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:Approval of Minutes
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1. .' R~i)ort of review of Sign Ordinance
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Nay 5, 19B2
The Beautification Committee held its regular monthly meeting at the
Parks and Recreation offices at the City Hall Annex, 10 South Missouri Avenue,
on May 5, 1982. Members present were Mr. D. C. Snoyenbos, Chairman. Mrs. L. M.
Clark, Mrs. Rita Canan, Miss Louise Keppie, Dr. Jack N. Rothman and Mrs. Emma C.
Whitney. Mrs. Virginia Custer and Mr. Krame were excused. and Dr. David Berry
and Mrs. Ruth Hieneman were absent. Mr. Ream Wilson and student member Eric
Seeger were also present. Eric Falco was excused.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:40 a.m. Dr. Rothman
made a motion to approve the minutes of April 7, 1982, and Miss Kepple seconded
the motion, which passed.
1. Sign Prob1em'- Dr. Rothman reported that he called the City
Attorn~y's office and was told by a secreatary that a new ordinance was being
',written. and was assured copies would be passed around far comments and review.
Dr. ,Rothman inquired whether it would be possible for the Beautification
. Committee to receive a copy of the draft of the new ordinance for review and
~input. Mr. Wilson stated this was possible. A letter could be written to the
'City Manager with'a copy to the City Attorney, stating that the Beautification
Committee was very interested in the new sign ordinance since it affects
beautification of the City, and expressing a desire to see the draft and have
inp~t., Dr. Rothman proposed when writing the letter to also request the
writer of the ordinance to come to a Beautification meeting to discuss concerns
",of the Committee., to explain the ordinunce itself and to answer questions the
Committee may have. After d~scussion, it was decided when a ,copy of draft is
rece{ved, members of sub-committee will be notified. In the event it occurs in
the'interlm of a regular Beautification meeting, a special meeting would be
held by the Bub-committee for its review. It was also suggested that at this
~eeting, Stu Williams, City Sign Inspector, would be requested to return and,
if possible. an Ausistant City Attorney, to discuss the draft of new ordinance.
Mr. Wilson is to check to see who will be assisting in the drafting of the
Mrs. Clark commented on the excessive amount of billboards presently
on display throughout the City. Discussion was held on this and it was decided
to wait and see if the new ordinance would have any effect on this situation.
2. Junk Store - Mr. Wilson reported that the Public Works Department
looked'into the matter of the Junk Store. The s'tore owner has 3~ feet from the
store to the right-of-way which is private property, and on which he can display
hie ware., He was notified he could not display any items on right-of-way, only
on his property. Presently items are off of right-of-way.
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3. Rose Bed Cara - Mr. Wilson reported that the City has not been
Buccessful in obtaining Senior Citizen groups to work an rose beds. Hr. Wilson
also reported that the Nursery is presently involved on Island Estates, removing
shrubbery and planting trees on the medians. The City is also working with the
Memorial Civic Center Association in planning the placement of approximately
160 roses at Kruse Gardans. The area needs preparation and arrangements for
maintenance of these roses. The plan is to schedule the custodian of Memorial
Civic Center to assist in maintenance of rOBes, nfter proper training from
Nursery staff.
4. Future Project Discussion - Mr. Snoyenbos requested suggestions
from committee members as guides for the next years programing and goals.
Mrs. Clark inquired as to what had happened to the '~fficial City
Tree for Clearwaterlt project, and also presented an article on the Silver Trumpet
Tree, Tree of Gold, (Tabebuia Argentea) which exists in Orlando. She suggested
this as a possible City Tree for Clearw'ater. Mr. Hilson reminded the committee,
that the rea~on the last recommendation for an official City Tree was not
accepted, was that the Environmental Section. did not feel that the Yellow Flame
tree was an appropriate selection. Mr. Kenton, at that time, spoke to the
committee and gave information about trees that would be compatable with the City's
tree,ordinance. Therefore, Mr. Wilson suggested the Committee, or sub-committee,
arrange to meet with Mr. Kenton or the City Forester to discuss various selections
that would be acceptable tp both parties and that would be jointly supported and
endorsed. Then, a recommendation might be made to the City Commission. A
decision was made to list this as one of the projects.
