10/07/1981 ", ~' '. . .I '. ~:>: .' . I ~ , , t:<,.., ~', '''~fi,.' ", ::," ~ :'\\.\ ,', BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE / OCTO~ER 7, 1981 ~'J#.: , ' CITY. HALL ANNEX AT 9: 30 AM ~~,J'~ ~.' , . ,.. 0 ,~ , (,;,;.::',;. . t,~:.: ':,',:,., . '1'~, . '.p:t,\ ';C.., ....\'.'.f " (," J .' < . t~..t ~ <I, :~t~} :.., ,. i. . ~. ;.',. ~~; .~, ,::' ' 1b'.~.., , ),.'" ': , 1i:;;-, ... ~t"~.>,,;,,, :1~;~~\"'>,'" . .,:.O;;\!", '. !t~tlt. ..": NEW BUSINESS >";t'tJf{,. , I. ' ,', i~I;'(',\:;;>,( .:":;;'::,:.: :::~,'., ,r ,:.~i"':' .,;~. ,...':'.~'~. ,'.- ~~~(1?7"':. . < :.. " ~"":"., >:.' J"/:''J'W.. ' .'" '," ~Jl'<;';,: :,'., ' " , ;XL...'P<"~"" .'~. . < '0' .'. :.' -t' , ' . " Corre~pondence .'. ' :Adj o.~~ent , .,' , ~ '.','~ , " ". , .,: , .., . ; ~ .,' .,' , . ~, , " , ...'. .' " .,.' " '" '., i~, >, ' ':. ,< .,,', c'. ~ . .:. ". i. i . !.'< " " , , l , ~ '. ~ ,~ .. ,": : " ...' . ':, '1' ,'.' .' .:;.':.',. , -- . " :' ~ ~ . 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':.":, ',\":j . ,,'~ '{. . , " ~, I.' ;. ',' '.. \-., : . : .' " " .' J' '.' " '~ " " ' , ! , ' ' , " . , I. .. ",' < I'. n /'.- .. ' " , ","'. k.. ,:'''.~::~:d:'l" :1 ,."~' ; " ,~ : "0 ~' , 'l,~ " ' : ~ ' :~ ,; , .,i' " :':,' ('.,:: \.:: i >: ". ,-, ;':';: +~ '~~, " '~.' , .:, ;1,0' , , ,\~~~~, ':.\: !:,' . ill , ~ :' .' '::!. ,'." /, ~ '~": . ;{J_. ';";:1 , ~" ;:'?~~ ~ ~ '-,: :;':{. :;:r ~'; L ~ ~ ~.; "::0"" ~.'., .....~...., .. " , ,t'~ " , 'I.,' '.., i,~ ' ...c: :,l.; J, " ~.~::.';.;,~.:,', .,~ ' ~J. : . , "..' ~ ", . " ~~ " ,'" ; ~ .. " ,'., , ',.:'.." .. ~ . " ',," CITY OF CLEARWATER BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE MINUTES October 7, 1981 The Beautification Conunittee held their regular monthly meeting in the Parks and Recreation offices at the City Hall Annex, 10 South Missouri Avenue, on October 7, 1981. Members present were Mr. D. C. SnoyenboB, Chairman, Mr. Frank Krome, Mrs. Rita Canan, Mrs. Ruth Hiencman, Miss Louise Keppie, Mr. Jack Siebentha1er and Dr. Jack Rothman. Those members excused were Mrs. Connie Lundeen, Mrs. Virginia Custer and Mrs. Billie Clark. . Also absent was Dr. Berry. Also a.ttending we1:'e Mr. Bill Voght and Mr. Don Jass, Planner II, of the Community Development Department. Mr. Ream Wilson was unable to attend because of prior commitments. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:35 AM. Mr. Krame made a motion to accept the Minutes of the September 2, 1981 meeting 8S submitted, seconded by Mr. Siebenthaler, carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Snoyenbos said that Mrs. Clark, at the last Committee meeting, raised the question as to what has been happening in the way of beauti- fication in the North and South Greenwood communities. The Committee had met with community representatives to discuss clean-up campaigns and solicited Mr. Jass's help as he has charge of housing in those two areas. Mr. Snoyenbos introduced Mr. Jass and asked him to update the committee on activities in the areas. Mr. Jass said that the Committee's efforts were not in vain as some interest was triggered, with two cleanup sessions being held since the Committee first brought up the subject. The first year was successful and'in the second year it was handled at the local level. This year, with cutbacks in government financing, Hr. Jass spent six weeks there but the program was not carried out. Prizes were offered, but never awarded as the effort was not organized, enough. There was interest in continuing with the suggestion that it be on a monthly basis,. Mr. Jass said that as you go up Greenwood, ,the area past the railroad tracks has been cleaned up and is loo~ing better, but that a lot of it requires a one on one effort with neighbors who are interested. The neighborhood and housing unit has been working with people, but they have problems with other neighbors. Mr. Walt Parrish is cOming into town from Tallahassee and is trying to establish a neighborhood gardening program using City'or'County owned land with