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April 4, 1984
The Beautification Committee held its regular monthly moeting at the City
Hall Annex, 10 S. Missouri Avonue, on April 4, 1984 at 9:30 a.m. Members present
were Dr. Jack RO~lman, Chairman, Mr. Stephen Abrey, Mrs. L. M. Clark, Mr. Frank
Krame, Mr. Dorr Snoyonbos, Ms. M. ,L. St. Germain, Mrs. Emma Whitney and Ms. Joan
Wrigley. Mrs. Rita Canan and Mrs. Kathryn Peat were excused and Ms. Frances
Zacharias was absent. Also present was Mr. Ream Wilson, Director of Parks and
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Mr. Abrey raised the
question of requirements by developers of double frontage lots which was omitted
from the March minutes. Mr. Wilson said that the City has discouraged double
frontage lots by developers far some time. He said he was going to check whether
the City had the ability to require developers to sod both the front and back
of the lot.
Neighborhood Beautification Program - A phone call was received from a
Countryside homeowners association in response to the letters sent out by the
Chairman in regard to beautification of medians. This area has no medians, and
Mr. Wilson said they were asking about right-af-way in that area. A member of
the Mornings ide-Meadows Association called on another matter but also stated
that the program hadn't been brought to the attention of the membership as of
this date. It was felt that more time is needed for the associations to respond.
Update on Downtown Landscaping and Waterfront Plan and Mrs. Peat's Suggestion
to Disband - TheChai~an asked Mr. Wilson to give the Committee an update on the
Waterfront Plan and also his reaction to Mrs. Peat's suggestion to disband. Mr.
Wilson said he wished he had been at the last meeting but that he could also under-
stand where the feeling came from. He began by explaining how the Downtown Bay-
front Committee got started. This Committee is a group of concerned citizens
interested in improving Clearwater's waterfront. This group elected a Chairman,
Mrs. Wray Register, and is composed of various interested lay representatives from
the community. Mr. Wilson advised Mrs. Register of the Beautification Commdttee's
concern of not being involved and she was very apologetic and said there was no
intention of by-passing any group because they want and need everyone's support
,for whatever is done on the Bayfront. Mr. Wilson said Mrs. Register volunteered
to come to the,next Committee meeting to talk to the members about the Waterfront
Plan. The Waterfront Committee sent out invitations for consultants to subrni t
credentials and eighteen consultants responded and Gee and Jenson was selected.
, The fee for the consultant is about $30,000 to $35,000 and private citizens are
, attempting to raise the l1'W:)ney. The Waterfront Cornm! ttee would like a plan accept-
able to everyone and one that would bring people down to the Bayfront. They are
possibly looking at a bond issue for funding this project. Mr. Wilson reiterated
that there was no intention to by-pass the Beautification Committee and said it
wa~ an honest oversight.
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~ Mr. Snoyenbos said ho ~hought he know what Mrs. Poat was saying to the
, Committeo members when she made her statements. Ho went on to say there have
been many instances when we have failed as a Committee to accomplish anything
and that last fall the City l>tanager suggested combining the Committee wi th the
Parks and Recreation Board. Mr. Wilson said that this Comndttee has become
qui to active and felt it could take credit for the SLudy being done on shoreline
rostoration by tho City as it was instrumental in securing the presentation to
the City Commdssion by Mr. Robin Lewis.
Mr. Wilson continued by saying there is a growing movement for groups to
try to do something to become involved. The Cleat:Water Beach Association has
initiated a plan to relandscape the Memorial Causeway and City staff has had
minimal involvement to this date. These are citizens getting together to beautify
a part of Clearwater and we don't want to discourage volunteers. Lay groups may
express interest in items normally associated with City Advisory Boards but Mr.
Wilson said he looks at the Beautification Committee as the official Advisory
Board for beautification matters.
Mr. Wilson showed members the landscape plan of the Causeway prepared by
Mr. Jack Siebenthaler who has volunteered his services to the Clearwater Beach
Association. Many of the present shrubs and bushes have been on the causeway
twenty years and with car accidents, etc., a hodge-podge affect has evolved. There
are several medians on the Causeway and at first the thought was to do one median
to see how the materials responded to the various conditions. Now they are think-
ing about doing the whole Causeway. At present, it takes one and one-half positions
to maintain the Causeway, and the proposal indicates that a savings in maintenance
would result from the new landscape scheme in addition to it being more attractive.
He said the irrigation system is the biggest problem on the Causeway Wi~l cars
knocking off sprinkler heads. He said the system could be located in the center
of the medians.
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Ms. Wrigley said she was asked to join the committee to relandscape the
causeway. She said the Committee views these two projects as a showcase of
Clearwater as everyone at one time or another goes over the Causeway. There is
so much potential for a beautiful waterfront. Ms. Wrigley felt the Beach Asso-
ciation could have raised $10,000 towards the landscaping that night as many
people are interested in the project.
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Mr. Wilson thinks the Committee could consider bringing new and creative
ideas to the City. The program of neighborhood beautification should be en-
couraged and the Committee can be as active as it wants to be. He does not feel
the Committee should be discouraged as there is ample time for input for the
Waterfront Plan.
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Comments from Members -
Beach which she thOUght were
but said that city crews, as
site distance problem.
Mrs. Whitney asked about some bushes on Clearwater
cut down by City crews. Mr. Wilson was uncertain
a rule, do not cut bushes down unless there is a
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Mr. Abrey ~tated'he felt frustration that an outside group did what the
Beautification Committee should have done.
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Mr. Snoyenbos asked whether it would be in order for the Parks and Recreation
Dopartmont to provide a plaque at the Bandshel1 in Coachman Park in honor of the
major contributor, Charles Wharton Johnson.
Mrs. Clark, said 19A is run down between Clearwater and Largo. She also men~
tioned the S. Greenwood area where a lot of development has occurred and she
wondered how it looked.
Mr.'Wilson info~ed members they would be receiving invitations to the
dedication of Cliff Stephens Park to be held on Thursday, May 10 at 10 a.m.
A primary purpose, of development of this park is for flood control., Lakes are
dug as retention pondS to eliminate flooding and recreation activities are de-
veloped around the l~kes.
Mr. Wilson will try to have Mrs. Register come to the next meeting~ Also
Mrs. Pappas will be asked to attend the following meeting.
As there was no further business, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn
the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 11 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Edi th ,Vanderwerp
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