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October 3, 1984
, The Beautification Co~ttee held its regular monthly meeting at the City
Hall Annex, 10 S. Missouri Avenue, on October 3, 1984, at 9:30 a.m. Members
present were Chairman Mikell St. Gennain, Mr. Stephen Abrey, Mr. Robert Bicker-
staffe, Mrs. Rita Canan, Mrs. L. M. Clark, Mrs. KathlYn Peat, Mr. Dorr Snoyenbos
and Mrs. Emma Whitney. Mr. Frank Krarne was excused and Ms. Pat Hennessy was
'absent. Also in attendance was Mr. Ream Wilson, Director of Parks and Recreation.
The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked for a motion to approve
,the September minutes. Mr. Abrey so moved and it was seconded by Mrs. Whitney.
New member, Robert Bickerstaffe, was introduced and welcomed to the Committee.
OLD BUSINESS - Waterfront Plan
The Chairman said the final hearing of the Waterfront Plan was on the agenda
for Thursday's City Commission meeting. She stated she had received a letter
, from the City Manager in response 1:0 the letter from the Committee supporting
the Waterfront Plan and she read portions of it to the Conmtittee. Mrs. Peat
sai~ the ,plan has changed so much in the past two months and her concern, is
whether commercial. entexprise will be allowed or not. She is against any commer-
cial enterprise on the land purchased for parkland. Mrs. Canan said she was
against building a community hall on any property acquired, that it should all
be used for parkland. A lengthy discussion followed in regard to the changes
in the plan and especially to commercial or private enterprise on any of the
, acquired property. Mrs. Whitney felt the Conunittee should take a vote to find
out hciw members feel about commercial buildings on the waterfront and that some-
one from the Committee should, speak before the conunission on Thursday night. Mr'.
snOyenbos felt that the Committee would be making a mistake to go back on the
decision to support 'the Waterfront Plan. He said there was nothing in the project
'that, commercial en terprise would be in the plan. Mr. Wilson said that final
decisions will be made at the Comndssion meeting on Thursday and said he was in
favor of the Pl.an as proposed. He encouraged members to attend if they wanted
to. have input. It was decided the Chairman would write a letter to the city
Manager and commission and it would be hand delivered to the City Manager. Mr.
Abrey made the motion that the Committee take the position of further clarifica-
tion relative to any commerc~al building or any involvement in the Plan by private
ent.ezprise. The motion wa~ seconded by Mr. Bickerstaffe and passed.
The Committee also feels the referendum for the Waterfront Plan should not
be held at a separate election but included in the regular City election to be
held in February. Members felt a very small percentage of voters turn out for
a special election in addition to it being too costly.
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Causeway Median Planting - The, first estimato and plan drawn up for the
Causeway plantinqs was $100,000. A new committee was formed to raise funds for
the, project by private donations. At this time it appears the project will be
included'in the bond issue for the Waterfront Plan.
. "
Mr. Wilson explained the new park dedication ordinances to members of the
,Conmittee. 'He said the forestry ordinances are also being considered so that
',they will be stronger than the prosent ones. '
,Causeway Parking - ^' discussion on this subject ensued with some members
opposed to any parking on the Causeway and others in favor of 1imi ted parking. '
. This,,,,i11 again be addressed by the City Corrmission and Mr. Wilson will inform
menibers when it is on the agenda.
, ,'. Mr. Wilson asked the commi. ttee
on trash containers on the beach.
"Sparkling .-' ~t' s All Help".
for suggestions for stickers to be placed
It was decided to use "Keep Clearwater
, ,
,The 'Olairman asked members to be thinkinq about a new project the Committee
could ~et" involved in.
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Mrs.",Canan'made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Mr. Bickerstaffe.
The meeting. adjo,urned at 11: 10 a.m.
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