02/03/1982 " ' .~.' ....' .;. \' "< ' [: l t' I , f jl.~:. .i;',' ~!~:\)"':." . ~:':'/.':" " .. J~:,:-:"", " .' . ,'\'j',. . < ' ~~~., .; 'r~'~ <: ....~~~!-l c, . ~f~J..>;..c <: ::. :. ~~;:'r~" ~ ',c', ~ '.f .." 1 ~ "I ~ c ' t t~{i,~',;..: ' :~~,;i:::, ::> &."". ' i;~'i~:: :'~ ' ; J \'1' \ " , 1~{1 ~ ~I j' . .. C I + ' ~:.r,"l . I ; fj~'\~.~:,., . t~tt,?/.',,',' . ~,.., ' .. ," 111;j:';,~",:'..' ....., ~~t"" ''','',' ~/:~~- ":"', ~ >:. ...' :'i~\~ ,11 I I "). . , i~~(~:if,~:~)'~~:':', I " ~'I\J;..~"; . : ,':1", ~~f~:t{"(" i' ", '~~:f:::E:\'~:,:,:~',",: ., ',:' '.l"':'I,~.<;";. , ", . . ~t&l~~.:*', . ,<' : . ~.,I"""'~~;'," ':. . J, . IJi"\,,,::: " ." . :: , 'IV': <.',';'~':,." , ".'- , .' ,,::. ~ ' ~ . , , :. ~ .. " 0, .. ~ ) . "" '''\':,' ;;,' ..) " ',' ir:~,)t...~ ""'-'",_ L ... .,:". ~ ": t "'~~~l ""',~. '. . ~'..r .~, > . ~g~:i~'~;~~~~~<'~'l..! ;'/~~,~..::,. \ '(\T \ \ ~ , . , , BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE . - February 3 J 1982 J_ CITY HALL ANNEX AT 9:30 A. M. AGENDA .Call'to ,Order ':,Approva1 of I-linutes of January 6 J 1982 IntroQuction of new member ... , OLD. BUSINESS '. " 1., 'Report on mote 1 on Clearwater Beach Mrs. Hieneman ,J ',' ., 2'. Report on Edgew8ter,Drive ':" Miss Keppie . ~: ~ , ., ... '~'1' ' { ;' ~. . <.. . " ," > I" \ ,. ,', , . :"3 " . Legal status of tree planting on State Road 60 ;,'Hr . Wilson' I" " , '..', i;.. .. ' . :,';:",';;:t: . , . [:': 1/.:: , " , , . ~. ,< .. NEW BUSINESS, .' ~ \ ~ ','l ," ~ . 1 ~' ',Legal status of citizen volunteer help "b~autification "Adopt" a Pat:'k Idea" - ~fr.' Wilson an . :J ~. ~ " ..,I ,,' " ,'j 'I I :I .1 ',.i <I ,I .; , 2; 'Suggestiorisfrain the membership . ., . ~ 1, . Other Reports . ' , " '1 I ~ . I. , 'Correspond'ence <'Adjourn' , . .,. 'l ',. I '\ 'I , " .:'/ :.,.,1 " "0 ,':i ok' * 1< ... : ~ ; ~ .. ,'~ ';;1 . .,l 1 I I r I , ..;' I. '. . I. ~ .. '~ ' ~ I " 'c ," ;:..., .<\: CITY OF CLEARWATER BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE MIN~rES I' , February 3, 1982 fit The Beautification Committee hold ita rogular monthly mooting at the Parks and Recreation officoa at the City Hall Annox, 10 S. Missouri Avenue~ on February 3, 1982. Mombors present were Mr. D. C. Snoyenbos, Chairman, Mrs. Rita Canan, Mrs. L. M. Clark, Mrs. Virginia CUster, Or. David BerX)', Mrs. Ruth "ienoman, Miss Louise Keppie, Mr. Frank Krame, and Dr. Jack U. Rothman. Also in attendance wore Mr. Renm Wilson , Mr. Bob Marek (Nursery Divlsiion), and Mr. Chris Cowles (Land Resources Specialist). Student member, Eric Seeger was also present and Eric Falco was excused. ,~ I The Chairman called tho meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Miss Keppie requested that the Minutes of the December 2, 1982 meeting be corrected to read that Mrs. Canan agreed to continue work on the Dog Ordinance rather than Miss Keppie. The Minutes of December 2 Were approved as corrected. Dr. Berry maue a motion to approve the Minutes of January 6, 1982. The motion was seconded and carried. , " " . .,... Mr. Snoyenbos announced that a new Committee member, }.lrs. Emma C. Whitney, has been appointed but was unable to attend this meeting. l : ' l . Mr. Wilson said that Conunittee members who had been unable to tour Moccasin Lake at the January ,meeting could advise him if they were interested in viewing the new park, and he would contact Mr. Mike Kenton in the Environmental Section to make arrangements for them to do so. ~, . c ( .. ;~i/ ',;::,,~, .:~~.. ~- ~ ~ ; :'~~c , Mr. Wilson advised the Committee that Mr. Bill Voght, Nursery Superintendent, had resiqned and Mr. Bob Marek was Acting Superintendent at this time. '" . OLD 'BUSINESS t._ . .1'Cl; I,' .. 