10/05/1983 " ,,,',;,, I, - \.... ~t.q 1 ~. 1 .~ ~ ~r~~!:> ';k'~,: '. 'il,S);. , ',.~' ~..':".H.:' ' ~:r'.: .. . ~~!/.~_.:I~t,' t~~~~\:' . c Y:""J'~" '" ."., < ." . i;~'::, "'t'~jl .':1." ~ ' :>~'>' ,~/: " " ,... " . . .f" BEAUTIFICATION 90MMITTE~ october 5, 1983 J I' ", " , \, . " c ~ .', ....... '\/,/ . . :'~ " " " , , . .. ,i .CITY HALL ~N~ AT 9:30 A.M. .'i -' ' j . ;'1 ~ ' ~ L '." , " AGENDA " , '/} '1.,- Call.to Order \. ',! , '. '. ~,\' " 'AppJ::oval of Minutes of June I, 1983 and Minutes of '~ep~ember 7, 1983' .,'. ',: . , ,:' >~', 1"<': r:: ~':.; i:~:::'~ .", ~;;;;~'i \ , . ~,b!,' f~\@),"; ,;".. 'OLD 'BUSINESS' 1k%i'::::' 'l.Repoi:t of Subcommittee ~ Mr. Aude. ~r<r..i) , ,... ~. c ,'. ,~ . ' I ' ,; . ~%\;':,;X;;''''', ':,:~\:,', :,;",' ': 2',,"'changes'in ,Beautification Committee Membership ~}~\~'.:;:>:';'.~,~"::,:':<;,:':,~':,;<', ,,".. ;'.,', l';;';;':" .;',"':~'. · ':",'NEW BUSINESS tq~~&';;'i';>",~{",'; :<':/ ":';-' >':.:,: ,,':', , "W};i}i,.:" , '" ", ,',1. Election of Chairman ~~\3~..!:j .,:'~ ""./:, ~11.~::. ~, "+ . ,". . ,. i!1g~': ;!~:" ' "', ',<', , " .. ~~;.W:;><:':'~~:'::" ' ~"", ~~'t.,e" '" "~~"', ','.': ': r1r'i'J', ','" 1i'''. . '. t~l;."C>' .. ~~'\~;"'_:.}r~ ' '., ~{f/i.\"J:.:'. ,I .' '.' " ~~", :' I'r.' '1, ' ,,' , , .~ijf/;},~: i:,'~ ,.: ;,',:: ,': :..,,',', It,;.,.,'. r," .',' '):~':'\~. :""" .'. of; ~ .,":','.'"" " J~~~:""'. ." '~"I. '-t" '. ~ -f ~ ~ ." .:. , . i~~::;~ :'. :~ ~~'4 '.: ~/Q~\~:.'.::. ,\'~ .,1, "';:. ;A"~ ..' ;r\':*.~ .:. ,!t . Ji{:',:;:..' . '.' ~t-.--.~I.:)'......'--,... .. ,< ....., ,Due to lack, of quorUm at ,~nder Old Business " . thfs meeting. September 7th meeting the items and New Business are being repeated at " ' . j" (. : , , 'I '" ,,:;; I .... ~ I : <", '. ^ , , c'.' . ~ .. ',' ." . ' I r I -10' : ~ .,' . ,2.' ' ~dj ow::nmem t . :'..?~ ,I j , '/ " " ,<j , j I' ') .L; " ','I .. ,I , r '1: . :i- . ~ . . - r ..., " J ..t " <" . " " ' " ",' :. ',' , " ',i, < ~., .i . .:' " ~', . . ,~ 'I," ' , :, .' :' ,,' '" " .' ~' , '-, . , ' ". .,'. . , .. .' '.' \'. ' . '. ~ f'o.; :t ' 'i'o,~ 'c'... ~:,~~ . " " JI" ' City of Clearwater Beautification Conunittec Hinutes October 5, 1983 The Beautification committee held its regular monthly meeting at the Parka and Recreation Offices, 10 S. Missouri Avenue, on October 5, 1983, at 9:30 a.m. Members present were Mr. D. C. Snoyenbos, chairman, Hr. Stephen Abrey, Hr. David Berry, Mrs. Rita Canan, Mr. Frank Krame, Brs. Kathryn Peat, Dr. Jack Rothman and Ms. M. L. St. Germain. Mrs. Emma Whitney was excused and Mrs. L. M. Clark was absent. Also present was Mr. Ream Wilson, Director of Parks and Recreation Department. ~he'meeting was called to order by the Chairman who introduced two new members of the Conunittee, Hr. Stephen Abrey and Ms. l>1. L. St. Germain. Mr. Berry made a motion for the approval of the Hinutes of the September and June meetings and it was seconded by Dr. Rothman. Motion passed. ' Mr. Wilson suggested for the benefit of new members, that a copy of the ordinance establishing the Committee, the responsibilities of the Beautification Committee and the policy on absences be enclosed with the minutes when mailed to members. Report by Subcommittee--As Mr. Aude was out of town, Dr. Rothman distributed copies of a report on mangrove preservation wit~in the city of Clearwater juris- diction prepared by Mr. Aude. After a short discussion on the report a motion was made and'seconded to ask Mike Kenton, Assistant Director of Public Works/ Environmental, to come to the November meeting and speak to the committee on this Subject. Mr. Snoyenbos read the letter the City Clerk sent to the principals of the local high schools seeking interested students to participate as non-voting members on the various boards of the city. Student volunteers will contact the City Clerk's office for more information. El~ction of Chairman--At this time Mr. Snoyenbos called for nominations from 'the floor for a new chairman. Mr. Krame nominated Dr. Rothman and it was seconded by Mrs. Canan. As there were no further nominations, Mr. Snoyenbos asked Dr. Rothman if he would accept the Chairmanship. He said he would and it was unani- mously passed by the cormnittee. , Suggestions from Z,lembers--Hr. Berry suggested the committee hold a meeting at the new PACT Center with a tour of the facilities. Mr. Krame also thought it would be interesting and informative to tour the new facility. l-1r. Snoyenbos' suggested another meeting at Moccasin Lake Park as there have been many additions and im- provements since the Committee met there a year ago. Hr. Snoyenbos is also interested in a dog ordinance to control pets from running loose. It was stated that there is a dog ordinance but apparently it is not being enforced. Mr. Snoyenbos feels, that if it is not being enforced it should he strengthened. l-ir. t'1ilson reminded the committee of uSparkling Clearwater DaYu, October 15th. He stated there are over 1,000 volunteers for the clean-up day. Mr. Krame made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Dr. Rothman. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Edith Vanderwezp