the idea of using the Lake Bellevue aTea, which is Ross NOTton and Ed Wright Park. Mr~' Snoyenbos asked if there was anything the Committee could do as a suggestion or a follow-up. Mr. Jass said that a comprehensive plan is going to be made for the. Greenwood area comprising esthetic improvements, and that around 'the first of the year they were going to get a consultant to help them. Hr. Krame mentioned a park where he saw two women and children who were assigned to keep the park clean and eliminate vandalism. Mr. Snoyenbos said that, originally, when the Committee went into the North Greenwood area, they had'hoped to get together a group of peopleJ including someone from the business community or the clergy, but help from them did not materialize. Mr. Jaas said that they needed pushing as about 80% of the people in that area are tenants. 'Dr. Rothman asked about the landlords responsibility and Mr. SnoyenboG said there probably are some laws regayding this. " ~~3' ~ .' ... , " I " ' . f <, "I, . , , ,; 'i I, 'I"". r .. , .~ I ~ ~" "I' :, ''. '" i.',; ',' '. r "'..' .'\" ,,<" 'I' ',.... ",", , .: j . ;,,;: '," ',' '. " '~' '" :,~(:,::\,:,':~.\'::.<::.J;''::~ "i<"'/'~'i.':,<\:;t:,:,::,,'.:".:::,;Ti'":''' / " ';<", '. .... '.' '.' :', ~. '., . ,,! J '1" >1'1" t... """"""', .'.,..'"".. ,""'"'' "",','" ,;" "'11' "1-'"tJ'..,'",' n.,.. " ..".,..".....".... '.' ! "...'",'" " .', "',, ' ',' ,'.." . l' ((, '''" "",....,../-",-"""" ' .:.::~!:1~c';!::,']t'1::;{,~:;,':i;:;?~,t~:L'.,.':., '.' !<;:.. .., ' . "',;' .' ,'.,. ," .:......, :' " .;,: ,". .,','. .' .', '.' .),};;-;{.},~l).\:iF';!'.)/:l, .., c' ~}, '/ .' OJ',' -, '. .\' . I: ~ ~ . r 1 ' ' '.'., . '."1 ~ ,", ,.,' ~ ,'",'..~L".,:"", J'I' :' .~ . '.. .....' , " " ~ ",.e ' , : \, " . "l 1, ",~ :,:' ,..;./ ': t. ,F. ~ >,' ",;; ~:..; " ~\ ~.. , ',~ ::'~,:~~:: ~, :: , ' '; ~'I :":{, '1" . ~'::': :,',1:: 'J,' ....i. , 1 ", . ~'n' ;',': 'I,. J ~ 'I' 'i(.\ '1';- '1" ~ J, ' ., I,.:. :~'I\., <,:',<, '~',' : , ~ : ",+: ;\,~ ,I." " ',:' ~~'.. ; Q"'", '~:"' ~, ., ' . " ", " Mrs.. Canan said that the Committee could probably follow-up with the tree program. Mr. Snoyenbos told the Colltl11ittee that the Nursery hos already started to propagate some of those trecs from sced. Miss Keppie thought that the Clearwater Neighbors would be interested. Mr. Siebcntholer asked if the situation was getting worse, holding its own,or improving in the North Greenwood area. Mr. Joss said that slow progress was being made. that they have a long way to go, but that it can be improved and that they were whittling away at it slowly. Mr. Jass said that a number of new privately owned houses are being built by Clearwater Federal making low interest mortgages to help people to own their own homes. Mr. Sicbenthaler asked if a part of the mortgage package could include a landscaping fund. Mr. Jass said that he would take this up with Mr. Rill Nodine at the bank and report back to the Committee at their November meeting. Mr. Siebenthaler queried Mr. Jass regarding a statement Mr. Jass mode that due to Regan eco- nomics some programs were not successful. Mr. Jass explained that there was a great deal of worry and concern among minorities and social security recipients and this is why they were not interested in cleaning up their area. Mr. Snoyenbos thanked Mr. JaGS for meeting with the Committee. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Snoyenbos introduced the new members, Dr. Rothman and Miss Keppie. Mr. Snoyenbos said that Mr. Voght would report on the Wildwood median changes that have been planned and asked if there is anything new about the Tract 20 Countryside Park. Mr. Voght said the Wildwood medians were landscaped by U.S. Homes some time ago and some material has since deteriorated. The plan was to remove some beds while upgrading others. Some plant areas will re- main along wit~ sod and regrading. Mr. Voght said that U.S. Homes has completed a temporary access road to the park at Tract 20. Quite a few of the facilities, such