residents. There is no easy solution to this problem which may
worsen with more people arriving in Florida.
e. Planters at US 19 and Gulf-to-Bay and Missouri Ave. - 'Mr. Wilson said these
planters were given to the City to maintain by the State Road Department. He said
trees will be planted in them as they require no maintenance. They plan on re-
IOOving the brick in the Hissouri Avenue medians and replacing it with grass. They
will look like the medians at Countryside when they are completed.
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f. Waterfall acrOSB from Court House - The pump for the waterfall contin-
ually Bucks mud from the pond into the filtration system which stops the flow
of 'Water. Mr. Wilson said he would have someone familiar with the operation of
Q waterfall and pump system look at it again. Mr. Wilson said an option is to
romovo the waterfall and landscape the triangle. He called the County to Boe
if they would maintain it but they stated they are too busy'. Committee members
Ceol the waterfall is attractive 'and would like to see it working again. Mrs.
Canan suggestod having the same company maintain it that maintains thn waterfall
at City Ila11.
.9. Sprinklers on Island Way - Mr. Wilson said they haventt been activated
1n years because of the cost of constant repairs and replacement of heads. They
lire expensive not only for maintenance but for the water bills. Mrs. Canan men-
tioned that the magnolia trees need water. Mr. Wilson said he would have the
irrigation crew check the sprinklers again.
Mrs. Clark said the roses at City Hall are gorgeous - especially the yellow
ones. Mrs. Clark also said there is a bench by the Arts Council but there are
very high weeds in front of it that need to be cut down. The bench is at the ex-
treme south end of City property. Mr. Wilson said he would look into it.
Chai~erson St. Germain said the Committee did not receive a response to
their letter to the City Manager in regard to funds for beautification of Edge-
water Park; Mr. Wilson sai'd he' checked with the Finance Department and there
were two donations, one for $10,000 and another for $5,000 which went toward the
purchase of the property. Later there was an additional $5,000 donation to be
used toward beautifi.cation. He said the Water Division is looking for the well
on the property. If money is made available for Edgewater Drive, grading and
installation of an irrigation system would be the 'first, things to be done. It
would be a passive park area with sidewalks, benches and a parki~g lot for five
or six cars. Mr. Bickerstaffe said he would talk to Mr. Miller again in regard
to funds available for beautification purposes. Mr. Krame suggested contacting
a Mr. Dycus, former hotel "owner, to assist in locating the well.
Mrs. Canan said when Countryside was annexed the city should have been able
to add services because more tax 1IlOney was available. Instead she feels that
service has gone down. Mr. wilson explained that seven or eight years ago all
the City fire'stations were added to park maintenance without increasing employees
so the frequency of maintenance has been reduced. Chai~erson st. Germain sugges-
ted contracting some of the maintenance out to private concerns. Mr. Wilson said
this could be done but that other cities are running into problems as the cost of
the contracts 'continues to rise.
Mrs. Peat said the Parks and Recreation budget is the second highest on the
Cityls budget. Mr. Wilson agreed and said tl~ey are eliminating some full time
'positions in the Recreation Division where part-time positions are feasible. This
eliminates some fringe benefits.
Mrs. DuChateau inquired about the oleanders at PACT as she thinks they froze
this winter. Mr. wilson said he would watch them but feels they will come back.
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Mr. Dickorstaffe suggested getting other groups and areas in the City
interootod in beaut! fication along w1"th the homeowners associations. He does
not feol .nou~h aroas era represented by associations and he would like to find
a way through a newspaper column or cable TV to inform the people. He also sug-
gosted tho C1 ty Nursery supply the flowers and, have ci ti zens maintain them but
Mr. Wilson said it is not practical for our Nursery to grow the flowers as they
can be purchasec2 cheaper. Mr. Wilson also said the City has about a dozen
permits with associations and individuals for planting and maintenance of medians.
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Mr. Xrame said the pots on Cleveland Street look great. Mr. Wilson stated
. that a group of downtown business men contributed $500 for the flowers which
our' Nursery planted.
Hrs. Ruth DuChatellu reported that the Clearwater Garden Club has submitted
plans for plantings on Edgewater D:d ve and also around the s,ign' at Royte 60 by
'raDpa Bay.,
After Mr. Wilson left the meeting, Mr. Bickerstaffe repeated his s,uggestion
to got o~erareas involved in City beautification. Mrs. Clark proposed a weekly
column on beautification in' the Sun like the column by Ruth White on birds. Mem-
be~ ,feel this would be another way to inform the public. Chairperson St. Germain
suggested further discussion at the next meeti,ng.
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Hrs~ Canan made a motion to a'ajourn the meeting 'and it was seconded by Mr.
Bickersta,ffe. The meeti,ng adjourned at 11:04 a.m~
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ReSpectfully subnrl. tted,
Ed! th Vanderwexp
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