1. Motel on Clearwater Beach - Mrs. Heineman stated that she was satisfied with conditions at this property and the item could be deleted from the agenda. " I!'. ,.' ". I ,~ 2~ Edgewater Drive - Mr. Wilson had met at Edgewater Drive with Mr. Chris Cowles and other staff from the Nursery and Engineering Department. Mr. Cowles commented that erosion problems could be corrected in either of two ways. One way would be for a seawall to be 'constructed, but the City has no plans to do that at this time. The long range plan is to introduce plants that will develop soil or beach holding capacity, such as low vines, more mangroves, sea grapes, and certain trees. Mr. Snoyenbos inquired as to when this would be accomplished., Mr. Wilson said that it appears that most of the erosion has already occurred and that it was not an emergency Situation, but that the work would be done as soon as possible. f~ ~ \; " , j..' .~. '.'> ' <., . ... . '. I . Ii' "Ij.:'" 'c .' ~ Miss Keppie expressed concern about the trees blocking the view of the water in this area. Mr. Cowles said that the Nursery Division would space trees accordingly. Mrs. CUster conunented about an area where a washout had occurred, causing a gulley to form. Mr. Cowles said he would check.into the matter. . ~.' . ( ... ~. > , . , , ;",'.,O~'" - - , ," >~.~ I .~ -1- ~.> I , .' ~CI.. . ~~~:::", iri':": ' ~ Palms on State Road 60 - Mr. Snoyenbos asked about the loga1 Gtntue of palm trees on Stato Road 60. Mr. Wilson reported that tho matter was progrosoing, but that the City Attorney indicated that the City would bo incurring additional liability by planting trees. Howover, since trees nrc to be planted 40 foot back from the road, and arc palms, liability would be at a minimum. The draft agreement was to go to tho City Manager's office, to the City Commission for consideration, and then to tho Departmell't. of Transportation. If agreement is reached, the City can proceed with obtaining manpower and funds for the purchase of the palms. NEW BUSINESS "Adopt a Park" - Mr. Wilson reported that he had received a letter from the Northwood Estates Home Owners ASGociation stating that they wanted to sponsor a neighborhood beautification work day to clean, rake, and trim the medians and rights-of-way areas in Northwood Estates. The group reported a good turnout and the Parks Division picked up the trash and debri s. Mr. Wilson stated that he had spoken to City Attorney, Tom Bustin and Assistant City Manager, Batty Haeseker about the uAdopt a Park" idea. The City is willing to work with any group and encourages this idea as long as proper insurance is provided. Since power equipment may be used and since the medians are in traffic areas, insurance would be necessary in order to protect all parties concerned. o Mrs. Canan inquired about the possibility of hiring local people to do the work or the City having a contract with various homeowners associations. Mr. Wilson advised that this could be possible but that caution should be expressed since officers and projects change as time goes on. The City cannot divest itself completely of its obligations and responsibilitie s. There was a question of why the contracted maintenance on Island Estates did not work out. Mr. Wilson was to check and advise , Committee at next meeting. Mrs. Custer inquired