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,Call' to. Order
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~pproval of Minutes of April 6,
, '.
,1. 'Status of Palms on courtn'ey Campbell Causeway
Adopt-A-Park Program
, .
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, ,'3. ,Combination of Beautification Coromi ttee and Parks
and..Recreation Board
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Protection of shoreline water
Karen Wilson
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City of Clearwater
Beautification Committee Minutes
May 4, 1983
The Beautification committee held its regular monthly meeting at the Parks
and Recreation Offices, 10 South Missouri Avenue, on May 4, 1983. Members present
were Mr. D. C. Snoyenbos, Chairman, Mrs. Rita canan, Mrs. L. M. Clark, Mrs. Virginia
Custer, Mr. Frank Krame, Mrs. Kathryn Peat, Dr. Jack Rothman and Mrs. Emma Whitney.
Mr. Robert Aude and Mr. David Berry were excused. Mr. Alan Smith was in attendance
representing Mr. Ream Wilson, Director of Parks and Recreation Department, who was
present during part of the meeting. Mrs. Karen Wilson, Water Resources Specialist
for the city of Clearwater was also in attendance.
The meeting was called to order at 9:3~ a.m. by the Chairman. Mrs. Custer
made a motion to accept the minutes of the April meeting and the motion was seconded
by Dr. Rothma.n.
1. status of Palms on Courtney Campbell Causeway. Mr. Wilson reported that
he had sent another letter to Mr. Milt Turnburke with a copy of the Agreement and
hopes to have something to report at our June meeting.
2. Adopt-A-Park Program. Mr. Wilson stated he had not had an opportunity to
develOp criteria far the program and that he will be working on the project in the
near future. He will keep the committee informed of any progress made.
3. Combination of Parks and Recreation Board and Beautification Committee.
Mr. wilson stated that he had heard nothing further on this issue. He stated that
if he hears anything on the Subject he will let Mr. Snoyenbos know.
1. Protection of Shoreline Water. At this time Mr. Wilson introduced Mrs.
Karen Wilson, Water Resource Specialist for t~e city of Clearwater, who was invited'
, to the meeting to tell the Committee what the City is doing for protection of our
shorelines. Mrs. Wilson began by telling the Committee about the water quality
'problems of Clearwater's fresh water lakes. The policy of the City has been to mow
with slope mowers down to the water's edge eliminating all vegetation. This ,vege-
tation provided a natural filter for the water and the insects living in the vege-
tation provided food for the fish population. After it was removed the water
became polluted.
Mrs. Wilson said that it is difficult to convince the Northern popUlation in
Florida what has to be done to preserve our lakes. They prefer grass and seawalls
adjacent to the water. Mangroves are the best shoreline stabilizers known to man
and they serve several functions. They would still be on the shoreline after a
direct hit hurricane. Secondly, mangrove roots have little insects livin&'on them
and the water flowing through the roots is purified. Thirdly, the insects living
on the roots provide food for fish and crabs. Finally, birds nest in mangroves and
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, ,Mt-s. 'Custer suggested putting parking meters on the south side of the Memorial
'?\ ,.' CaUseway. She,' .also, stated, a load of sand was dumped there and Mr. Wilson said he
',:,:~,~:"";i~,',"";",'",\,,, would check, into it. . 'After' a short discussion, Mrs. Custer made a motion that the
, ,. City advise the Coromitteewhat they are planning to do on the south side of the
j,',t;:/' .'" ~", Causeway~ Motion was seconded by Mrs. Canan. Mr. Wilson will report at the June
~I;;,: ',.: ," ',' meeting.
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whon thoy ore removed they have no place to nest. Seawalls disturb the natural
aco.ystom and no new soawalls will be built unless natural shoreline vegetation
10 10ft in front of them. Dr. Rothman asked if the City could plant mangroves on
thoir shorelines and Mrs. Wilson stated that they would need funding to purcha.se
lBoodlin98 and aloo there are not enough trained people to do it. Mrs. Wilson told
thQ Committee of the restoration of Lake Belleview and the plans'for restoring
Cront Laka. Sho said Crest Lake would benefit from aeration which is being done
at Lake Bolleview. She stated Crest Lake should not have a fountain, that it should
be a natural Florida pond, good for fiShing and have an attractive vista.
At this time Mr. Snoyenbos thanked Mrs. Wilson for taking the time to inform
tho committee of her activities as Water Specialist, the condition of our shorelines
and the quality of our water. , .
2. Summer Schedule. After a short discussion it was decided that the committee
would not meet during July and August. Mrs. Canan made the motion to disband during
July and August and Mrs. Custer seconded it. t1r. Snoyenbos will write a letter to
the City Manager informing him of this decision. ,
3. Plans for 2dgewater Drive. Mr. Wilson stated that the City had condemned
the property and the building will eventually be town down. The property will be
, landscaped as a passive park. Mr. Wilson also reminded the Committee of the
.IISparkling Clea:rwater" drive sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce sometime in
October. '
, ,
" Mrs. Canan stated the magnOlia trees at Island Estates need water.
said he would'look into it.
Mr. Smith
,Mrs. canan motioned to adjourn the meeting and Mrs. Custer seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 11:03 a~m.
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