10/06/1982 '1'-': , r! ._, ,1. / "n BEAUTIFICIATION COMMITTEE , '// , .r' i, +; ~ ~, '; ," ~. October 6.... . 1982 I" , ...:. . ,'J ,;;:: ,II ," ,': CITY HALL ANNEX AT 9:30 A.M. , . ....1 : i ,,' . ~ j, ~ "i . ..' AGENDA ,- .,' ".,1 .1,', ,1;./ ;' :1 ~ :. , C~:' ", .} \}~"; :: ~. " ('i. . ~:'!:I".:.. ~ . I {::~..,:'. .,,' ',' .' ,Cail to' Order. 1~~~Ji!:.r:i:; " :\<j.,:~:r:::~::s Minut.. of September 1,' 1982 w\~(~.~;~~:.::':;}:;: ,~>.i::(":',,:':' ;':. L; Bottle Ordinance Mr. Wilson' "'~i'!"Ii"\o'~J.""'~:'1 .:, .," ~ ~~ ~ . ,,~ ., ," ., ,+ ~1:r~~;I:,~,~,r<,:.~~'~l.~:,r'/:.J'.:.., ..::~ :.', ~...' 'Ord1'na'nce' !llp;,";'-"'" .'.', '," :'" . 'r ,2.-, 'Ant1;"'L1tte:x: ~~1r;~~~'::~;dt;~:Ii<>).;:" ~:,:.;,<:\:;""::~ ,'. ". "".':-. :'. . ~.W!-.',., ..,,'.-. ',',.". NEW BUSINESS k~~l;,;~.~:~t ::....;-~~:.:<'~.~~:::.;:;.:J\.:~;;-, .':.~I...."I.~:..~':::.~j: .>1, ~ ~F_~"l;':. :~~.~:~\ '::.:' '",',.,:;'!':.',':';' ~ ".'./ Sugg:estions .for !=omingyears program ~Vkt:':;:~{::}~(t:,\.:';""" '::' :,~' ", ~':: . :.:~~' ..,'y . , .... ,'. ' ~}f"';,".~~:';;i ': ,::-:.,' . :\, ,> " "I Other Rep~rts ~~J~j~.f'~;,:?;;,\i., ., "::,:;items iti~roduced by members I~""'" , ". '" .... ~i~~~~;t(:~;:!:':?..:,\:: ',! : '.: "Election of ~""'('''''''''''''''II'''''''' .,'''' " ~#~,\'/r\~:"::\.':.':'<';"/"'; . .~" ;, "Ii'(.' ,..;,..,-,".. ' . ". ' " t~\;:'.;'i:';:;~' :,:: '': ,:: ." ; , .' ~~bll r ;, ,.....,:,,::.',':,,:.Adjourmnent: 11]{~~;7'\~;_ i ': " ..': ..:... ' ,', ... " "..."'.} ',,'. , .- ' il"~':\ .':.'," ','C'. . " , l~~it;:;'i>,/',-//,:,;:'~'~:::: " . '. ." . ""::':;..: :.', ' ;~~j, tc.~, ,./~ "\~. ,,' d ~~~:~{C'.\(:~~.;;i/':"',~: .:;. h::V;!'" . . 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'I;' " <~);,~;' ~"I" '., " ',' tI ".. ,> /{.{':.:::";i... f,i.,.", ' ,.V: I',\, ~,,\L ,\....,.." ~,..Lr.. 1', i"" ' ~3,{,'~'/:' :~, ;~:', ~' ,: ~\! :\~. " , <:) .-~.' '. ' ~ ' " '. .'.\, ' 'i,t ~:""O' ~l." '+ 'l :I <. ~ , ~... I '" ::.~; '. "I,.".,L rf(.'.": t:;t.. ~~,~:~r. ....:, -,' ~C)' .:-' ~~::.i,::'., CITY Of CLRAKWATER 8~AUT1PIC^T10N COMMITTEE MINUTES Octo\}ur b, 1982 Tho BoautlflclHton Committee held lto rl.!gulur monthly lnet!tLng at the Parke and Recraation OfflcU8, LO South MltlltoUri Avenue, ttL 9t30 a.II.. on October 6. 1982. Ha..bord pruuent wure Hr. D. C. Snoyenbou, Chairman, Mrs. Virginia Custer, Hr. Prllnk Krame, Dr. David E. Derry, Hru. L. M. Clark. H.lU8 1.0utse Kepple, Mru. Rita Cunan, and Hru. Kllthryn I'edt. Dr. Jack. Rothaan. HI:' 8. ~Il Whll nuy, /tntl Hr. Robe rt AUlto we 1:'0 excuued. Student .oRbors Eric Falco and Porlc Secger wure abuent. Alao In attendance ware Mr. Reali Wilson. Hr. Bub Httrak, l.lnd Lt. Terry Byrd of tha Clallrwator Polt~a Department. The meeting wus called to order at 9:30 by tho Chairman. Mrs. CUBter made a motion to approve the Minutes of September 1, 1982. Hotlon vas aoconded and paoDed. The Chuirman introduced Ulut We lcomed nl.!W Illembt!r, Mra. Ka thryn Peat, to the lIeeting. OLD BUSINESS 1. Anti-Litter OrdlulInct! - Lt. Terry Dyrd spoke to tht! Committee about the cun:ent City Ordln8'iU:u on Uttering (150.02) anll also the Florida State Statute (403.411). Ordinance 1150.02 concerns llttering of street_, alleys, public roacl8. parka and any public lund, frush Wllter lakes. ponda and streamo. Ord lnllnce 95.01 involves Lot C learl ng, Ordinance 97.11, dumping, and Ordlnance '114.04, waterways. l.t. Dyrd said that there t8 a boat patrol Hnd that otreet officers call tha Sanitation Dlvl8ion when dead animals llnd trllHh ~I\d debris are locsted. When there i8 a vehicle accident, the wrecker drlvers clean up debrla