as an all purpose concrete court, irrigation, and playground equipment are in and the park should be ready shortly. Mr. Voght also said that quite a bit of work has been done at the Eddie C. Moore Recreation Complex. The irrigation system, back stops, circular fencing and four diamonds are in. Mr. Siebenthaler said that four areas are of concern to him as far as landscaping and maintenance is concerned. The first of these are the medians on the recently open:d Belcher Roa.d Extension by the Top of the . World condominium complex~ Mr. Voght stated that those medians are owned and mowed'by the County, and the frequency of mowing is up to them. Second- ly, on Missouri Avenue by the Sunshine Mall, the medians are the worst look- ing in the City. Mr. Voght suggested that all of that material be removed and replaced with sod. Thirdly, the Court Street area is the highest maintenance piece of real estate in the City and should be replaced with grass end trees. Fourthly, the mediana on Island Way. Mr. Siebenthaler felt that the first median should be used as an example. Mr. Voght is to check with Mr. Mulholland. Mrs. Canan said that recommendations were made .(\ by the Civic Association relating to flowering trees and palms. " " - 2 - . 'I .. .,..."...",.",1",,, """'r" ""'" ,j"'....",,, ',-,,, ,. 1",','(' "",/1""""", I (\""" "'Il.."..~., '/ ' """"""".,,"',,1, ,.' .'~ " ~:' ',' 1.1)" .. ~~ " . ',. , . " i-' ' ~. I ,,' .; ',. " ~ ," ,. .' l ~ ". . ., . " " :\:':0 ~ ,T , ~. ~ ~ . ~ .~I,~, ,:>. ' ':~:.: ~. .~: ,,:. R' , c. ~~:.:.' '. i:~'~: :-:'>:, 1:,.'~",',': :'~~;l:~'::.' < :.~;,'.,:: ':, '; .j;,,:;':'~ C :f;::: ' q[';, ,. f:<.' , ~ ." ":!\' ~ ,. l', ~. , , ...~t :. "'>/~ _ ' :i-'< 0- ' t\: ',. . ~.. ',r~ /' t:'. ..., . ~. .... h,.'" ~f~~(",,: :,." Mr. Snoyenbo8 stated that they had time for some discussion and suggestions from the members, but first had the secretary read a letter to and reply from the City Manager regarding the naming of an official tree for the City of Clearwater. The City Manager is busy with the budget at the prescnt time nnd will review the Committee's suggestion at a later date. Mr. Krame suggested putting brick on the medians on Missouri Avenue. . but it was stated that this required many manpower hours and tbe City did not have enough men available to perform this work at the present time. Miss Keppie stated that she enjoyed the meeting and felt very honored to be a member of the Committee. Mrs. Hiencman spoke' of a privately owned motel on the beach which she felt is an eyesore since it is the first motel seen upon entering South Beach. Mrs. Hieneman was aware 'that work is being done on this motel but asked if the City could make them move along at a faster pace. Mrs. ,Canan mentioned working with the Beach Civic Association. Mr. Siebenthaler wanted to make an apology to the Committee regarding an interview he had, which.appeared in the newspaper, concerning a city tree which turned out as a controversy. Ie' Dr.. Rothman said that he had enjoyed the meeting. ,': Mr. Snoyenbos said that for the benefit of the new Committee members. the meetings usually run from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM. However, if there is not extensive material to cover, the meetings end earlier. , Mr. Voght said there had been a meeting with Mr. Turnburke of D.O.T. about planting palms on, the State Road 60 Causeway. He will come by and give the resolution and agreement to Mr. Wilson so that they can be checked ',with our legal departme~t an'd mauager's office. Mr. Snoyenbos explained to . the. new members that on different occasions the Committee goes out on field trips and that the one 'on'the Causeway 'was one of those trips~ Dr~ Rothman' volunteered his van for' future trips. .'., j. , , ' Mr. Siebenthaler made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:35 AM, seconded by Mrs. Canan, carried unanimously. . , ., ,.' , , - 3 - ~;~If;':< :;,,:,,;; ,:'!'::;~::,~ 1( \:.. ~ c . /~~., ..- l~;;":: e ~~) ~.' , . . ~::'~', : i ". . ,