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I . ~ ~~f'!;;'\~J::?;~:;.'" {\i(0!:;g"~::,,, ',.... ~~~~"t1'.':: :.> ~~'~.. ,i '.:.' P;:{;,:'~'~~"':; ".',': . ',"(' ..~. i!>1 '\~' ..,' ,.,. , , ", ' . ~~'\%,t;i:.:I):,; .;::;':,' ",' c ~~. II .' , .~!~:~ ...: ,', . ~; /' " ~: ,. " ' . "I. BEAUTIFICATION , . ,:~\/j COMMITTEE July / /' -< '. ';(j 7, 1982 ",I ,', ~r'. CITY HALL ANNEX AT 9: 30 A.M. , , ....\: '" : . ;:t~;'ri - ,~ ':'~ .' ~ri >J~ ~ AGENDA " o'. ~I '.' ~:. > .)~~: Ca,~l ":" ::t[! , " ~. I;~l to Order " 't< ,"' , 'I:': ~ . -::;:.~' .; \. , Approval.'o,f ,Minutes of June 1982 2>> " ':' / :": r~r , ::,;,'J .' ,.Ie " "::)}~ : ~' ~ \ : .~, ..,~. -''l . ; ~ ., ,',\', ~~'. ,OLD,BUSINESS, '.\ 1.' Review of 'Bottle Ordinance Correspondence 2: Co'rre spondence to Crest Lake Fountain ,; ,3.: Care of Downtown railroad . ~ ";~~. rights-of-way'. ,". NEW 'BUSINESS . i'~ ' :"..~,~F, .", ~ '~:', . ~ " , , .. , , '" City:Ordiriance'relating to, ',park~~g lot beautification tree protection and - Mr, Kenton d " , , '~ ; I:' , " .., ,i,',; , ' ',,'.' :nist'ribution of City Maps I.: " " , cl",' Other, 'Reports " ' I: ~. introduced' by members ,'Items " . ". , , .' '., 'AdJournment .' ,,' 1 f~ , " .' , " ~, ~ , , </ .; '.' ~ c~' .,1. ~ ;~J ".1 ),- :1' '; ..~~ . .i'.. ..... " n ~ ' " ,~.\ , " i' ! , f. , . , ", i, * *,"i< ** * '1\ * "i< :, <' ~.:J'.r . p: \ '~j:I...;;-~\') f'~ j;.<~,,;: :''c I: ~(.~:~/..~'>".) r.: :~~ "... .. 1j.,;').': ~",'. ~ .~.: '.~ ~ . ':":. :;'.f : ~",.., ~ "~',t , , ,!." '. . h. ~ I~ :'; . . ..~" . ~:-:.: : ft~..~,- ." ,.. i,,l,, {;"+.:- ~~ : t::.:: ~ -r. . ~ ~,' ('}'. CITY OF CLEARWATER -' BEAUTIFICATION CO}illlTTEE MINUTES , ! July 7, 1982 The Beautification Committee held its regular monthly meeting at the Parks and Recreation Offices at the City Hall Annex, 10 South Missouri Avenuet on July 7.. 1982. Members present were Mrs. nita Canan. Mrs. L. H. Clark. Miss Louise Keppie and Mr. Frank Krame. Mrs. Virginia Custer. Mrs. Ruth Hieneman and Mr. D. C, Snoyenbos were excused and Mr. Robert Audet Dr. David Berry, Mrs. Emma C.'Whitney and Dr. Jack N. Rothman were absent. Also in attendance were Mr. Ream. Wilson, Bob Marek, Acting Nursery Superintendent and Mr. Chris ,'Cowles, Land Resources Specialist. Eric Falco ond Eric Seeger, student members were' excused. Members present elected Mr. Krame as Acting Chairman, in the absence of' Mr. D. C. Snoyenbos. Mr. Krame called the meeting to order at 9:40 a.m. Mrs. Rita Canan made '8 motion to approve the Minutes of June 2. 1982, and Miss Louise Keppie seconded the motion. which passed. Mr, Krame commended Bob Marek on the fine job he was doing as Acting Superintendent of the City Nursery. Members present agX'eed the tour of the ~ursery was very interesting. instructive and enjoyed by all. Mr. Wilson notified the committee that Mrs. Ruth Hieneman will he resign- ing' as member of 'the Beautification Committee. , OLD BUSINESS Bottle ,Ordinance Postponed review of Bottle Ordinance until September meeting. Crest'Lake Fountain - Mr. Wilson reported that Mr, John Peddy, City's Energy Officer, was still recovering from his illnesst and therefore was unavailable for comments. As Mr. Wilson stated at the previous meeting, Mr. Peddy had suggested in the past he would like to investigate the possibility of operating a' fountain w'ith windmill energy, rather than conventional energy. ,Railroad, Rights-of Way - Mr. Wilson reported,that in reference to rail- , road rightS-Of-way, the Railroad Company does not maintain a regular maintenance program for cleaning up of these areas. The railroad takes complaints as they occur; Miss Kepple stated she was particularly interested in railroad ,rights-of- way within the 'city. Mr. Wilson suggested that if there was a specific location that needed maintenance, to bring it to the attention of the railroad by calling the Atlantic Seaboard Railroad. , 'J -1- ~~~~'.":':':";';" ':'\::::~ ,..',' ", ~,t .... ~. ~ , > ~ ," I " >' " '" " ,. I.:;,. .' ;,:,.. ' ~ :..~.'J " ... j',: r, , ," ~ l' .. ' 'o" .' f;~ :.: . ,'. .;::" ~.. . I'" -, r,.\ I .~. . 1..... ,.:... ,~r ~~. . "~>;:' ~ ~:'."" ~~r~'.) ~ . Ji:,\, , ,t.. . ,.1. 1,\ . .