under the direction of the police offtc~er al: the oc:enc. He advised that the police rdllpORlI when they observe ()eol) Lu throwing item8 such a8 buer or 80ft drink ~an. frolll vehlcle8. I.t. Byrd Chun In(IUlred as to how the pollce Department could asstst the 8u~Ullflc~tlon CommIttee. . Mr. Snoyenboo inquired nbuut rut lroad rights-of-way at interuectlonH. He said that tt)a Committee had previousLy Lrled to work with the ratlraoda to have the'I1['6118 cleaned up, but without much fUICCl!UI.. There was dlucuuololl with I.t. Byrd ubout ap~clflc Locations, including Poaot Avenue near the PUdt Office. Lt. Byrd said thut the City' 0 street "\leepers clean the an.!d' rdgultlrly and that 8lor~ owncrtt ln the bUBlncellI ures are responsibLe fur uwul.!pf nK lnltlh from In front uf theIr bualncsot!a Into the atreet tlO tlutt Lhe dtceet uWeeperll (:un (.tck It up. Hiss Kepple Buld that In reu'duntllll Llrenu Iwople threw cl1PI'lnStl, ale Into the railroad rights-of-wIIY. Lt. 8yrd 8ugsesled thut tht.! CommIt.tee work through the Sanitation Divlulol1 lInd 0.190 the railroad cnmpaniea to p08sibly post no trespBoa1ng and no duml)lng sIgns. When ulgna are posted, the Pollee Depa rtllent 10 bet tel' able to enforce the ordinance. Mrs. Custer 6u8gcated thtlt Illore tickets should be glv~n out on the Causeway and beach areao to rUlluce lIt taring. There wau conslderable discusston, including the posalblltty of pOHttng slgns stating that .Clearwater enforceu the ant t-Ltt turJ og ord lnance." Ream Wt Luon utated thut tt public awareneS8 program H [mllar to 0(\0 1n New Or leanu might be a pOlla1bl11 ty. lie had obaervt!d deca Ls on traula receptacleu in New Orleans encourdslng the public to keep tho utreeto free of litter.' -1- I.t. Byrd rttvl.,wed thu r:umu,lttee'. retqlluMt. 1) 1ncrt;uuu lullten enforcCUlent on the CQU8U'WUY tuut t n the wnt~rwnya. and 2) CUllUlt lUlU mtu.bera to not~ locations of littering problems and forward tho Infor~8tlon to the . PoUe. Dapa rtllftnt. ~ Mr. Snoyenbos tllltnked Lt. Byrd for hlu time and said that the tulk had h..n moat informative. 2. Bottle Ordinance - Hr. Wlhon ndvllJcd .that he hud spoken with the City Attorney to' detemlne what procedureu would be necessary to develop and enforce a bottle ordinance. He advised that such an ordinance would nBed to be stute-wide Rnd that the State of Ore80n haa had such an ordinance Binee 1919. Provision. of the ordinance include 1) No beverage sold In lIetal contutners havl1\8 11 detachable metal tag. and 2) Refund vIlluBIIIUSt be I10rkcd on all beveruge containers. Hr. WilHon auid that the Plorida Recreation and Pnrku AUdocLatlon 19 concerned about broken 8lsso on playgrounds. and the F.R.P.A. h plannLng to recoaaaend a Bottle Ordinance to Florida State Leghltlture. He read part of the F.R.P.A. proposod ordinance to the Co~ittee and BU8geHted that a lettor from the Collllittee in support of the Bottle Ordinanc.e flight be approprLate. Hr. Wil.on advl.ed that the P.R.P.A. u.ed the Oregon bill 8S a aulde. Mre. CUDter Bald thllt dt thu lUBt meeting she had made a motIon that the Beautification Committee write a letter to the City ManAger reque.tlns thAt the City SUppofL tl utate-wlde bottle ordinance and that It be brollsht to the attention of :thu State Legislature. Hr. Snoy.mboB Baid that he would prepare such tJ le,ttur. Mrs. Clurk suggested that a letter be written to the State of Ktcht8~n and ask how their bottle ordinance had been achi.ved state-wlde. /~ " '~J NEW BUSINESS SU88cotlons for Pr()j~ct.. Jor 1982/83 - The Chairman distributed caple. of me.ber's aug8eatlt>l1s for pOMsIble