Hrs. Whitney commented on how attractive the Hemorial Causeway had been
when there were flower beds an the medians. Mr. Wilson stated that due to the
high maintenance of annual flower beds, the City decided to eliminate them. How-
ever, a few flower beds were planted again this year.
Eric Seeger objected to signs of developers on area Northwest of 580 and
Ent'erprise Drive'stating "Wooded property available" whereas there are no trees
there presently. Dr. Rothman concurred with this objection, and stated that this
'complaint has to go through Consumer Affairs of the County because it is on private
property. Dr. Rothman suggested that both Eric and he make calls regarding this
, situation to Consumer Affairs.
Eric Seeger also conunented on the closeness of the pistol range to the
Countryside High School. Mr. Wilson stated that in realty it is not that close,
'and that all safety precautions had been taken. There is a huge bunker behind
the range, as well as a spray irrigation field.
Dr. Rothman commended the City on the fine job it is doing in recognizing
the needs for beautification and safeguards. However, because of the enclaves of
the City, many of the concerns and efforts of the Beautification Committee end up
not being in the juriSdiction of the City. Dr. Rothman asked whether there could
be better coordination between the City and County. Mr. Wilson stated that efforts
have been made to annex all enclaves.
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Dr. Rothman inquired as to who is responsible for the Rccnic corridors,
McMullen nooth and Curle,:, Roads for instonce. Mr. Wilson stated the County was.
Dr. Rothman then asked how docs City communicate with the County if disagreement
occurs as to ~lat is being constructed. Mr. Wilson replied that if there orc any
specific recommendations the Committee has on these corridors, a letter should be
written to the City Nanager, with copy to David Healey, Director of Planning.
Dr. Rothman said that this is a concern of the Committee. because it has on impact
on the City itself. Further discussion was he ld on the Ci ty I S Land Use Plan.
Mr. Wilson suggested someone from the Planning Department be invited to explain
the Land Use Plan to the Committee and questions could be asked at that time.
Miss Keppie inquired as to the possibility of the City cultivating wild
flowers and distribute these, or seeds, as they do with the tree distribution.
Mr. Wilson informed the Committee that the Clearwater Board of Realtors provide
the trees, the City provides the site where they are to be given away. Mr. Wilson
suggested perhaps this could be looked into. Miss Keppie then brought out the
fact.of the unkept areas of right-af-ways of business and railroad areas.
Mr. Wilson stated that the businesses were responsible for their rights-of way,
as we 11 as the railroads. However. if there ia a specific area, to notify
Mr. Wllson and he will contact railroad and see what can be done, and notify
. committee. Mr. Wilson stated he would call railroad as to how they handle the
maintenance of rights-of-way. Mr. Wilson suggested that the Committee might want
to develop a program through public relations to encourage public not to throw
trash on public property.
Mrs. Clark requested a map to be put up showing the City's boundaries
and limits. Mr. Wilson said he would obtain area maps for committee members.
Mrs. Canan agreed with other comments of Committee members and in
addition believed renewed, concentrated efforts should be made for the Causeway
. and Alt. 19 in the matter of trucks, traffic and speed in these areas. Also
. suggested that Galardia, which are wild flowers, might be put on the Causeway
and Alt. 19 (North Ft. Harrison).
. After discussion, it was decided to meet at the Nursery for the next
meeting. June 2, and to have a guest speaker at the following meeting. Nembers
. are to meet at the City Nursery, 901 North Saturn, at its regualr time at 9:30 A.M.
and conduct its regular meeting at this location.
There being no further business before the Committee, Nrs. Canan made
motion to adjourn and Mrs. Whitney seconded the motion, which passed. The
meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
f;},;': . . Respectfully submit ted,
f'~"'. Viola Wasilewski, Secretary