~ . ~, f-L: ~.r ~'" '0' r.".' :f.i;:~.:' : f ' , ~';J~'~".' SfJJ:.... ' , ~~'t~. :1 ~~ :lJ~,.. '~.,':,~. > Ii'f.' , ' ~ . Mrs. Canan stated that thcre was also the problem of litter in drainage ditches in the City. Mr. Wilson suggested that it would be a~ appropriate program for tilC Eeautification Committee to concentrate on a positive type of campaign, perhaps with signs, 10go-typeJ etc., to educate the public on the cost of cleaning up litter. An anti-litter ordinance does exist. but difficult to enforce by the police. It was decided to put this on the Agenda for the September meeting to discuss an anti-littering program, when more members would be presen t . Miss Keppie congratulated the Parks Department on the excellent clean- up that was accomplished on Edgewater Drive after the 4th of July. NEW BUSINESS City Ordinance - since Mike Kenton was unable to attend, Chris Cowles was present to give a brief explanation of the City Tree Protection Ordinance and the Parking Lot Beautification Ordinance. HoweverJ it was decided since so few members were present, this explanation l~ould be postponed for a future meeting. ,Instead, Mr. Cowles went into the explanation of the Sea Oats Program that the City is presently involved in. Hr. Cowles went on to explain that on the strips of beaches along the coast of Florida, we have natures way of protecting and building up of the beaches by winds, waves and natural native vegetation that grows there for the formation of sand dUnes. These types of vegetation communi- ties hold and protect, not only beaches, but inland areas against large storms. hurricanes, flooding, etc. The vegetation grows under very harsh conditions and is particularly adapted with a strong supported root system. This method of growing and reproducing really builds sand dunes. A mainstay of dune systems are Sea Oats" Recently FederalJ State and Local legislation has been enacted to protect ,these dunes which were rapidly disappearing. Mr. Cowles further stated that the Nursery is attempting to re-establish ,this type of vegetation on Clearwater's beaches which will create small dune systems. With the introduction of new beaches on Sand Key. the Nursery is planning on establishing native vegetation, Sea Oats and other species to help maintain dunes. Bob Marek continued to explain what the Nursery has done with t~e Sea Oats to ,date, the different 10cationsJ how quickly they adapted with little ,maintenanceJ etc. The dunes which were established a short time ago on the 'beaches, withstood the high tide experienced in this area recently, with a minimum 'loss. Mr. Marek also stated they are planning on planting Salt Tolorent Trees along with the Sea Oats under tidal zone conditions. Mr. Marek presented ,a sign that will be placed in future planting sites stating "Beach Revegetation Project. Please Keep Off - Sea Oats", in hopes of preserving p1antings. Mr. Cowles explained the different species of trees that are suitable for different areas, i.e. bluffs and sand dunes. He further stated that the City is , thinking of propagating the Coastal Pignut Hickory with the possibility of planting these on the bluffs overlooking Clearwater Bay. City maps were passed out to members present. -2- ,,;;U\~, i.: ~~~" Ii 'l<;:.-;' ,'. ~~,~., . 'c ~.t; I:'I~~ ... '. . ;; '/" . i' ,-.,' if" ~ ,~ *;:;: '.... ~J'~~, r",~'t~ ~ ,fie:.:. ,.J , , ;~/"": " . , ).'/.~' ;J' :::,:t:,; , ~ ; ':', . Mrs. Clark stated rose beds at City Hall needed mulch. Mr. Wilson 'explained 'that the Nursery has been busy wi th Moccasin Lake Park and the Eddie C. Moore Complex, "',,' ,t Mr. Wilson notified the committee thot there will be an official dedication of the Eddie C, Moore Complex on July 29, 1982) located on HcMul1en Booth ,Road. north of State Road 60. , Discussion was held on the new project of 100 acres for the development of commercial and office, space off of State Road 60, between U. S. 19 and Hampton Road. Discussion was held of public opinion on the mural on the outside of Birge'Meat Market building. ~lrs. Canan stated that the ordinance looks upon it ,as a'sign not'a mural because of the implication of the mural depicting food. Membe~8 went on to discuss other buildings with murals stating that they were acceptable if done in good taste. No m~eting in August, will resume in September. , There' being no further business before the Committee,d Mrs. Canan made motion.. to adjourn ,and,Mrs. ,Clark seconded the motion. which passed, 'The meeting wa~:a~jou~ned at 11:00 8,m. ' ' ,; . " . ~ , ' , " ." " . " " .~. ", , . . '.... , ' I if : " '.1' . ~. . ..,I \ " j> , fl"' , ." i..: . .' . \ ,;:-:- ,. . )', '\.. . ~ ~ ",'. I I ". J." ,\ , : j ',.:i ~r. . . .[ ,,' Co , ,- , . .,'''' . :' ',I , ' . '..' ", ,-3- :, . .