04/06/1983 ~':,/"' 'L,' ~h'~~' tI'; . ~ ...: i: ~~~'.... :' rl;,,~~~...~. .ji,' ,:. ,. ..,. , rt.' ;i.~<;';' ~. .", ,", , ;'~~. I ,~.,. ' 'l.:V '.,' ". " , 0:~:':~" , ~...'---. ! ''{ ~\~~ ,. II. '~~...~.) , . ;.;,11 :~. :,"\ ., ' ~ " BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE , Ap r i 1 6, 1983 ',--------- :i "\ ,', ~f \.1 I ~:{' ~\' ~f~:<Z'; "~ \,'", ~~~,) ,,';:,:' '., ' 'id, . ;1,1/l"~\ t'!. ~. 1 . t" V-':.,:P,,-;" ~,;' \ ".... CITY HALL ANNEX AT 9s30 A.M. " AGENDA J '" " , , , '." , call to Order, Appro~~l'of Minutes of March 2, 1983 .,.;: , ' OLD' BUSINESS ',I' '( l~ . Status' of Tree Recommendation " .. Mr. Cowles ;, ; , 2~ Status of Palms on courtney Campbell causeway ;.~ " ' ~ . .\ 3. Status of Adopt-A-Park Program \ , ' " ',,~ ,,' ,.' d,'.... . ,':. NEW 'BUSINESS \. '~: '.~ " :;,\ " , ,; .1'.. Status of Beautification' "I ,BOard:., ' Mana9~r's'suggestion on combirtation Committee and Parks and of Recreation < I~: ", :2~ 'Suggestions from members 3.' ,Adj ournmen t. 'I " ,) 'I' , , I, .. 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The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m. by the Chairman. Mrs. Custer made a motion to accept the minutes and Mr. Krame seconded the motion. OLD BUSINESS 1. Status of Tree Recommendation. Mr. Wilson said the recommendation of the bottle brush tree was removed from the City Commission agenda since questions arose about whether it was related to the punk tree and not suitable far a tree program. Mr. Chris Cowles. City Forester~ recommended several other trees to the Committee which might be used. He asked the Committee why they had recommended a tree and Mr. Snoyenbos explained that the Committee wanted a flowering tree to recommend to developers and citizens to increase the beauty of Clearwater. It was then stated by Mr. Krame and Mrs. Clark that the Garden ,Club of Clearwater had recommended the Calamanda aver twenty years ago. After some discussion Mrs. Clark suggested we drop the whole matter. Mr. Cowles felt that our purposes could be served as well by some. promotion and PR of various types of flowering trees and that he could not recommend the bottle brush far every situation. Mrs. Custer mentioned some cities line their' streets with Japanese cherry trees and since Clearwater has a sister city in Japan~ it might be appropriate to try something like that. Mr. Cowles reminded the Committee that P~nellas County consists of sand and primary trees that grow of,themse1ves are pines and oaks. Other trees need work and research would have to be done to see if they ,would grow here. At this time Mr. Krame made the motion to drop the matter and it was seconded by Dr. Rothman. Motion passed. - 2. Palms on Courtney Campbell Causeway. Mr. Wilson reviewed with the Committee what has transpired regarding the planting of 20 or 30 palms on the south side of the Causeway at the entrance to Clearwater. The plan and drawings of the location of the palm trees was submitted to the Department of Transportation in April 1982 and nothing further has been heard from them. Mr. Wilson said he would resubmit the plans and he hopes to have something to report at the next meeting. .. 3. Adopt-A-Park Program. Mr. Wilson stated he is still enthusiastic about the Adopt-A-Park Program and work will begin toward developing a questionnaire to establish criteria for sponsorship. The contracts would run for one year and give the exact performance specifications vDr the lawn company who services the park. -1- . I. ,. t f) \;'0 '\. . '. . ". ,. '. ':, 1'" :';,;:"' : "", ( < "; .' ~.: . I ~ ; ;t::",,: ' N:' .- l' .' ~r.',. ~~~..:' l>~ " ~i/; , .....,., 2.?"':~' ' t~~: ',: ~5~.;:~ '- ~&... 1(;~: ,', ".',. ' ~t1.j. ~ ' . t.'I~,..~ I . . 'I ..~ , ' 'JI'" ~,.,.' k:,@ J}c:;' " If., '. t.~v~:. ~ \i~' , ~'~~J...: ~b~:\> , rs::~tc,. " ' ;ft~i~<'.c,., .. .:.: NEW BUSINESS 1. Combination of Beautification Committee and Parks and Recreation Board. Mr. Wilson said he had heard nothing further on this and said he will check with the City Mansger to see what the status is and report to the Committee at the next meeting. Mr. Wilson also informed members of "Sparkling Clearwater Awareness Week", the last week of October or first week in November. It io being coordinated by the Chamber of Commerce to encourage citizens to clean up their yards and areas. The Department will lend trucks to help pick up the trash. COMMENTS FIlOM MEMBERS Mrs. Clark inquired about the bandshell at Coachman Park. Mr. Wilson stated that more funding is needed and that it is doubtful if it will be completed by July 4th but would hopefully be ready in time for Jazz Holiday. Mrs. Clark also stated that the Bilgore warehouses are ugly and wandered if anything could ever be done about them. Mrs. Custer said that parking on the south side of the Causeway was entirely aut of control. She suggested installing parking meters. She also mentioned tearing down the old pier. Mr. Snoyenbos said the last information he had on the old pier was that it was too expensive to remove--in the area of $250.000. He said that if members wish we could approach the City Manager on it again. Mr. Berry said 30 to 40 members of the Northwood Homeowners Association conducted an area-wide clean up program and he felt they should be commended for their efforts and the appearance of the area. Mr. Cowles stated that on April 28th there will celebration honoring the planting of the trees downtown. at Fortune Federal on N. Ft. Harrison Ave. Members will invitBtions by mail. - , . -, be an Arbor Day It will be held receive Mr. Krame wondered if the bus company could take people to and 'from the beach on weekends during the tourist season to help control some of the traffic. Dr. Rothman asked about the mangroves being used for erasion control. Mr. Cowles said they Will be planted at Alligator Creet Park to , prevent ~rosion and increase the healthiness of the lake. Mr. Wilson said he would ask Karen Wilson. the City's Water Quality Specialist. to attend and discuss her efforts to protect our shorelines at the next meeting. There being no further business before the Committee, Mrs. Custer made a motion to adjourn, and it was seconded by Dr. Rothman. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m. 'Respectfully submitted, Edith Vanderwerp, Secretary '.. -2-