08/01/1984 ; , ~." :" ~( f '. .....'.. " '~ " ::) " ' ", !;"'o'''::'!.' ,\'~ ' . hI',' . ijl; , 1:: ',' ' ),~ ~ ~ ~>~: ' City of Clearwater Beautification Committee August 1, 1984 The Beautification Co~ttoe held its regular monthly meeting at the City Hall Annex, 10 S. Missouri Ave., on August 1, 1984, at 9:30 a.m. Members present were Dr. Jack Rothman, Chairman, Mrs. Rita Canan, Mr. Frank Krame, Mrs. Kathryn Peat, Mr. Dorr Snoyenbos, Ms. M. L. St. Germain, Mrs. Emma Whitney, Mrs. Joan Wrigley and Ms. Pat Hennessy. Mr. Stephen Abrey was excused. Also in attendance was Mr. Ream Wilson, Oirector Parks and Recreation Department, Mr. Gordon McDougall of the Comprehensive Long Range Waterfront Plan Committee, Chris Papandreas, Planning Department and Mr. Jim Carpenter of the Downtown Development Board. The Chairman introduced new member Ms. Pat Hennessy and welcomed her to the Committee. At this time the Chainnan introduced Mr. Gordon McDougall who pre- sented the Waterfront Plan to the Committee. Mr. McDougall said that the Waterfront Committee was formed last August to assemble diversified groups from Clearwater to acquire and develop as parkland waterfront property to be maintained by the City. The area in the plan is divided ,into four sections, North Park, Coachman Park, Tennis Court Complex and South Park. The North Park area includes the possibility of establiShing a 99-slip marina and the acquisition of the Sand Castle property through negotiation. Coachman Park will be redesigned with more open space and easier maintenance. It will be the events area ,with the Bandshell as the focal point, children's activity and possibly a community room in conjWlction with an existing structure. By eliminating one tennis 'court, approximately 90' of green space will be made available. Handball courts and another children's play area are also planned for this space. The South Park property, owned by Norman Bie and WTAN will be acquired by negotiation. This space will incl.ude a promenade, benches, trees and possibly a salt water environmental center. Mr. McDougall said the Committee has finalized everything except the marina and the community :room. Mr. Snoyenbos asked Mr. McDougall what the time table is for the plan and he replied that the first public hearing by the City Commission will be in Septem- ber and the referendum will be December 4th, 1984. Mrs. Peat questioned whether there was adequate parking in the area and Mr. McDougall said that the Committee felt that unless there is a major event, parking app~ars to pose no problem. Dr. Rothman asked what type of plantings will be utilized in the overall plan. Chris Papandreas said some palms would be used but mostly canopy trees and green areas. " Mrs. Wrigley asked about the marina and Mr. McDougall said it may be treated as a separate project. It will depend on the acquisition of property and shOUld be',done at the same time as the dredging 'of Dunedin Pass. He said there are also environmental concerns. Mrs. Canan asked how the plan would be financed and the total cost. Mr., McDougall said the total cost was between $8,000,000 and $12,000,000 and would be assessed on property taxes. '; , ~:" . ~ ~:. . :,:.. ' , ' . ~ " , I ',I I ',~ c', . , :' !fr/, ' ~:': ,', , \i:\\~.' , .....,...'.., c ,~~,~;, ~~::.\~.::,','" ~..;l';.:. ',' ' ~..,\:~(-:~ .;" ~"1;}:"" ,,' K}.,.' " " ~ir.:>:.~~' '.,>'1.' "! ',' """8 " .. ~~;,(,', ,,;,/;.,', '.' ~..< '" d, ',' , ~i~?~U:~',:,<;~:;i:i;,';:~;:j '{,:., ,"','.'.. "', ':" ,.". ~.~,/i > : ~(.1';~ < t ~ . j~I>, " l ,~~ t . . ~~r'.>: " t,~:", ',I fv:,;:,.~, ~~~:~. , ~!" . ~t ~~"..' ,,( '/, " n:~,'::,,' ~{;:.~: " " , ,;~ -:' .' I ; ~ .. !\,/:,. , ~.:. \. '~:} ":::-'::'" :J-', ... ~ ,\' .... ." . ;}:. . I;'i .,~ . ~"', , " ;/:.... ' ~_.. 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The Committee was in agreement that no n~ structures be built on the waterfront and that no private enterprise be in- cluded ~n the plan. .. ~ ' '" After discussion Mr. Snoyenbos moved that the Beautification Committee strongly support the concept as identified by the drawings and proposals made by the Comprehensive Long Range Waterfront Plan Committee for the Bayfront devel- opment and so advise the City Manager and Commission. This motion was seconded 'by Mr. Krame and unanimously accepted by the Committee. A letter to this effect will be written to the City Manager and cormni.ssion. ,. . , , , Mrs. Peat asked about the entrance median to Island Estates where most of the plants,have'died from lack of water and Mr. Wilson explained that sprinkler heads:would be installed in the median as soon as possible. , . Mrs. Wrigley'asked if the Committee could recognize the Homeowner's Associa- 'tion,thatdoes the best jOb on median plantings and Mr. Wilson suggested putting it on' the agenda for next year. , " As' there was no' further business before the COIrllli ttee, the meeting was ad- journed "at 11:24' a.m. Respectfully submitted, "Edith'VandexweJ:p ;.' ,I: " " \ \', " l, c. ,) ~ ~ . , ,~ ", ~ .', -2- ",