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Novemher 4, 1981
Approval of Minutes of October 7, 1981
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Call to Order
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1. Report on City Tree Program.
2'. Report on making possible landscaping funds ae part,
of housing mortgages in the Greenwood areas. .
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Sunshine Mall medians
) Mr. Voght, Nursery Supt.
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November 4t 19B1
The Beautification Committee held ita regular monthly meeting in
the Parks and Recreation officaD at the City Hall Annext 10 South Missouri
Avenue, on November 4, 1981. Members preoent were Mr. D. C. Snoyenboa,
Chairman, Mr. Jack Siebenthaler, Mrs. Billie Clark, Mro. Virginia Custer,
Dr. David Berry, Dr. Jack Rothman, MiBS Louise Keppie, and Mr. Frank
Krarne. Members excused were Mrs. Rita Canan and Mra. Connie Lundeen.
Mrs. Ruth Hieneman was also absent. Also attending were Mr. Ream Wilson,
Mr. Bill Voght, and Eric Seeger. new atudent Board member from Countryside
High School.
~he Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. A correction
was made to the Minutes of October 7, 1981, indicating that Dr. Berry had
been excused. Mr. Siebenthaler made a motion that the Minuteo Be amended
be accepted. Motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
1. Report on City Tree Program - Mr. Snoyenbos stated that the last
transmittal from the City Manager regarding the naming of an official City
Tree stated that the Manager would take the matter up with staff. Mr.
Shoemaker had beeD out of town and then busy with the City budget. Ream
WilsOJ was to check with the Manager and advise the Committee at the next
meeting in December.
Ream Wilson advised that there is a City ordinance prohibiting the
planting of Punk and Pepper trees in Clearwater and Mr. Mike Kenton from
the Environmental Sec'tion of the Public Works Department recommends adding
the Austrailian Pine to the list of prohibited trees. Mr. Siebenthaler
suggested that this ordinance be discussed by the Committee at the next
2. Report on making possible landscaping funds as part of housing
mortgages in the Greenwood areas - Mr. Snoyenbos to check with Mr. Don
Jass from Community Development regarding thia.
3. Sunshine Mall medians-Court Street area - Mr. Bill Voght -
Mr. Voght stated that the Sunshine Mall and Court Street medians needed
work but that it was a question of priorities since the Nursery Division
had many other projects in progress at this time. The South parking lot
of the City Hall Annex would be requiring heavy landscaping in the near
future. He explained that the Nursery Division has a crew of four men who
are responsibile for this type of landscape work but that other Nursery
personnel are also used for large projecto.
Dr. Rothman inquired about the possibility of using volunteers. Mr. Voght
said that.was a problem because of the City's liability in caee of
injuries to volunteers. At this time there waB considerable general
discuasion about using volunteers and civic groups taking care of specific
medians or areas. Mr. Siebenthaler inquired about the status of the plan
to have a sample planting on Island Estates. Mr. Voght said he would need
to know the labor requirements, etc., for this project. 'I
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Mrs. Custer mnde a motion that tho Committee oontact tho City
Manager to inquiro about tho feauibility of having local volunteors
maintain plants whioh have boon donated by local civic groups, etc.
There waB Borne dieouBeion of tho motion and Ream Wilson said that Dome
oities in California and other ureos hod experimented with homeowners
associations taking over the maintennnoe of medians, etc., and with the
cities contributing money to tho projeots. He advised that he would write
to other citios and Bee what reaulta hovo been with "Adopt n Park" typo
programs Bnd "Gift Catalogs". Problema could develop when the original
people on the committees leave and no ono wishes to continue the
maintenance, which then reverts back to tho city. Mrs. Cuater's motion
was seconded by Dr. Berry and carried unanimouD~Y,
Mr. Snoyenbos said that he had 11 meeting with a Mrs. Hughey, who
repreeented the Women's Auxiliary of the Lione Club. The Auxiliary wishes
to plant 8 tree somewhere in the City as a contribution to the
beautification, possibly a Cherry Laurel. Miss Keppie said the Cherry
Laurel was a nuisance type tree that self-seeded but did have attractive
berries for the birds. The Auxiliary waD not interested in the Crest Lake
area but wanted to know if the City would like such a donation and where.
Mr. Wilson was to contact Mrs. Hughey.
4. Motel on Clearwater Beach - This WBS to be discussed at the
next meeting when Mrs. Hieneman would be present to report.
5. State Road 60 - Mr. Wilson diucussed a new draft agreement
concerning planting trees on State Road 60 which was presently being
reyiewed by the Legal Department.
l~ Dog Ordinance - Mrs. Canan to discuss this at the December
2. Question of field trip to North and South Greenwood areas.
There was discussion about the Greenwood areas and that there was a need
for olean-up in the area BS well as beautification. The City has the
responsibility for trash pick-up and vaoant lots being maintained by the
owners. Mr. Snoyenbos was to ~heck with Don Jass about the feasibility of
a trip in the near future. Also, it was suggested that a trip to the City
Nursery should be scheduled so that new members of the Committee could be
familiar with it. Mr. Wileon suggested that a trip to the new 58 acre
"Moccasin Lake Nature Park" might be scheduled. He said that this park
represented a good projeot for organizations looking for ways to assist
the City with beautification. There was some discussion and it was
decided that the Committee would meet at the Annex for the January 6
meeting at 9:30 and then go directly to Moccasin Lake Park.
Mr. Snoyenbos had received a letter from the City Manager advising that a
City election for two Commissioners would be held on February 9. 1982 and
,if any Committee members were considering running, they needed to resign
, from the Committee by December 1. 1981~
Mro. Cuater inquired about an Rrt1clc in tho nowapapor about Crost Loke
Park needing work on the lake orea. Mr. WilDon advised that projects were
planned for Creat Loko Pork but tl\oro WOB not enough money in the budget
a t this time.
Dr. Rothman inquired about tho role tho Beautification Committee might
play regarding organizotions taking oore of maintenance of medians, etc.
Mr. Wilson said that lay support would be desirable and the Committee
could also serve in an advisory capacity.
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Mr. Wilson advioed that there ore timos when City staff makes
recommendations on items that cannot wait for the monthly meetings of the
appropriate boards. Sometimes oversights are made and are not
intentional. He encourged members to cnll originating departments and
express their views as private citizens when issues come up. The
department triee to bring pertinent items to the Beautification Committee
and the Parks and Recreation Board as far 8S possible.
~> : , " .
Dr. Rothman also had concerns about how the City is being de-beautified by
deyelopers insofar as trees being cut down, etc. There was some
discussion about City ordinances regarding signs, etc. Mr. Wilson
explained the role the Resource Development Committee played in reviewing
site plans, retention areas, surveys, permits, etc.
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Eric Seeger (student member) inquired about the proposed official City
tree (Yellow Flame)'and if it was hardy. Mr. Siebenthaler advised that it
was a hardy tree.
Mrs. Custer asked about the art sculpture for the Bsyfront. Mr. Wilson
advised that the City was looking into the possibility of P.A.C.T. using
it on their Bite but nothing definite had been decided as yet.
,Mr. Siebenthaler asked Mr. Voght about the Annex parking lot and if the
landscaping design was in accordance with City ordinances. Mr. Voght said
it'was. Mr. Siebenthaler suggested that they take a walking tour of the
parking lot when it was further along.
There being no further business before the Committee, Mr. Siebenthaler
made a motion to adjourn the mee~~ng. Dr. Rothman seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.
.Respectfu11y submitted,
Pat Phillips, Secretary
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