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February 2, 19B3
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,Call to,Order
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:Ap~roval of Minutes of January
1.. Discussion of St. Petersbu~g Awards Program, as
might be applied to Clearwater,
, "
'2> Condition
of old pier on Edgewater Drive
of old bridge at west end of Memorial Causeway
by City commission on tree
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. L 'Meeting of Committee
the Marine
Science Center
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2.;' Stat us of Adopt-A-Park program and 'l:ypeof 'advertising
of sponsors
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from 'Committee members
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City of Clearwater
Boautification committee Minutes
February 2, 19B3
The Boautification committee held its regular monthly meeting at tho Parks and
Recreation Offices, 10 s. Missouri Avenue, at 9:30 a.m. on February 2, 19B3. Mem-
bers present were Mr. D. C. Snoyenbos, Chairman, Mrs. Rita canan, Dr. David Berry,
Mrs. L. M. Clark, Mrs. Virginia Custer, Mr. Frank Krame and Mrs. Kathryn Peat. Dr.
Rothman and Mr. Robert Aude were excused. Mrs. Emma Whitney was absent. Mr. Ream
Wilson, Oirector of the Parks and Recreation Department was also present.
The meeting was called to order at 9:34 a.m. by the, Chairman, who asked for a
motion for approval of the Minutes of January 5, 1983. Dr. 'Berry made the motion
and it was seconded and approved.
At this time the Committee observed a moment of silence in tribute to Miss
Louise Keppie who passed away early last week.
1. St. Petersburg Award Program. A discussion followed of the possible appli-
cation of the St. Petersburg Award Program which might be applied to Clearwater.
Mr. Snoyenbos stated he had received 'a call from Mr. Aude who stated he was in favor
of it. The Committee was polled at this time on how they felt about the program
, and did they want to get involved in it. It w'as decided that with the Chamber of
Commerce program and also the program of the Garden Club it might be a good idea
to table our approach for three months. A motion was made by Mrs. Clark to that
effect and seconded by Mrs. Canan. Motion passed.
2. Old Pier on Edgewater Drive. Mr. Wilson reported that he had called Eddie
Voiland, Building and Maintenance Superintendent before the meeting and was told it
might cost about $45,000 to reconstruct the pier. The question is whether or not
it is worth that expenditure or whether it should be torn down. It was generally
agreed by the Committee that it is an eyesore in its present stage and the motion
was made ,by Mrs. Custer that a letter be written to the City Manager by Mr. Snoy-
enbos recommending removal of the pier. It was seconded by Dr. Berry. It was also
stated that,the Edgewater Drive Association should be informed of the action of
the Conunittee.
At this time Sonja Stephanadis, a candidate for the Clearwater city Commission,
joined our meeting.
3. Condition of old pier on West end of Memorial Causeway. This subject was
discussed in the Committee a few years ago and Mr. Snoyenbos recalled a letter
from the City Manager to him in regard to the e~ense of removing the abutments--
between $200,000 and $300,OOO--that being the reason nothing has been done on it.
The City has adequately protected itself by posting warning signs and putting up
, fences in the area. Mrs. Custer made a motion that this should be a budgeted item
for 1983/84 and it was seconded by Dr. Berry. Motion passed.
4. Ornamental Tree Recommendation. Mr. Snoyenbos stated that he was advised
by Mr. Wilson that at a meeting of the city commission the ornamental tree recom-
mendation was removed from the agenda. The two questions asked about the bottle
brush tree were: is it related to the punk tree and does it have an allergic effect
on people. Mr. Wilson will find out the answers to these questions and inform
Mrs. Custer then asked the status of the pottle ordinance. Mr. Snoyenbos
stated that the City has requested that a pottle bill be sponsored by a state
legislator in the next session of the Florida Legislature.
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Mr. SnoyenboB whother it will be put back on the agenda for the next meeting. Mrs.
Custer made the motion for this to be put on the agenda for our March meoting.
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Mrs. Canan suggested the bushes be removed from Memorial Causeway and trees
planted, especially ornamental trees as 'the maintenance would be considerably ro-
duced. Mr. Wilson suggested our city Forester, Chris Cowles, be invited to one
of our meetings and see what he would suggest to make the Causeway more attractive.
,The Causeway is a State Road and there are limitations on what can be planted.
1. Marine Science Center. Mr. Snoyenbos contacted the Director, Mr. Dennis
Kellenberger about our Committee holding a meeting at the Center. A meeting will
, be held at,the Center in March. Subjects will include condition of open water
in the area and programs of the Center.
, 2. Type of Advertising for Adopt-A-Park P:togram. Mr. Wilson gave a brief
overview of "the program and let members of the Committee scan a brochure from the
successful 'program in Monterey, California. He also presented drawings of the signs
,proposed for ,the four parks' in Clearwater. More discussion followed re developing
criteria for those businesses or organizations interested in adopting a park.
, (7\. - ' ,At this time Mr. Snoyenbos read a letter from the Ci tyManager, Anthony
~~r'~"'b" 'Sho,emaker, in regard to conSOlidating the Parks and Recreation Board with the
':;~.::).., " Beautification coimnittee in the interest of eliminating duplication and conserv-
l~{~:;' ." ': Ing ,staff time. A discussion followed on the merits of this move and then Mr.
. '.' ":'" .'Snoyenbos polled the members of the Committee and all felt the Beautification
'I.;;:;,.."',:,.",, .",: ,:, ,committee should retain a separate identity and not merge with the Parks and
. ' .'" Recreation Board. '
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Mrs. Clark reported the roses have been planted in front of City Hall and the
palm tree has been removed from in front of the sculpture.,
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m.
, Respectfully submitted,
, , Edith' Vanderwerp, Secretary
, ,
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