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'Call, to Order
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Clty of clearwater
Uonutif.1cntion conmitteo Minutes
Juno 1, 1983
'1'1\0 UOftut:.i ficlltion Committoe hold its regulaX' monthly meeting at tho Parks
Rnd Rocroation OfficaD, 10 S. Missouri Avenue, on June 1, 1983. Members present
wor.e Mr. o. C. BnoyonboB, Chnirman, Mr. Robert Aude, Mrs. L. M. Clark, Mr. Frank
Kramo, Mrs. Kathryn Poat, Dr. Jack Rothman, and Mrs. Emma Whitney. Mrs. Virginia
Cuutot and Mr. Oavid Derry wore excused. Mrs. Rita Canan was absent. Mr. Ream
WilBon, Oiroctor of rarka and Recreation and Mrs. Bonnie Harding, member of a
watchdog group, ware also in attondance.
The mooting waD called to order by the Chairman at 9:30 a.m. MrR. Whitney
motionod that tho minutos of tho May meeting be accepted and Mr. Krarne seconded
the motion.
Palms on Courtney Campbell causeway - Mr. lUlson stated he had called the
Department of Transportation. He said the DOT mows with tractor mowers and the
Parks Department: may have to mow with hand mowers close to the trees a couple
of times a year. He sees that as no problem.
!temorial Causeway Parking. Mr. Wilson stated that there will be a public
hearing on June 16th at 7 or 7 r 30 p.m. in regard to the Memorial Causeway. A,
discussion followed. Mrs. Whitney said that ISland Estates and Clearwater Beach
Homeowner Associations met last week and they favor no parking on the Causeway..
Mr. Snoyenbos polled the committee and the majority felt there should be no park-
ing on the Bouthside of the Causeway.
Some alternatives were suggested such as busses, trolleys, etc. Mr. Aude
stated a small parking lot might be placed at each end to concentrate the parking
in two areas. Mr. Snoyenbos then asked the Committee if members should attend
this meeting and speak individually or appoint one person to speak for the Com-
mittee. ~e majority felt it best for the Chairman to attend the meeting and
speak for the committee recommending no parking on Memorial Causeway.*
Mrs. Clark expressed her appreciation for Karen Wilson's talk at the May
meeting and other members concurred. A discussion followed as to whether her
recommendations for improving the water quality and saving our shorelines were
being heeded by the City. Mr. Wilson explained that Karen Wilson works in the
Public Works Department and reviews all building plans. Dr. Rothman asked why
the City doesn't conduct a widespread program of planting mangroves to fight
erosion arid prevent dirty water. Mr. Wilson explained that the City Commission
has the final say and it is a problem of budget, manpower and priorities. Dr.
Rothman feels the specialists are not getting their information to the decision-
makers. At this time Mr. Snoyenbos asked Mr. Aude to chair a Subcommittee in-
ClUding Mr~. Whitney and Dr. Rothman to (1) determine what areas within the City
are 'shorelines and how large the problem is, (2) what agencies are involved,
and (3) recommend some kind of action to members over the summer months.
Appointment of Nominating Committee. Mr. Snoyenbos stated that he will
have completed two terms on the Beautification Committee in September and will
not be able to serve next year. After some discussion, it was decided to select
a new Chairman using the Committee as a whole at the September meeting.
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Mr. Aude stated that in his travels around the city as an architect, he
faels businesses are doing n good job of landscaping but the School Board does
not. Mr. Wilson stated that schools are not bound to follow city ordinances
as they are governed by tho State. ne, said he will check into this and report
at the September meot.:f,ng.
Mrs. Whitney is concerned about dogs on the beach and asked if some signs
could be placed at the end of some of the streets on Clearwater Beach. Mr.
Wilson stated that this is a problem allover the City but that he would look
into it.
~fr. Krame stated that the parks and medians in the city look very good and
he feels Mr. Wilson is doing a good jOb.
Mr. Krame motioned for the meeting to adjourn and Dr. Rothman seconded the
motion. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Edith Vanderwerp
'. The Chairman attended the City commission meeting at which time the question
of,parkirig'on Memorial Causeway was discussed. The Chairmanundersooreq and
agre~d ~ith' the position taken by the Park Board as follows:
a) parking should be prohibited on the Causeway
b) a parking lot'might'be laid out at the east end of the souths ide
of 'the Causeway next to the bridge
c) every effort should be made to speed up the park facilities on
Sand Key.
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,The Chairman also made, the point that there has been gradual deterioration
" of, the south side, of the Causeway since the auxiliary road was laid out and
.that it was virtually impossible for the Park Department maintenance per-
sonnel to ,keep that area in good shape. ,If it was permitted to remain as
is, within a year it would have the general appearance of the Ben Davis
Beach in,Tampa. As a result of the hearing the City commission voted to
restrict all'parking on Memorial causeway after July 4th, 1983.
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