01/02/1985 .'n I:" '" '. .'. .~ ,;< BEAUTIFICATION.COMMITTEE .:- .,..-',' . AGENDA ..- . ~ ,,1' r . <....~ " ,-1 " JANUARY 2, 1985 'App~:v~ of December Minutes " I, i., ., ; : ., : < ,. , , , : .', .', : ',' 3~.':: Old B~iness' ..'!. ,; . ", . a) '.' Bottle. Bill . ~ I'. ~, NEW BUSINESS . . '.: ',., .:': .<'ar',ChuCk Dray, t~ DiscUss ,Landscap~ 'Pr~jects , ' '",," .. .', . ;'~~.,:A~J~w:n: .'. ,~,~, .,' ,,'. .' .;..... '" >.>' ,. .". < .;':' "'j. . . .~ . I <' '. ';. ",' ,,:", '.-:\ " :::'~.,t,.i:,~~~',',"':.' . -/ ~ ..,' , ~. ; , '. . : >. ' , ~:. ; '..' . ' , '.,T,., : ~, : ~.' J.,' :',.' " , , " , \:'~ ,~' . ) . ,'. ,', , '.': t. .;. '" i,+ ", Il Lf- .', .,. ': 0[ ~.":., , \ '. ., ' .'r: ., :.: ~... 'd ,'j ", , .. "0 ., .' '.'. '" .". ~. '. -" ," :. -. .: < '. . ~. ~ ".., ., , ',I' ,,' , , ....: ',I ~ ',"~ .' ",,":'\,' " ~ ~ ,'~ :(: ' , '~>~';':; }i.<i, /'., ! t ~ ~< ;. 'l' ,7':", ... :,' r'::~ t, I~( :' ~ ~ ,\ , ". "~l. , . '. ,'<" . ~' ,: h~ ~. ' , (':, ': " . ,'~ . . 'h. . ~~ . . , ' " :!' , '.' " " ' (' :::,,:<', ' ~~:;~l ' f'" .. '~~"':Df ' "' '.. ~ ,. : .: :' ".' ;.~: ,'," ."~::~ , . ~ ,~!. i::,;:.; . ~;;,<,.'":J. :...' ' ~ '.: , ' ~L>,~" '~::,. ~> . : ."j. ~ 1': . 0, ' '; . .../: >: ...,. .:\ ,', .' " ,', ~~2}": ',. ';,.".. " ~."':: ,', j.(:. ..' ~~;~'.: ". .~:" .' I . " ~ F " ," BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE MINUTES J' December 5, 1984 "j ,~I The Beautification Committee held its regular monthly meoting at Moccasin Lake Nature Park on December 5, 1984 at 9:30 a.m. Members present were Chairman 'Mikell St. Germain, Mr. Stephen Abrey, Mr. Robert Bickerstaffe, Mrs. Rita Canan, Mrs. Ruth DuChateau, Mrs. Kathryn Peat and Mr. Dorr Snoyenbos. Mrs. L. M. Clark, Mr., Frank Krame and Mrs. Emma Whitney were excused and Ms. Pat Hennessy was absent. Also'in attendance was Mr. Ream Wilson, Diroctor of Parks and Recreation. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. Mr. Bickerstaff made a motion to approve the minutes of the November meeting and it was seconded by Mrs. Canan. Motion passed. OLD BUSINESS Results of December 4th Referendum - Mr. Wilson said he was sorry the referen- dwn was defeated but feels the plan i taelf is a good one and will give the Parks ,and Recreation Dep'artment an objective to work for over a period of years. Bottle Bill - The secretary distributed the latest information on the bottle bill received from Sen~ Jeanne Malchon's office. Chairman St. Germain also received information on the bill from Jane Shaw who heads a group called Citizens Against Throwaways (CAT). Members were asked to look over the information and the subject would be placed on the agenda for the January meeting. At.this time Mr. Wilson introduced Eric Trogdon, Supervisor of Moccasin Lake Nature Park. He e~lained the environmental and energy aspects of the park, and ,the, :i:nte~retive Building which features wildlife exhibits and displays. Members, .,then walked the nature trail with a' guide who explained the various areas of native ,'Florida' wildli fe', and plan ts . , The meeting was adj ourned after the tour. ,.;.' , :,' I' ',Respectfully subnlit:ted, " Edith Vanderwerp ., ," ,) N,/.,. ~.":\t -:' ". ' . if:~r '0' " ' .. ", '. ~ ~~O~;: .',' !t:::~.:. ;< '. "!i'..: -, "~:l~ ' .." ~!:n".' ........., . i.~f;l1x.-~~ ;'1 J '~. . '; ':. . ...,', '-'.' ' .~t~. ' < t: ~~.'..'.< . '~.,~::~: . ,:,..,::;,\y~:J :,,? t" ) ~ ".. BEAUT Il~ICA'l'ION COHN1'1"l'EE HINU'J'ES January 2, 1985 , , The Beautification Committee held its regular monthly meeting on January 2. 1985 at 9:30 n.m. at the City IInll Annex. Members present were Chairman Hikell St. Germain. Mr. Stephen Abrey, Mr. Rohert Blckerstaffe. Mrs. L. M. Clark, Mrs. Ruth OuChate.au and Hr. Dorr Snoyenhos. Hrs. Rita Canan, Hrs. Kathryn Pent and Mrs. Emma Whitney were excused and NB. Pat Hennessy and Hr. Frank Krnme were absent. Ht. Ream \Hl.son t Director of Parks nnd Recrention was also in attendance. \. . " , > The Chairmun called the meetIng to order and asked for a motion regarding approval of the December minutes. Nr. Uickerataffe so moved and the motion was seconded by Nrs. Clark. OLD BUSINESS ,<;\ J Bottle Bill - The Cho'lrman stated she had received a resolution in support of a bottle