as to the delay in the completion of sidewalks on Island Estates and was advised to contact Mr. Gardner Smith of the Public Service Division. Mr. Sn~enbos advised that the median on Wildwood 'Drive was being resodded and North Countryside Boulevard was beginning to look more presentable. Bandshell - Mr. Wilson said that the City has portable reviewing stands which are used in Coachman Park quite often, but they must be tran~orted Py the Parks Division whenever needed. Money to construct a bandshell had been requested in the budget, but was deleted due to lack of funds. Subsequently, an interest by various citizens was expressed to construct a bandshell with privata funds. Presently, a Bandshell Committee has been formed and an architectural competition is being planned. Mr. ~ank Mudano, architect, is assisting the City with the competition- Input is being requested during the month of February and Mr. Wilson suggested that the Beautification Committee make suggestions regarding possible design, restroom facilities, sound system, lighting, etc. -2- ,:,~ , . I' ~ . ':. '. ': ' , '" '.:', ' ' .\ -. ., -' ,,'. t1?\ ,. '~'. ',' ~ . ;I' . . Hr. Krame inquired about a special meeting being set up for this discussion. Mr. Snoyenbos appointed a committee of four, Dr. Berry, Mrs. Canan, Mrs. Custer, and Mr. Krame, to meet with him on February 10 at the Parks and Reoreation Office to discuss the bandshell. Dr. Berry was chosen to be the chairman of this special committee. Mr. Wilson was to show an aerial photo at this meeting and, if necessary, the group would go to the site for observation. Results of this meeting would be discussed at the next regular Committee meeting in March. ~ " , COMMENTS FROM MEMBERS , , ' ': . Mrs. Clark commented on the poor condition of the roses in front of City Hall. Bob Marek said he was aware of this and was looking into the ,idea of having a senior citizen service group conduct a program whereby retired citizens would maintain areas requiring beautification, such as City Hall. l" " " I.,' , , " , Mrs. Keppie advised that a junk store, Collector's Corner at 501 N. Ft. Harrison has items sitting out in front of the store and thought it did not look good. Mr. Krame was to check into this with the Zoning office. ,'c.: < I ~ .7, . Mr. KL"arne reported that he had checked on the zoning of the fish shop on Ft. Harrison and their discarding scale and debris into the sewer. At a later ,time he spoke to Mr. Mike Ferrar and was told the shop was discontinuing this prac.tic.e. Mr. Krame also advised that a hedge on the Nortwest corner of Jones and Myrtle had been cut down approximately two feet. 'b, ~:~: ' I'>. ," ~r.:~ . '!.".: . ':;:"',"~ r:,' .:."~J ,<.>. .' Dr., Rothman brought to the attention of the Comnittee an area Northwest,of Highway 580 and Enterprise Drive. An area had a suspicious fire, and trees were destroyed, creating an eyesore. Dr. Rothman inquired about City ordinances and whether the developer was in compliance. Mr. Wilson , suggested that Mr. Cowles could be contacted and could cane in and exPlain how he works with developers on matters concerning trees. '.'1 '.: '.. ll\',::,': , l;::!:~:,:.:':,;. . ., '>\.. .]~. ;'~J~ ~~!.~f . <,"\'." ih'," There being no further business before the Committee at this time, Mr. Snoyenbos made a motion to adjourn the meeting_ Dr. Rothnlan seconded the motion and motion was carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.Ut. ,) .~~~'; :. ~: I:' ~. .,..,' ,.,. " ~ ", 'J "