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Approval of Minutes of February 3,
Introduction of new member
Adopt a Park Idea - Further discussion
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Use'of Contract Maintenance people - Mr. Wilson
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Report on Bandshell
development - Dr. ,Berry
'Miscellaneous items:
, "
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City Hall Roses Mrs. Clark "
'Junk StoreJ North Ft. Harrison Miss' Keppie
Fish 'Shop,'Ft; Harrison - Mr. Krame
, "
Tree Control with Contractors
Mr., Cowles
. ,
. ,
Items' introduced by members
, Adjourn
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Harch 3 t 1982
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The beautification Committee held its regular monthly meeting at the
Parka and Recreation offices at the City Hall Annex, 10 South Missouri Avenue,
on March 3, 1982. Members present were Dr. D. C. SnoyenboB, Chairman,
Mrs. L. M. Clark, Mrs. Virginia Custer, Dr. David Berry, Mrs. Ruth Hieneman,
Miss Louise Keppie, Mr. Frank Rrame and Dr. Jack N. Rothman. Mrs. Rita Cansn
was excused and Mrs. Emma Whitney was not present. Also in attendance were
Mr. Ream Wilson, Mr. Bob Marek (Nursery Division), and Mr. Chris Cowles
(Land Resources Specialist). Student member Eric Seeger was also present and
Erick Falco was excused.
i-, ,
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Mrs. Custer
made a motion to approve the minutes of February 3, 19821 Mrs. Clark seconded
the motion which passed.
1. Adopt a Park. It was suggested by Mr. Wilson, that items concern-
ing,lIAdopt a Park" and "Use of Contract Maintenance" be combined, since they
work hand in hand. Mr. Wilson stated that the theory of the Adopt a Park is
when a business or other organization is located adjacent to a landscaped
triangle or median and wishes to assist the City in maintaining such property,
Agreements may then be made with the City. The same applies to groups or home-
owners associations. Presently the only homeowners association doing this is
Imperial Park.
Another example of what can be done in from of Howard Johnson's
Restaurant. There is a triangle that is presently being re-landscaped in a
less formal'way. This is being done by the City's Nursery Division. However,
Howard Johnson is supplying the sod and will maintain the area after completion,
thereby'ltaking a manpower load off the City. Mr. Snoyenbos suggested if anyone
knew of any business or group that might be interested in assisting the City in
maintaining medians or small areas, to notify the Committee. Mr. Wilson said
he would be glad to assist with arrangements.
Mr. Wilson stated that the City is looking into gift catalogues to be
< available for private citizens, organizations or corporations in cases where
they wish to donate items to the City. The catalogue would have items or projects
listed which would be beneficial to the City.
: ,~
2. Bllndshell. Dr. Derry reported the subcommittee appointed met on
February 10, 1982, to discus9 the proposed bnndshcll. After discussing specific
points, and visiting Coachman Park, thc Committee came up with four recommenda-
tions: 1) Bandshell to be designed as vandal-proof os possible, with proper
lighting. 2) The mast suitable orca for bllndshcll is SE quadrant of the pork.
3) Construction to minimize impact on exis ting trecs Rnd shrubbery. 4) Stage
will be of such type to allow cosy viewing by 011 spectators and eliminate break
of view to water. Mr. Snoyenbos 0100 stated that the subcommittee worked from
a program for design which hod other rcstrictions_ some of which included stage
size_ restrooms, storage spoce, sound cquipmcnt_ stnge lighting. So, therefore,
the subcommittee \'li 11 not only be observing their recommendations J but tllso
restrictions of the program far design.
Mr. Wilson stated thnt the City Commission was to consider the recommen-
dation of the program far design on Thursday, February 11, 1982. Mr. Wilson
also stated that the progr~m being submitted includes most of the concerns sub-
mitted by the concerned departments. Most important criteria was that the
bandshcll be responsive to the function of the park and fit into the environ-
ment of the park, with no additional parking nor sidewalks.
3.City Hall Roses Mr. Marek reported he had received no further word
from the senior citizen group regarding maintaining the rases at City Hall.
Mrs. Custer mentioned that the roses in the Kruse Gardens were also in poor
t:: I'J
4. Junk Store Mr. Krame contacted City Hall and was told that Public
Works would inspect premises and that material would be moved indoors. The
date items still outdoors. Mr. Wilson told Mr. Krome if no action is taken to
contact him and Mr. Wilson would discuss it with zoning officials.
5. Fish Shop Mr. Krame reported the area is cleaning up and opera-
tions were transferred to another location.
Mr. Cowles gave a report on how the City controls and tries to protect
trees in newly developed areas, what procedures are followed and what ~s taken
into consideration.
I: '~ .
Before a site plan is taken to the City Commission, ,it has to be
approved by the Resource Development Committee. This committee consists of
members from various departments of the City, e.g., Public Works, Parks and
Recreation, Traffic, Planning, Energy, Fire,} Utilities, Building, Assistant
City Manager. Members make their comments on what is proposed by the developer
or builder. Developers come to the R.D.C. meeting and are required to bring
oite plans and to present a tree survey where(every tree over 4 fee~ in height
is shown. )*rhey need to show the parking lot, building, and how they will work
with,the trees. Any removal of trees requires a tree permit, and at times are
even required to plant trees as replacements or for landscaping.
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Only after the R.D.C. committee approves the plans, does it go to the
City Commission.
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* correction - Every protected tree over 4tt in diameter at chest height is shown.
Over the years dovelopers have accepted the importance of tree
preservation and majority of the time cooperate fully with the City. Marc
difficulty is often experienced with individual owners who might widh to
have trees removed for aesthetic reasons.
" '
Mr. SnoyenboB introduced a letter from Aleta Cozart along with a
petition in reference to annexation of enclaves. He left information avail-
able on table for members to readt if they so desired. Correspondence
placed in file.
Eric Seegcr inquired as to whether City would employ a steady band
to play at the bandshell. Mr. Wilson stated the City does not intend to
contract with a bandt but that the groups would vary, c.t. carol groups,
jazz bands, different types of music.
Mrs. Custer inquired if the park with bandshell would be used for
fund raising projects, or public charged for entering park. Mr. Wilson stated he
could not see any specific fund raising at this site, and that any request for
same would be looked at very carefully.
Dr. Rothman inquired about the City's Sign Ordinance, 'referring to
signs an Landmark Drive R.O.W. between 580 and Curlew that should not be there.
Mr. Wilson suggested that Dr. Rothman's homeowners association send a letter
expressing their concerns. Mr. Wilson said he will look into the matter.
Mr..Berry inquired as to the possibility of placing "No Litter" signs
on medians and as to what ordinance there was against this. Mr. Wilson in-
formed that there is a litter ordinance, however, very difficult to enforce
same, and that it is a City-wide problem. Mr. Wilson questioned the effective-
'neas of the signs, however, if Mr. Berry felt the signs would work in his area,
Mr. IJ1laon,would arrange for some to be tried.
Dr. Rothman inquired whether the R.D.C. would be willing to contact
, developers of area'Northwest of Highway 580 and Enterprise Drive to comply
, wi th their. signs "Wooded Property Availab Ie:, since mas t of trees 'were des troyed
by fire. Mr. Wilson said he would check into this.
There 'being no further business before the Committee, Mr. Snoyenboa
made a motion to adjourn, Mrs. Custer seconded the motion which passed.
Meeting adjourned at 11:10 8.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Viola Wasilewski, Secretary