bill for Florida [rom Jane Shaw of CAT (Citiz.ens Against Throwaways). If the Committee supports the issue she will sign the resolution and return it to Ms. Shaw. t-h-: BickerBl:affe moved that the Committee support the issue and return the executed resolution. Mrs. Clark seconded the motion. Mr. Bickerstaffe also suggested the Chairman write a letter to Senator Jeanne Malchon's office stating the Committee supports her efforts to get a bottle bill for Florida. This was done at the conclusi.on of the meeting. At this time Mr. Wilson introduced Chuck Dray, the head of the Nursery Division and the City's landscape architect. Mr. Dray informed members of various City projects he has been working ou. City.Hall Annex - This project was completed approximately a month ,ago. All old bushes and grass were reMoved and replaced by low maintenance ground covers and ,shrubbery. Little or no mowing or edging' is necessary. Also eight palm trees and dwarf oleanders complete the landscaping. Cleveland Street Hedinns - This project was coordinated with Downtown Development. Hardy annuals, able to withstand automobile fumes and tra~fic dirt were contributed by Downtown Development and the City Nursery crews planted them. New trees were also planted. Edgewater Drive Park - This small park at the north entrance to Clearwater along Alternate 19 is in the planning stage. At present there arc no funds in the budget for the park. It will be a passive park with a bicycle path and open spaces. It may eventually be connected with Dunedin's park area along this same route. t: Plumb House - The Plumb House, a turn of the'century type home., was recent- ly moved to E~ l~right Purk by the Clearwater His torieal Society. It is bei.ng landscaped with a::; much native plant material as possible. flowering tree!.>, ground cover and palmettos, etc., td recrente a [rontier home. The plan is to 'do the landscaping 'in phases, to get some trees established before putt:l.ng in more plant material. " , . ' . . ~.....;.....w....,...,~~.t~:"'~~~:~~~~~_';_';GT.::-:-~~~~!.a.:~~~~\~ir;",.~,,,,,,,,.. ..~) ~h. ,,""" .. .:> ',' . )~, :<;.' ~;. 'J;~i .:,.'. . :.' .-tV-. ~>:;~,; , ".. , ,- ',;;0.. ~ ~ ~, . "'.'. ~{r..;';~... ~t1~~ ;/. ",.., ' , :~;j.':.!.~\ ,-: l<:, tJifl' , , " , fJ.r"~t:('; \, . i~~,'i~:"~};:. .,i . ... ..... .. . ("'~ ~.. ~. I, T . l 11~;!;10~;ii2\,'>.." . '~1':;'.Y" . . .':i:, ;~i,(,:'" , : .' ~tr~;,; ... ... f:~\~' . ~ ' 1'\' ',' ~ I . ' :~~~('?>':.':l'<;'~:' '.. " Ii,.. L ",,, . . . ff~;~:["ii;;,>;!',.,.,;: .;; L '\' :.:',: I.'.'.. , ~;', ; ~:~ ;,,:0' ~ ~.:, " .~ J ' f,; " .," 1"'" {I:,. ',' :~:~ t.,. .:' . , .,": H" I . :'" . '. ft< ..:' * ~ ,::~, .' I ::~:rr>',.:..: X:;f': :/:" '. tj\;~l.~'r:.;: i/' ::" .' f~1:; '::::', ~~' ; , . , . ~ ,\,,:.'; \ l Crest Lake Park - '1'ho Chnmber of Conunerco and their Treo Thoughts Program donated a new sign for Croat: Lake Park and tho City did the landscaping around the sign and put in now aidawalks. The undcsh:able plants, gators and ducks havo been removed from tho lako. This is a highly visible park and used by many people. ' Hr. \~ilson reported thut effective today, January 2, Mike Kenton of the Cooonunity Development Oepartment will be responsible for tree permits which will allow the Parks and Recreation Department to concentrate more on Nursery activ- ities and landscaping. ~\r. Dickarstaffo askad \~hcthcr the Conunittee should have a staff member sit in our mcetings. This was made into a motion which Mr. Dick- ,orstaffe secondod for discussion only. Mr. Bickcrstaffe said he would like to see,no staff members present at meetings and possibly have Mr. Wilson givo re- ports'at either the beginning or end of the moeting. A lengthy discussion , followed and the Conunittec decided to meet next month without Hr. \'11180n but he would be 'available during that time if quastions adr;c und at the conclusion :or the meeting for rcpot:ts. Mr~ snciyenbos moved to udjourn the meeting and Mr.Bickerstaffeseconded the ".' OOtion. The meeting adjourned at 11 a.m. Respectfully submitted, 'Edith Vanderwerp 'I " \", J , .J , ' . . \ .! , ,,}! . . , : - ~ . ! , > , r..:< ',F': ,,' .';....'T. . }II~ ~ l ::, .'; , ' ,\ 'I 1 : " \ .' 0' .1 " ' .' 1\ -2- .' , , ","