08/05/1981 AGENDA ~._---' BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE ,,/ ,V" AUGUST 5, 1981 CITY HALL ANNEX. AT 9; 30 AM Call.to Order ." Approval of Minutes of June 3, 1981 .~ f: . ~o\'.', 0.. .~~'!:. ;::. c. i~\.:>( ..,:,,,,', ,c' r~:~;{~ ( .~c . '. . OLD BUSINESS 1. Response to. the letters sent to the four 'Residential Landscape Beautification Program,participants. 2. Status of plantings on west end of Courtney Campbell Causeway. ' > : 3.Presentat10n of new members present. if any. NEW BUSINESS , , <l: .~ ' 1." 'Report on development progress on park in Countryside . area ,Tract 20.,' , 'I' ": ::~ " 2." 'Report on developments of Bayfront Park plan - Ream, Wilson ,\ 3.' Election of Committee Chairman .~ ,c .' Three letters from City Manager to be read. , " .'. .' . ~ .~. .\ ' ;',"'; , "':': " " ' . . ,~ , '\' >." ", ;~~~rt::i ::~( '>: .- "I i', '~",'" ' ~~J'f:: "4 f.l\ l~ "I', ;. !t.~'.....,.. I',' <: ~:: , L' ~ '[, ~. ~: ~ ::.'. ~. ~,: ' .,: . .-l: " " " , ...'~ :~ .. . ' r<.. ~c~ .' t:f:..' .~t ~ . "', '. ~;~:; ,',,' . ..~ .' '.' 'is'. {l:: T rh'i.,' . ~.: ,. ~h" ." ~;i' ~.::~, '. . If;"''c ..', I::: ' .. c.'t.di .~;,.~ CITY OF CLEARWATER BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE MINUTES August 5, 1981 The Beautification Committee held their regular monthly meeting in the Parks and Recreation offices at the City Hall Annex, 10 South Missouri Avenue, on August 5, 1981. Members present were Mr. D. C. Snoyenbos, Chairman, Mr. Frank Krome, Mrs. Connie Lundeen, Mrs. Billie Clark and Mrs. Custer. Those members excused were Mr. Bill Sapp. Mr. Jack Siebentha1er, Mrs. Ruth Hieneman and Dr. David Berry. Also absent was Mrs. Canan. Also attending were Mr. Ream Wilson and Mr. Sam Casella of the Downtown Development Board. Mrs. Lundeen, Acting Chairman, called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM. Mr. Sam Casella of the Downtown Development Board spoke to the Committee on the hotel proposed for downtown Clearwater. Since he had a previous commitment for a meeting in Tampa at 10:30 AM, the Committee agreed to have him make his presentation before any other order of business. Mr. Casella showed drawings of the proposed hotel which is planned for the parking lot directly west of Maas Brothers and said it will have no effect on Coachman Park. The oak trees would not be removed or damaged but there is a need for a one level parking deck to be built over the lower level parking lot. approx- imately 10 feet in elevation. This will not interfere with the view from Osceola. The planned hotel will be seven stories, about 74 feet in height as compared to the Maas Brothers'building which is about 60 feet in height. It will not be as wide as the Maas building. Mr. Casella noted that the arcbitect's renderings of the hotel dis- played an overall appearance of a residential building with wood trtm and awnings. A lower profile will be seen from Cleveland Street as this side of the hotel will have only a three and four story height. There will be small shops with windows on Cleveland Street but actual entrances to the stores will be from the inside lobby of the hotel. 'The hotel is planned to be 95 feet from the center line of Drew Street with the entrance to the hotel accomplished by making a right hand turn off of Cleveland as there will be no left turn into'the hotel~ The present left turn into Maas Brothers from Cleveland ,Street will be eliminated. The hotel will have 210 rooms, all suites, consisting of a bedroom. living room, bath and kitchenette. There will also be a meeting room for 200 people, a restaurant, pool and retail stores, all on the street level. A total of 150 workers will be there altogether but only 35 at a time as they will work in staggered shifts. The total tmpact of the hotel will be about $500,000. The suites 'will rent for about $57. per day. i I I , j I Mr. Wilson said that the Parks & Recreation Board had their meeting wherein the hotel proposal was discussed but no official position was taken. Mr. Wilson said he under- Htood the Committee's concern for people being able to park downtown but noted that the land is owned by Maas and the City has no control over it. The City's portion, that , was dedicated by resolution as a park, will remain a parking lot with a level over it. The original intention may have been to use the property as a park when it was purchased from the Coachman family, but so far no restrictions have been found in the deeds that would ,restrict it from being used for a purpose other than a park. Mrs. Lundeen read.a letter, which was printed in the newspaper. by Mr. Jack Siebenthaler wherein he expressed his approval of the proposed hotel. Mr&, Lundeen asked the Com- mittee if they felt they should take an official stand on this proposal. Discussion ensued and Mr. 