09/02/1981 '~i ::,', .l,ll,d ,!\,' : ~t; " ID!~ J~It:" '.'hl>>' W:',.., 'f;;. .:' C , ~~'" ~' l~'},' "II~~/~ "<' I .~{/'i';, ,;, r'" , ~~~!:~'.>;c .: {,;, ,'" ~t:':,::",' r.:_~ ~..::.,,~ ." ,,\;' , , . ,.. . ~ . it::; :' :~';~'~:' ': Id, h,:\; : ~~l{>:" ".' ~ :+:--,', .:',"" 1;..(...... . "fl::.\~.,..';: ,.. ~rit/;: " ,:tVf~.~/(, <,', ,~,:"i" .., ',', J~)f"),' .'N~B:~IN:::~ for Floral Trees d" @" ' ,'" ~:~;;;:::/~:':""""''<:'' ,,"'>, ,'.:~' ~", Jack Siebentha1er l~q""rlt .~"~...,,.r,.., .' ~o:::::. ;,"{~~:~;'j'/"1' ".' >'.d' '. t\, """1'" "" '~~!;i1~p;:; ':,; ?:::,~ ::>; :~:<:, ~ :: 1 '::::,':;, : ,,:,l4fi.":'..' ",' ,':' d . " ' , ~1";'<~~~.~,;',:,'~."I''':'.,,'. ::' :.,' Corr~spondence ~1~~:~;~>"'1 .:": 1:':/ " :.':,' ' , ..t'. .'" ' ~....' . ~1~.I....,l,.., . "'j' ,~ ,c, ~\;:L, \;,'" >,":, '::, '-':: ~:Adjourrurient' ~,i1,~:,;:~;': ",:;,;(;~, "',' , ~"";""'''' .. ",.. " )lt~U:~; ;,~ ", : ~~~{:'::":' '," ~iY;t~?, ~~I " ..!~{"~ ," ~. ,,", i,F't": \... . H "' 'I~~,:::;" "'Ie ,,',i,; ~~),~,,'l.;'" ", '"I,' ~i:~:,;'" , '" :;:.. :': ", ;p;\, I)" ..." . " " BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE \, SEP,'l'DfBER 2, 1981 CITY HALL ANNEX A'l'. 9 t 30 AM j"'" > , " AGENDA :: Call to Order ~~" /~' ;/ ",. \...~ "Appro~al of Minutes of August 5" 1981 OLD BUSINESS 1. Response of the participants to the Residential Landscape Beautification Program. " 2., ,When ,the Parks Department has decided when the Countryside Tract 20 Park is ready for opening, 'appropriate ceremonies will be' planned. . ! in Beautification Prog~am ,. '~ >. ~ : .LJ ", 1. ,'it:" , ,2. Items to be introduced by members. ;,. ,,' , ..~. .' ,I, c j,:.. . ~"c. .~? " . " '.' " -t ", ", .'. , . ,'. ,', ':1 ',Y , : , \ . . " " "I .'.e' . ," ,.. 'II ~: ": ~1~~>' ,,' . . : ~,~ " .\ , ~ .' ,I, :, " ,) :: . '. ~ '. , ':'( I 1. .. . . . I. . . ,'. ' .' , . :. ' ~'" '. ' : ; " CITY OF CLEAR\~ATER BEAUTIFICATION CO~~tlTTEE MINUTES - September 2, 1981 The Beautification Committee held their regular monthly meeting in the Parks and Recreation offices at the City Hall Annex, 10 South Hlssouri Avenue, on September 2. 1981. Members present were Mr. D. C. Snoyenbost Chairman, Mr. Frank Krame, Mrs. Connie Lundeen. Mrs. Billie Clark, Mrs. Rita Canan and Mr. Jack Siebenthaler. Those members excused were Mrs. Virginia Custer and Mr. David Berry. Also absent was Mrs. Ruth Hieneman. Also attending were Hr. Ream lUlson nnd Nr. BUI Voght. Mr. Snoyenbos called the meeting to order at 9:35 AN. Mr. Krame made a motion to accept the Minutes of the August 5, 1981 meeting as submitted, seconded by Mrs. Lundeen, carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS Hr. Snoyenbos asked Mr. Voght about the response of the participants to the Residential Landscape Beautification Program. Mr. Voght said that there were three of the partic- ipantBwho came in to the Nursery to pick up their plants. Two of the couples were delighted with the tour through the Nursery but no comments were made by the participants regarding the program or the plant material they selected. Mr. Snoyenbos asked Mr. ,Wilson when the opening of the Countryside Tract 20 Park would be. Mr. Wilson said that the park. north of SR 580, west side of Countryside Boulevard, J has already had tbe playfield installed. Playground apparatus is a little over half , way installed and the basketball court is under construction. Mr. Wilson said that most of Phase I should be completed by the end of October. Low wood rustic signs are , being used now to identify City parks. The City Commission passed a resolution whereby ..a name could be recommended by the Parks and Recreation Board for a park. Normally, one of the criteria requires that a neighborhood civic association be contacted when a park is to be named. However, at Countryside, there are numerous associations so it is being recommended to the City Commission that the park be named "Countryside Community Park'! . ' Mr. Wilson said that there is a street going into the park from ~listy Springs and u. S. Homes agreed to construct a temporary roadway and have since given the City an easement. At a later date, they will construct a permanent road to serve their condo- miniums and it will go back to the park. Mr. Wilson said that he will keep the Committee posted regarding this road. Mr. Wilson showed the Committee a plan for the Toll Gate at Sand Key saying that there will be two lanes going north and two lanes going south. Mr. Voght will meet with Bill Burchfield. Rarbormaster, on Thursday, September 10th, to discuss landscaping for ,that area. Mr. Snoyenbos asked when and by whom a letter should be written to the Department of Transportation regarding the palm trees on the S.R. 60 Causeway. Mr. Wilson said that the City is trying to purchase the trees out of this yearts budget but, if not, they will get them out of next year1s budget after October 1st. Mr. Wilson will work with , Mr. Turnburke and keep the Committee apprised of this progress. ,',' _ NEW BUSINESS :,:" " ,Mr. Snoyenbos ~a1d that this Committee, earlier this year or last year, went on record ;~ " regarding the use of floral trees in general work around the City as something that would give color year round. Mr. Snoyenbos