projects for 1982/83 and asked that membere review snd dectde on one or two major project.. "I Mrs. Clark inquired uhoul. the status of naming no Official Tree for Clearwater. Hr. Wilson aaid that Hike Kenton (Asslatant Public Works D1rector--Envlroruaent81) had ut\reed to work wi th the CommIttee in chlo IlU1tter 1f desired. Mr. Wlhon 'allvloed that the tree should be It type that would be In accord wi th the CI ~y... list of recoUlllumded trees and Tree Ordinance. Mrs. Clark felt th4t a Spring blooming trtie would be h1ghly deoh'Qblll. Kr. Snoyenbou >>-tlkttd Hrtt. Clurk. to chair 11 committee w1th Mr. Krallft and Mra. Peat. Hr. WILsqn tu.id that the sub-collUlitteu mlght request a meeting with Hr. Kenton. Mr. Snoyenbo~ suggested that Bob ~rek be invited to sit In w1th the gcouP. llnd Mr. Marek agreed to do so. The Bub-co_Utee could then brlng It suggested name or n8llea to the BeautIfication Co..lttee. There waD 80me discussion about possible trees. , , ~ ..,l', .' . ~.. T\\. , Hiss Keppie 8uggested thllt posuibly wild flowers such 8S Phlox be planted along city rosds. Mr. Wlloon twd dlaculJued the posuibUity of planting wild flowers in arcBa around the city wlth Bob Milrek and chi a will be done In experimeotlll plots In vartoutl locationu. In tl related autter. Hr. Wilson said that Chrta Cowles (J..and Resources Spec tal1st) advl.od h1.. that the Pinelhs'Cuunty Agricultural Division would be having workuhope for area agencies on landscaping. trees) f10wen~1 etc.. which .bould be helpful to all involved. .., .l!'~ 'V: ".0 '...' :~~ :~:,:. .- .. ~'.. . ~~T~'~~/ ' -2- Ct,::' . ~~;:':;:' ';;,' ,r" ' ' t~~~~~~"~~.<'./_l:' I: . .' , ~I c" . Hr. WIlaon "dvhed thlH a. t.he l"lt lIeeting. Or. RollUIIlln IUAd d eoncern about the PQtchwork tlevltlnllllulnt along U.S. 19 and lhut llla nawer devalop..ntl were more attractive than 8omo of the older drellM. Mr. . Wileon .aid that he would requellt that 80lleono from the Planning Depart..nt addre.. the COllUllttee at the next lIeeting about the criteria devllopera .UGt aeet when eublllttlng plans for" now development, The criteria would include a Bite plan .howing trode on the .ite, provl.1on for w4ter detention. driveway., parklng. etc. {J ',r/' ". Dr. Berry Inqulrt!d about the status of the Courtney Campbell Caudlaway pal" tree plRntlns pru8rMII, Hr. Wilaon said that he would check the l..t correspondence with thu Ddpartment of TransportatIon and report back at the next ~e6tlng. He ~lleYed the prosram wu. Btill under con.ldiarat Ion. 1 I I , ftandllhell - Coachman Park - Hr. Wilson explained that 16 architect. had lubGt.ttod drawlnBR for 'tlle1i'andahell at Coachman fark and on October 5. Hr. Roney Mateu froll H1s",1 had buen selected 48 the Pirat Prize winner. The Clty will neBot18t~ with h1m. He also ~ention8d that all of the drawing_ would be on display at the Hain Library untIl October 15. 'I ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN - 1982/63 Hr. Snoyenbo. left the conference roo~ while the election of a new Cha1ra.n of the BeautiticatIon Co-..ittee wae held. Mrs. Custer Baked for nominationa. 'Mr. Kraae nominated Hr. Snoyenbol for Chairman. Hlo" Kepple seconded. Kr. SnoyenboB va. una.nll1oul1y re-elected a8 Chairman for 1982/83. .', 'i.;t0 ;.