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September 1, 1982
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City Trei{ Protection, Ordinance
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September I. 1982
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The Beautification Committee held its regular monthly meeting at the
Parks and Recreation Offices at the City Hall Annex, 10 South Missouri Avenue
on, September I, 1982. Members present were Mr. Robert Aude. Mrs. Rita Canan,
Mrs. L. M. Clark, Mrs. Virginia Custer, Miss Louise Keppie, Mr, Frank Krame.
and Dr. Jack Rothman. Mr. D, C. Snoyenbos and Mrs. Emma C. Whitney were excused.
Also in attendance were Hr. Ream Wilson. Mr. Chris Cowles, Land Resources Specialist.
and Ed Van Blaricom, Nursery. Eric Falco and Eric Seeger, student members were
Members present elected Mr. Krame as Acting Chairman in the absence of
Mr. Snoyenbos. Mrs. Clark made a motion to approve the Minutes of July 7. 1982.
The motion was seconded and passed,
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Bottle Ordinance - Mr. Wilson informed the Committee that some time ago
a committee was elected to investigate Bottle Ordinances in some states where "
emphasis is made on deposits on bottles, making it less likely of bottles being
thrown out and littering. A Bottle Ordinance would have to be on a Btate-wide
basis to be enforced. Mr. Wilson explained that periodically the City suggests to
the State Legislature various items that they would like for them to consider. Dis-
cussion previously was held on whether or not the Beautification Committee might
want' to make a recommendation to the City Manager to pass on to the State Legislature
as to how a Bottle Ordinance might be effective on a state-wide basis. Mrs. Custer
made a motion that the Beautification Committee write a letter to the City Manager
requesting this.' However, l-fr. Wilson suggested this wait unti I he could inquire
as to what, procedures need to be followed with the City's Attorney's Office. He said
he would present this information to the Committee at the next meeting. After
additional discussion a motion was made by Hrs. Custer that the Chairman write a
letter to the City l-fanager requesting he bring ,a Bottle Ordinance to the attention
of the,HState Legislature for the State of Florida. Notion was passed unanimously
to do so after additional information was obtained.
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Crest Lake Fountain - Mr. Hilson'spoke to Mr. John Peddy. City',s Energy
Officer, about putting a fountain in Crest Lake Park that would be self-sufficient.
Mr. Peddy is thinking in terms of an island in the center of the lake and installing a
type of windmill that would catch the wind from all directions, This will take some
study on his' part. Mr. WilBon stated that if somethirig like this could be done with
reasonable, acquisition cost and with no operating cost, it might be considered by
the City Commission. Mr. Wilson will keep in touch with Mr. Peddy and keep the
Committee apprised.
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Cit~ Tree Protection Ordinance - Chris presented a detailed ex-
planation of the Tree Protection Ordinance, The City of Clearwater was the
first to initiate this Ordinance approximately ten years ago. Reason for this
Ordinance is that trees are desirable and essential to health,safcty and welfare.
Ordinance was not enacted to protect every single tree. but to let developers
give professional consideration to what trees remain on site and what trees are
removed. '
Mr. Cowles continued to explain that there are several items explained
in the Tree Ordinance: How to apply, the reasons for City approving and denying.
Clearwater has a most unique ordinance as far as developers are con-
cerned. The City gives a lot of emphasis on working with developer's projects
in the design stages. Whenever possible, developers are requested to design
around trees. There is an appeal process and also penalties if trees are removed
without a permit. .On occasions, developers are requested to replace or relocate
trees. An explanation was given as to how determination of replacement of trees
io made.
Any tree that is 4 inches in diameter at 4-1/2 feet above grade needs a
permit.. A list was given by Mr. Cowles of trees not requiring permits. and also
the varieties of trees most frequently requested to be removed.
, A discussion was held on ordinances in respect to County proper.
Mr. Cowles stated that the ordinances were basically the same tree ordinance.
Roweve~, 'certain areas in the City and County were developed prior to the initiation
of this' ordinance and therefore do not comply.
Discussion,was also held on the feasibility of turf block for parking
,areas and recommendations were that it was not in the best interest to use in
heavi 1y used areas.
Mrs. Canan asked about the City's input on Sand Key. Mr. Cowles stated
'that although a County Park, The City required th~ough the Tree Ordinance that many
of the trees 'removed be replaced.
Mr. Krame thanked Mr. Cowles for his appearance and for the very informa-
tive diScussion.
Anti':"Litter Ordinance - l'fr. Wilson stated that there is Buch an ordinance
and suggeste,d an outside speaker come in from the Police Department to discuss this
problem abo~t policing this ordinance. Mr, Wilson will arrange for someone to come
to the next'meeting.'
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, Anti-titter Ordinance (Cont'd) - Dr. Rothman questioned 4S to who has
jurisdiction over the aesthetics 'of U. S. 19. Mr. Wilson stated that he would
check,. and also suggested a speaker come to a meeting in the near future, possibly
the following meeting.
Mrs. CUBter questioned what could be done about the litter on the beach
areat stat~ng that it is a very heavily used facility. Mr. Wilson stated that
public,parking lots are cleaned up by Public Service, beach areas by Parks De-
'par~ent, and the.business and public areaa are individual business responsibility,
'Suggestion ~as made of additional traBh receptacles. however, Mr. Wilson stated
that', this would not, necessarily solve the problem. The solution is to educate the
public to keep their beaches clean and suggested the Beautification committee
consider an: anti-litter logo of some type that perhaps can be put up on receptacles
to reuii~d the general public. ~rr. Wilson also stated this could be brought up in
the discussion with the Police Department at the next meeting.
Discussion was held again about signs being placed on right-of~aYB.
Mr. Wilson, stated that signs being placed there are illegal and that Building
,Department should be.notified so that they could be removed. Signs can be put on
~rivate property an. long as it meets the requirements,
" Mrs. Canan commended the Nursery Division on the beautification of, the
,way on,.. Is land Es tates. .
No further business before the Committee. Dr. Rothman made a motion
~oadjourn'at 11:10 B.m. and Mrs. Clark seconded and motion was passed.
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