said that Mr. Siebenthaler had some films -1- and some suggestions from his professional group and then asked Hr. Siebenthlllcr to .make his presentation. Mr. Wilson said that the Citytg Nursery is on record about propagating certain flowering _ trees which will be used as accent trees in various City Parks. Mr. Siebcnthnlcr Bl\id that he has given some suggestions to Mr. Wilson and Mr. Voght regarding naming u City tree for the City of Clearwater. He said that there should be an official City tree designation for which his cl101ce was Peltophorum pterocnrpum, one common nome being Yellow Flame. An example is located on Keene Rand. one half block past Rosary Road. It starts to bloom in latc May and continues to bloom into July. Mr. Sicbenthaler proceeded to rend through his hand-outs which had been passed out to each Committee member and discussion ensued regarding recommending this particular tree as the official tree for the City of Clearwater. Hr. Siebenthaler showed slides of the tree in bloom. Mr. Wilson said that the City does not have an official tree and consideration may be pursued by Mr. Snoyenbos writing a letter to the City Manager and attaching Mr. Sieben- thaler's write-up. Three trees could be used to give the City year round flowering such as the Hong Kong Orchid, Yellow Trumpet and the Yellow Flame. Mr. Snoyenbos asked the Committee if they wanted to take a position now regarding an officially designated City tree or think about it and wait until next month to decide. Mr. Snoyenbos said that a letter could be written to the City Manager and that Mr. Sieb- enthaler could be at the City Commission meeting to make a presentation if necessary. Mrs. Canan made a motion to recommend the Peltophorum pterocarpum, Yellow Flame, tree as the official City tree for the City of Clearwater. seconded by Mrs. Lundeen, carried unanimously. o Mr. Snoyenbos thanked Mr. Siebenthaler for his presentation. He then asked the Committee members to express any ideas that they would like to introduce. Mrs. Lundeen, who repre- sents the Beautification Committee at the Pinellas County Arts Council asked if the Committee wanted to continue to be represented. Mr. Wilson said that he thought it would be good for Mrs. Lundeen to continue as the Committee's representative and it was agreed that she should. Mr. Wilson spoke of possible sites for the gift of the 35' sculpture to the City pointing 'out that some suggestions have been to place it at the entrance to Clearwater on the Causeway or on the PACT grounds. The Committee had originally suggested the Norman Bie property for placement of the sculpture. Mr. Wilson expressed concern that children will climb it if it is where they can get to it. Mr. Snoyenbos offered to entertain a motion to appoint Mrs. Lundeen as the Committee's representative to the Fine Arts Council. Mr. Krame made a motion to appoint Mrs. Lundeen as the Committee's representative at thePinellas County Arts Council, seconded by Mr. Siebenthaler, carried unanimously. Mr. Snoyenbos said that he will try to set aside some time ,in the last thirty minutes of each meeting so that each member could express any problems or ideas they may have. Mr. Krame suggested that reflectors be put on poles on Edgewater Drive outside of the 'Lawn Bowling Complex. He also remarked that there is only 1-1/2 inches of curbing on Edgewater Drive with parking there even though "No Parking" signs are up. Mr. Wilson said that there is no money for curbing. He said that the entrance sign was removed but a new one is on order. ~lr. Krame also suggested that fluorescent paint be used on thepoBtB by the Shuffleboard Complex. Mr. Wilson said that the department will investigate. " Mr. Siebenthaler said that he was glad that he has this group to use for a forum for ,~'hiS ideas and that he appreciated support from the Committee. Mr. Snoyenbos told , Mr. Siebenthaler that the Committee appreciates the work he did on the Beautification Program and hoped his idea will be used for the City Tree. -2- ~~~, . , ;.'/ '" , , - '(. t, '-'" " :~ ,:' ~~(':. " . ~::".:, ~~~\ ,.' ~!..,' , ~ik,_ Mr~ 'Snoyenbos asked if we could have a review regarding the ~lean up of the South , ~,:' ,"Gt'eenwood area. Mr. Wilson sold that he would ask Nr. Don Jass of Conmunil:y Development' :.[.;::1,', 'to attend. the next meeting to spedk to the Committee' regarding this section of the City. }.:~ ,", L,. ' . 1:'/': ';';;;:,'; "," Hr. ,Snoyenbos noted that the Committee has lost about three members and it was decided t~..::;:", ;, ' 'that a letter should be written to the City Mannger regarding this matter. Mr. Snoyenbos ~~N<", ',,', said. that he would like the new, m'embers to be from arens other than those now represented. ~'~~'>~:~":'" . ';';"'>~ , ",' Hr', , Siebenthaler, mades motion to adjourn the meeting at 11 :15 PM, seconded by Mrs. Lundeen, ;~;:>",::,' 'carried unanimously. k,,:", ...u.... D1~cu8sion ensued regarding ,.srapes were removed, It was of ,walkway to the beach, from the beach ends which now have sand spurs since suggested that there should be wood. brick or these street end accesses, tho sen Borne sort ~, . .... 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