~." '~ ,HrB. Krame made 8 motion to nominate Mrs. Rita Cansn 8S .Vlco';'Chalraaan..' . Mrs. Kathryn Peat leconded and Mra. Canan wa. unanll1ou.ly elected .e Vlce-Chal~n. th:', Snoyenbo8 returned to the confect!nce rooll. Bnd said he would be pleased'to eerve for another year. He also aaid that the Committee should be thlnklng 1n terms of electing u new Chairman for tbe 1983/84 te~, 80 tho COlllllittee would contlnue to e.plore new areas.' There be1ng no further buu1nesB before the COllu:a1ttee, Hrll. Custer ...de II motion to adjourn. Mra. Clark oeconded tl\e lIotion, which pasaed. , . ' ...' , , <' ~~.. ", " .J,:' , Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m. Reepectfully submitted, Patricia Phillips, Secretary ", , ~ '. ' ~~" , ' , ' .~, I '~~~y; , ' !~~::": f",' ~~: 0 ~;:':' -" !.\. . r/{~~~ :", .' 1~;.~ .."' '{ , " W(>:,::~. :' ~:t.~;:'>::,,::'. ';.' . . L\ -3- ,,~\ -I- V'~ ,. i: " ~,; , .,', ".4A. " ,-:-~ ~ " ' F 11..~~,0 ~::': <J ;.' , , ;(::: ~ ,c ..1<'';''" } ~::". . , . ' 'I/:"''-'O'''~ ,', ~i}:" . , " 'r,-::. " )}" <, , P:~ . 4. Causeway Tree Planting, Mr. Wilson reported he had met with Milt Turnburke of DOT. The Parks and Recreation Department is not in a position to send mowers out to the Causeway so the palms we propose to plant will have to be spaced to allow the State to mow between the palms. If we do this the Agreement will probably be approved and the project will go forward to the City Commission for consideration. 5. Pelican Airways Landing Site. As Mrs. Canan was ill and not in attendance we will have the report at our next meeting. NEW BUSINESS 1'. St. Petersburg Award Program. We will hear more about this at our January meeting. 2. Chamber of Commerce Beautification Program. Mr. Aude said he did not think the Chamberts Beautification program would conflict with the kind of program Mr. Follett presented at the last meeting. The Chamber does have a Beautification Council made up of Chamber members interested in beautification. It is a two step program. They offer quarterly awards to various businesses, then each of the quar- terly awards are saved up for an annual award made in December. The awards for . 1982 will be released on December 21. These awards are given to businesses within the. city limits of Clearwater. The eligibility and submission procedure for awards is done by soliciting entries worthy of recognition, by letter or photograph; Council'members visit the entries, make recommendations and take a vote. A short discussion followed. The Committee agreed that the Chamber's program is less'for- mal. and structured than the project the Committee is considering. The Chairman thanked Mr4. Aude for his thorough report. Mr 4' 'Snoyenbos then read a letter he had written to Chief of Police Sidney Klein going on record as, supporting the Anti-Litter Ordinance in the City of Clear- w.ater.' . In six 11IOnths, discus sion will be opened on the subj ect to see if there is , -anyimprovemen t, I . ' The.Chairman then asked for suggestions from the Committee and Mrs. Clark said the unattractive palm tree was still in front of the sculpture for which the city paid '$l~OO. Miss Keppie:h~d a brochure from the Audubon Society on wild flower se'eds. which they have for sale. Mr. Wilson explained the Adopt-A-Park program from Cali.fornia to the Committee Whereby a business enters into an agreement with the City to pay for maintaining a city park. They in turn would be recognized by a sign in the park, This method of'mairitaining parks'is very successful in California since proposition 13. Mr. Aude aSked..if the am::>unt paid by a business to adopt a park would be tax deductible which.would be another advantage to the program. Mr. Wilson said they they are . seriously looking into this program. There being no further business before the committee, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 10:50. ;(: '.'Respectfully submitted E~ith Vanderwerp \.... II