'Snoyenbos and Mrs. Lundeen felt that they wanted to hold. It was suggested that as many as can. should attend the City Commission meeting tomorrow night where the hotel proposal will be discussed publicly." Mrs. Clark stated that she personally is against it. '\\ "', -1- ,. ~~.. ',' 'I: ... !' r <:~ , , {-', t, I; " 1 i . .,", ;, " '.' , , ~. \ . . -;-, . ,,~"'7'. ",:, <D :,;, . ~ . . . 'i: : },' . '. ~ . .:' < , ' " . ,'c. ,', \'" ,},~ " . ' ;:'.~ ~ '1.. .( ~.' . ~. { c~'. . . '" ': a ~.~i. : . ~\':~' , :F:,.," ,(.:. :' , j::.::c....f h' ~~ \ , : i I ~ . .., ., '..' R\:. i~{~r:, . .~. .' , ,,'" . 'c' ') ~~ ~ ",' . ,7it:' ::' ~,~, (:In ~i't.' : l \.. ,~:.,,:',~ ' :;}f{ .. ".. ,I,'. < '. Mrs. Lundeen said that the Committee would now go on with the rest of the meeting. Mr, Krame made a motion to accept the Minutes of the June 3, 1981 meeting as submitted. seconded by Mrs. Clark, carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS Regarding the response to the letters sent to the four Residential Landscape Beauti- fication Program participants, Bill Voght was not at the meeting 90 Mr. Wilson said a report would be ready next meeting. On the status of plantings on west end of Courtney Campbell Causeway. Mr. Wilson said that it looks as though the department may have enough funds to buy the Sabol Palms out of this yearts budget. However. he said he wanted to wait until September to be sure. The orea to be planted is in the City limits but owned by the State. There were no new members at this time to be presented to the Committee. 'CORRESPONDENCE Mrs. Lundeen read three letters from Mr. Shoemaker, City Manager. to the Committee regarding the proposed hotel below Maas Brothers, the abandoned bridge end along the Memorial Causeway and the west end site of Courtney Campbell Causeway. Mrs. Custer asked about the old bait house. Mr. Wilson said the proposed pier, cruise boat and bait stand will replace it. Mrs. Lundeen asked about the toll gate on Sand Key and Mr. Wilson said that he will get information and drawings on the Sand Key Toll Booths for the Committee. NEW BUSINESS ,Countryside Tract 20 - The first phase of this 20 acre park is being completed. It consists of a ball field, a basketball court, which is presently out on bid. and playground apparatus which, hopefully, will be installed next month. There will he a temporary road coming in by Misty Springs Subdivision. This park also contains a manmade lake consisting'of about 5 or 6 acres. The Committee expressed a desire for there to be an official park opening. Bandshell - Mr. Wilson has suggested constructing a bandshell in Coachman Park as he feels it will be well used. He showed the Committee a drawing of the bandshell adding that he recommends no permanent seating due to space limitations and to maintenance. Mr. Wilson also said that one of the tennis courts. opposite Maas Brothers parking lot, may be eliminated enabling the City to landscape and beautify this site closest to the street. Mrs. Lundeen then asked if Civic Clubs could raise funds to build the bandshell and the proposed racquet ball court near the tennis courts since it has been taken out of the budget for this year. Several members thought this to be a good idea. Mrs. Custer made a motion to recommend approval of the site plan concept, "Clearwater Harbor Park Interim Improvement Plan", for the Bayfront Park including the bandshel1, seconded by Mr. Snoyenbos, carried unanimously. Mrs. Custer also made a motion that the City consider taking appropriate action to set aside the former Norman Bie property as park, seconded by Mr. Krame, carried unanimou,sly. -2- .~~<",: ....~. . , ~{ ," ti~> g,:': r." , rFf,'::. ' ~,':" 'f,," 1\}:~'" ~""'" ""'''' LJ, \V' ~>. ,',: , 11': .. '/'.\' ' ~ ~.:. '. ~'1:' .,... " L. . :;.:~, :' L r" ,~~.' . 1: < :;,t," l~." I " (:\:'~.." . f';.> , ;0-' - r' .I " ~ . ~, . t : :.: UiSCUBsion ensued regarding a sculpture, covering a 35 foot area and almost 35 feet wide at the baBe. ~hich, is being doh~tcd to the City~ M~St Custer made a motion whereby the Committee recommends that the sculpture be placed on the fo~er No~an Blc'p~operty, seconded by Mrs. Clark, carried unanimously. ,\ ' , When tbe election of the Committee Chairman was mentioned, Mr. Snoyenbos excused himself 80 ,the Committee could nominate one of the members. Mrs. Custer made a motion to reelect Mr. SnoyenboB to another term as Chairman of the Beautification Committee, seconded by Mr. Krame, carried unanimously. 'Mr. Wllaon'went out and asked Mr. SnoyenboB to step back in to the meeting room, and Mrs. ,Lundeen told Mr. Snoyenbos that the Committee had unanimously agreed that he should lead the members for another year whereupon Mr. Snoyenbos accepted with thanks. Mrs. Custer made a,nlotion to adjourn the meeting at 11:10 AM, seconded by Mr. Krame, , carried unanimously. <'. . , , c. ,"I" : , '5 I" . I p. . . . ,I" :., ",' , , \ ....' . " .\ . ". >.... " . ~ .' ; , , . ~ . . , ,. I '\ I ' " ' '\ , '.' ," . I: ': 'I' " " " , ' "I. . c '\ '\ , .,~." ,: _.[' c . "~ . . . . . I.': .\ , , .~ I (, '\. I , , '\' ~3-. C" C ," . ~. ' '. '")'. ,'.- " : .. . { . :~ ,;, .j. .\ " , ", ," " .' , , , ..' " .'c~l